BOTW is basically MGSV 2.0

BOTW is basically MGSV 2.0

Praised by the critics loved by normalfags, but underwhelming to actual fans of the series.

Zelda is actually a decent game, solid 7/10


>muh user score

>but underwhelming to actual fans of the series

>muh rival fanbabbies out to get me

>b-but Sony

Happens with every exclusive game.

The good games manage to stay above 8.0

MGSV is excellent. I was pissing on it before I played it. Thought it was going to be as shitty as PW.

Turns out it was excellent. Don't know about Zelda and I don't really care. I prefer 2D Zelda.

2 can play

8/10 "Underwhelming"

why are sonyp0nies so embarassing? They have the console with more games, why don't they just shut up?

I fucking hate the switch and it's launch, but even I'll admit you all are fucking idiots

Yea they both fucking do it. So why are we concerned with either score? One is paid the other is fanboyed.

t. false flagging nintenigger

You do realize that you just made their point that the user scores are useless even more accurate?

Yep,you read that right. I'm a fully grown man, 38 years old, husband and father to the most awesome autistic son in the world. A few years ago, my son was diagnosed with sensory processing disorder, and more importantly, he fell on the autism spectrum.
To be completely honest, I felt a piece of my heart break that day. The visions of the homeruns, touchdowns, buzzer beating three pointers vanished from my hopes and dreams for him. My ignorance at the time made me think, he's damaged for life.
It all started with a Nintendo 3ds.
My son immediately took a liking to video games. He has a memory like no one I've ever seen. He knows where the coins are, special items, he even knows the pattern of the item blocks in Mario kart and has perfected his speed to always get a figure 8.
When we found out about the switch, it was a no brainer. We had to have one. Disappointment grew once we found out Mario Odyssey wasn't going to be released on launch day. That's our go to when playing video games, Mario anything.
As I set up the switch and tried to recall Zelda from my childhood, he didn't seem interested. Now he's absolutely hooked!
The way he can determine what weapon to use at what moment, making complex decisions of what food to eat versus what to sell for rupees, amazes me.
Nintendo gave me a piece of my childhood back the past weekend and I'll forever be greatful. My son doesn't show emotion, or really say much. This morning when I dropped him off at school he looked at me and said, "I wish we didn't have school today Dad". When I asked him why, he responded with "I'd rather just stay home and we can play Zelda all day".
I almost scooped him up and carried him right back home. I'm not the best man in the world, probably not even close to the best dad. But I did one thing right, I passed on the Nintendo fever to the next generation. We're forever hooked, and with this new found common ground, I'm willing to bet this is just the beginning!

>but they're really out to get me!

poor you

t. retard who doesn't know how statistics work

Outliers balance out, you nigger.

How come you believe in user metascore which you can rate without playing

Because what's happening with the switch right now happened to the PS4. The only games it had on launch was boring knack, some killzone shit, and cawwaduty and madden

Every Zelda game is underwhelming because of the hype surrounding it so people pretend not to like it or be disappointed until the new Zelda, then they praise the previous one
Every fucking time, without failure
Remember calling wind waker,
Because of the graphics?
Then bitching about twilight princess and praising wind waker?

10/10. Would have feels again.

In theory yes, but in practice it's never going to happen because the amount of data points is never going to be balanced. It's pretty much just contest which side has more autistic idiots spamming either 10 or 0 reviews.

Just wanted to tell you that, you are a great father.
Hope the best for your son

Vocal butthurt poorfags and sony fans from Sup Forums =/= actual fans of the series

My brother and I both fall on the autism spectrum. Him more so than myself. But he and I have always had a deeply rooted passion for video games. You are an excellent dad and your son is lucky to have parents who understand. My brother and I grew up with a dad who we always felt resented our passion for gaming over sporting or other things. I still feel bad for my brother to this day because, where I can at least pretend to socialize because I know it's what people expect of you, he isn't really able to do that and prefers staying in his room exploring and enjoying the worlds in his video games. Yet whenever he goes back into his room after attempting to socialize, everyone always teases him and talks about how he's a hermit. A lot of people just don't understand how much we dislike socializing and how introverted our personalities are and how much joy and excitement we get out of the virtual worlds in our games. I know it sounds lame to some, but I will always and forever be a video gamer. Thanks for appreciating your son and allowing him to flourish in his passion for games.

I have two autistic nephews who both have enjoyed the Switch. My younger one is very non verbal and barely says any words but he is now in an echo mimick stage. He loves Snipper Clips and cant stop playing. It gets us talking to each other and he follows my directions. Plus the fun colors and characters. And 1 2 Switch is easy for them to play too. Glad to hear the Switch has brought some happiness for you all.

I've owned every LoZ except SS and ST and BotW doesn't even look like a Zelda game

Wow. Great post. Few are lucky to have a father like you.

Quick story...

I'm a high school Communications Technology teacher who runs a gaming club.
Every year we run a tournament. This year we are doing a Smash Wii U tourney...Had 60 students sign up...All kids who would never try to make a sports team.
But when they get to play in the Smash finals on a massive screen in front of the entire school at lunch...That's their Super Bowl moment. With football player and basketball stars cheering on these students they wouldn't even look at twice in the halls it's a pretty cool feeling.
Remember to keep pushing your child to do the things that they love. I see students who take my class who suffer in a lot of aspects of education, but if they just sit down in front of a computer and I give them time to learn how to make a game...They are in their element and they produce some amazing things.

I'm a fan of the series and BotW is my favorite.

Why would anyone take user scores seriously when you don't even have to prove you have played the game? There are extremely petty people in each fanbase that will rate great games with a 0.

Your son is extremely intelligent, he just shows it in a different way. Thanks for sharing your story! We were in line for the walk-in's Thursday night and we had an autistic 17 yo that was really awesome to wait in line with. Made it all that much more fun to wait for the full 7 hours!
Keep doing great things Dad!

Jesus dude, onions!

Why is there so many onions in this thread. I might have to buy a switch now

Sup Forums loves this kind of shit just for the sake of shitposting, the problem is they actually take it as a fact and make their opinios based on it, pretty sad actually

Sony niggers have so little amount of games to play that they shitpost about the switch and Zelda all day.

BotW is finished

Good. It's fans that brought us WW, TP, and SS. Fuck the fans.

>Be all gaming systems master race.
>Think Breath of the Wild is one of the most amazing games to date.
>Listening to Sonybros who only admire one console bitch about it.

Why cant fanboy fucks go away, so many great games exist on so many different platforms, its amazing when one comes along that is just a splendor to enjoy.

I always find it awkward when people say austistic. Say person with autism. It gives more power to the person. Autistic nephews vs nephews with autism makes a powerful difference. The higher functioning kids I work with (I work with special needs kids) have acknowledged this as well.
On a more related note, one of my higher functioning kids asked if I could bring my Switch with me tomorrow, so I'll be doing that and we'll be playing some BotW in between work. Excited!

EDIT: Giving me no (you)s for saying something I've learned directly from years of experience working with children and young adults with autism. Stay classy, Sup Forums.

So awesome. Time to grab the tissues.

Its like you don't know statistics yourself. An equal amount of 10s and 0s will balance out to a 5 which is a shit score, they won't just annihilate each other. If you then get one more 10 review, you will get a very close number to 5, not a 10.

are you autistic? fuck off

You just gave me goosebumps at the cafe. I better go to work now...

Don't ever insult Zelda here again.

This is what you get for having a kid later in life. Let this be a lesson to you all.

Who are you replying to?

>muh sony
>muh console wars

I love how the game is so good that people need to find to shitpost about it.

I love this board

>Praised by the critics loved by normalfags, but underwhelming to actual fans of the series.

Nope, that's just your headcanon. I've been a fan since 2000 and I loved MGSV.

>underwhelming to actual fans
Lol, nah. The low score on metacritic is by buttmad sonyfags. Actual fans love the game.

I don't.


Not sure that's something worthy of gratulations. It's been very disappointing so far.

The gameplay isn't my cup of tea. If you like it then whatever, that's cool, it seems like they did that style of game well if that's your deal.

However, the ending is fucking awful. It's the worst final boss/story ending since Majora's Mask.

>I've been very disappointing so far.

Well reflection is the first step to improvement, good on you user.

No one plays Zelda for the story, ever.

Why are these posts not an immediate ban?

MM final boss is fine without the Fierce Deity mask

It's not fine with anything, it's a bad uninteresting fight. It's cool with the Fierce Deity mask because Fierce Deity Link is cool, but that fight is trash.

I'm not sure what you're trying to do/say here. Is that another "leepikXD" shitpost because I dare to not like the game?

MGSV wouldn't have gotten a 10 if BotW came out first

Why is autism so frowned upon in this site?