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Video Games #3697
Video Games
Post hidden gems for the GBA
What video games let me have a wolf companion?
This is RPG Codex's GOTY list for the past 2 years
Games with the comfiest soundtracks
Why the shield failed horribly while the switch gets sold out despite all the hardware fail and low quality components?
I've got a problem. I start a lot of games and never finish them, help me choose what to finish first
Shadow of war
Sup Forums I'm depressed as fuck, offer a suggestion in pc or emu vidya to lift my spirits please
Is Fallout a liberal series
You're at the soldier's ball, when this qt3.14 comes up to you and asks you to dance
What do you want to see in Resident Evil 8?
Shillpill me on some indie games coming out this year. What are you guys looking forward to?
Nintendo selling gimmicks for a high price
Thinking about picking up pic related. Looks like the best game in the series to date since the Part one HD Remaster...
What was the last HARD game to come out?
Claim your video game wife
"no music makes the game have atmosphere!"
Why did the PSP/PSP Vita never take off?
Diablo 3 Season 10 soon
Sup Forums complains Aloy in Horizon Zero Dawn is "too masculine" despite being one of the most realistic portrayals of...
What the fuck is this? first horizon zero dawn and now this, have cdpr become full blown sjw at this point?
Is Final Fantasy VII still worth playing nowadays?
So now that the dust has settled, can we all agree that Hollow Knight is one of the greatest video games of all time?
Why do antagonists never kill you when they have the chance?
Wait, wait, what?
What games let me lie to and backstab my own teammates?
Kingdom Hearts 2.5 60fps
Good Open World Games
Left or Right?
So what's the Sup Forumserdict?
"give legend of Zelda a 9.8/10"
Today is international women's day
I´m in the reactor level, and holy shit I can´t believe I didn´t play this masterpiece before. You were right...
How do we fix tf2?
The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild is so good it actually made me tear up, and I'm not an emotional kind of guy
Just beat FF2. Here's my power rankings for the FFs I've played
Who would win in a fight? The good hunter or William Adams?
TES VI: Hammerfell, we're getting this aren't we?
What have I done
4,7 million view 2 hours ago
Headset broke, i'll talk to you guys in a few weeks
Game has deep moral choices
Start podcast up
Looking for an mmo where I can make some friends and involves some teamwork like old school ffxi...
Tales of Berseria and others
25$ steam gift card or btc for help with xbox one controller and steam
Breath of the wild thread
What games are you playing right now, Sup Forums?
Best tracer skin
How can Xbros even cope with the drought of games so far?
Why haven't we seen pictures of autists playing their Switch in public yet Sup Forums?
ITT: Vidya characters that remind you of yourself
You remember those Call of duty 4 maps that were included in the game?
Switch can't even run Dragon Quest Heroes at 30fps
Damn...skyrim looks like THAT?!
Get tricked into studying video game dev at college
What are some of the best ship games out there?
Can you tell me what is the common Sup Forums user ? Sometimes it's hard to understand us
Torment: Tides of Numenara
Anyone remember when Zelda games were good?
Does it really matter?
Gamer cringe thread
Is a good 5.1 audio system more important than graphics Sup Forums?
Ice Pick Lodge requests a minute of your time :
Ubishit fucked up again
NieR/DoD Thread
Sen no Kiseki/Trails of Cold Steel III
What PS2 games are most recommend?
Wtf I hate the Thing now
Why are Russians so aggressive and poor-mannered in online vidya?
Sup Forums, say hi to the nintendo switch's internal storage chip, the THGBMHG8C2LBAIL:
*holds R1*
American nationals in vidya
Would you play as Byron, Abigail, Satsuki, or (Not) Soki?
Tfw Amazon just raised my credit limit to 800 bucks
I'm super depressed, maybe giving things away will help, have a steam code
There will never be a GTA style Zootopia game
How about neither
This came out last week
7.5 user score
Which one do you pick?
Is it possible to sit down and play video games after you have kids
Why didn't you save his smile?
Japanese developer: Let's make an open world that's aethestically coherent with dyanmic weather that actually affects...
This guy never got the respect he deserved
ITT: Objectively best girl in their respective game
Is this worth trudging through? I'm still at the beginning area, but the combat and movement isn't very good...
Brain thread
Besides The Witcher series and Geralt, what are some other games where I can play a Mary Sue?
Get gf
Is this the video game of the decade?
HZD:Comfy edition
Thoughts on Mass Effect Andromeda?
New info on the Ringed City
I wish he was literally dead
What's your favorite pokemon?
There is anything in the world that gives you more pleasure than video games?
Redpill me on Shepard's history and psych profile
Any Fire Pro niggas here? Who /hype/?
Why did For Honor die so fast?
Is this right?
So now that the dust has settled, why did VR did not take off in a large fashion?
Are the Atelier games any good? I was looking at the new one that just came out and wanted to get some feedback
Breath of the Wild thread
Thoughts on this?
Is it gonna flop?
Would you let her assist you?
Nu male's Sky UPDATE
This is the hero of time
Rly made me think
Why the fuck is this game so hard?
Touch screen
First level of sequel is the last level of the first game
How exactly do mages get caught by Radovid's witch hunters...
What am I in for?
ITT: Best Sup Forums posts
Why rogue classes exist?
Now that the dust has settled
Why do you hate sports games, Sup Forums?
Why do women pretend to like Vidya?
You ever played video games with your mom
ITT: Hidden gems only you played
Starting a new, New Vegas game. Trips decides my playstyle
Player types "suh" in chat
Game has a shit story
What are some games with very good lore?
Any good free mobile games that I can install right now?
Switch owners, is it worth it? Should I wait for a second edition?
Do you still play Team Fortress 2?
So you can tell which consoles are doing well by the opposite of what Sup Forums says, right...
First half is a worse version of Super Metroid
AHAHA, we are about to see biggest flop of 2017!
Do you think they'll release Dragon's Crown on PS4? Should they make a sequel with more characters?
Hella giveaways in here
Breath of the Wild thread
Character from the fantasy japan
Go to Google Image Search
Got TW:W on the humbly bumbly
Why do Japanese games have such horrible names?
"user, what do you think of my new haircut? It's very 2017 dontcha think?''
How do we revive run and gun genre?
Where did they get the English voice actors from? They're really really good and should be the standard for JRPGs
Cemu makes 10 times this amount
It's International Current Year Gender Day, how is Sup Forums celebrating it?
Final boss spoilers
Redpill me on some alien ass
"user we have to talk about your anti-progressive views"
I need something casual that I can just jump in and play when i don't have much time(on ps4)
Why the fuck does nintendo need to be a massive hipster and put the buttons backwards?
The Bible has some of the craziest lore in human history
What's the appeal behind bullet hell games? or am i just too casual to grasp the secret marvel?
First 10 hours: I'm overwhelmed, controls too complicated, weapons breaking, I feel weak. I hate it
Why don't more games have reptile characters?
Whats the edgiest game you can think of?
Why the fuck do people on this board shill for Majora's mask so hard? MM is easily the worst 3d zelda...
*toilet flushes*
Tfw Nintendo switch will kill the handheld line
Does stuff like THIS really happen on Japanese subways or trains ?????????
Why did Nioh flop?
We all know the general issues Phantom Pain has with it's gameplay and story, emptyness etc...
Wojack killed Sup Forums
Why are japanese games full of white people?
Revived from vidya burnout?
Ctrl to jump
When do I start having fun?
You DID marry best sister, right Sup Forums?
If you don't like BoTW you never liked Zelda
Where were you when Japanese games got good again?
Season of the Switch
Is this the closest we're ever going to get to a
Why the hell aren't you playing Blackwake?
Horizon Zero Dawn and Breath of the Wild
Do you think we will ever get a Pac-Man Vs. sequel?
Screen is made out of fucking plastic
Is there such a thing as video game parody game?
Downloaded this a day ago
Hey guys, I am a gamer too! :^)
Breath of the Wild thread
Breath of The Wild thread
Why is this still undeniably the greatest game of all time?
Never forget
Why are there no good video game Dragon's?
Is it possible to have a fantasy setting that is not Tolkien esque?
Sup Forumsidya Draw Thread
3x3 thread
Actually hard JRPGs
Nintendo is finished
What's the best fps ever made?
Where were you when MGO2 was revived?
Spider-Man, Days Gone, God of War, Last of Us II, Yakuza 6, Wipeout Omega
One of these threads
ITT Smash 5 Newcomers
Everyone shits on this gameworld for being generic. How would you have designed it?
You will never, ever know what it feels like to get a good version of this game
Walk through video
ITT: 10/10 character designs
Did I miss something or are people becoming literally retarded now?
Console gamers
Hey Faggots
Why is literally EVERY single new Sonic game about going "back to basics?"
Am I selling? Yeah. Am I selling to you? No. Sorry to hurt your feelings, but you're small time. New Vegas Thread
Street fighter V
Damn emulation looks like that!?
This is the future
Just checked it out, is it fucking something?
$8000 a month
Link is for ___
Don't mind me, just delivering this bottle to page 10
People still think the Switch won't replace the 3DS
Rate my ranking of the Zelda games
Yo buddy, Still alive?
Switch Diss Thread
X is badly damaged
Nintendo Switch
Did you guys ever use sigs?
Dante in Umvc3 is mechanically the best fighting game character in a fighting game...
Half the playerbase is gone since release week
E3 2017
Which is better for gaming?
Dead or Alive
Why do people dislike this game now?
In 1985, artist Akira Yasuda (Akiman) showed up to a Capcom job interview dressed in pajamas and a tie...
Which do you prefer in vidya?
It's time to discuss the best RPG ever made
What video game character could possibly defeat such a villain and not harm a single baby?
Anthony Burch does it again!
Character is literally invincible
"Pass the controller bro"
The entire game takes place in one night
I just realized FUCKING GAMESPOT forum is better than Sup Forums
ITT Most unlikable game protagonists
Post cute vidya characters who must not be sexualized
Breath of the Wild thread
What is it that you, personally, look for in a video game
What Sup Forums think of this
Tomorrow I'm getting a PS4
This is Garrus Vakarian. Say something nice to him!
Ok, Sup Forums listen up
Your 2017 game of the year
Open MSPaint
Can Sup Forums still be fixed?
Anyone buy/play this? If so how is it
In what way have the video game "SJW"s personally affected you ?
So now that the dust has settled and this was considered shit by Sup Forums, how would you improve the next Zelda?
"no music makes the game have atmosphere!"
Why do devs hate PC? porting their games here would make them a bank!
Atelier Firis
Switch is shit
Revolver Ocelot
Is this the greatest female character design in video game history?
I don't get it. What the fuck just happened?
Honestly, what were they thinking when they made this thing
Games you want remastered
Would you recommend Ghost Recon Wildlands?
Would a hypothetical TF3 topple Overwatch if it were released this year?
Breath of the Wild thread
Anyone buying the Switch later down the line? I will when they fix the problems or make a revision...
Will this game make me a hit with cuties at social gatherings?
How did this happen?
This is what a AAA title looks like in 2017
Now that we're allowed to talk about GOTY 2011, let's do it
This looks fun
Just bought this for $3
Sup Sup Forums
What went wrong?
Nu-Male Krogan
Tales of Berseria
I hate these overrated reviews
Lego Worlds
Don't mind me, just reviving the Vidya PTSD thread
Plague Knight is still best Knight, though they fleshed Specter out pretty well
Admit it, this was one of the most significant video games of the 00's-10's
Getting an open world action game by Platinum, built specifically for top of the line PCs
ITT: post god tier vidya MC's
Why didn't he do a BotW commercial, Sup Forums?
Is horizon as boring as it looks?
New Quake thread to discuss Quake Champions
NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080 x2 SLI vs regular PS4
ITT: Overhyped garbage Sup Forums actually fell for
Who else burnt out/jaded as fuck here?
This is Nintendo Switch eshop
Does Rockstar have the balls to make it?
Ok, now I'm confused
U jelly poorfags
Fire Emblem Heroes
Breath of the Wild thread
What made the Oblivion gates so very unenjoyable to go through? For some reason...
Can we talk about the fact that this is the most underrated RPG?
Set enemy human on fire
What does Sup Forums think of this game?
Risk of rain: worms keep threads alive
I have literally never played a monster hunter game before, now that i've got a 3ds which one should i start with?
Sup Forums plays fire emblem 8
For a jRPG this game sure is western as fuck
How did we go from this
Its finally trending and at 3.7million views
Are you hyped?
Will anything ever top the PS2?
NieR/DoD/Drakengard thread Ver 1.1
It's not that good
What non adult game has the sexiest enemies?
Playing pic related for the first time. Is there anything I should know to not fuck up my first playthrough?
Are there any pc games worth buying anymore...
The PS2, Gamecube, Xbox era was the best era in all of gaming, and will never be topped
Post >yfw you didn't fall for the Switch meme
Welcome to team-based VIDEO GAMES Jeopardy! Today is round 2 of Slimes vs Skeletons
What went wrong?
Ive been saying this for years, the ONLY reason the Wii U did not sell was because it had no fucking IP launch titles...
Sup Forums is not talking about this ultra-SJW garbage because it's made by EA
What does Sup Forums think of Jack O from guilty gear?
Developer puts memes in their game
What's so good about it?
You will NEVER, in this cycle or the next, be with her
ITT: Perfect videogame characters
We are the holy trinity of gaming. None shall dispute our reign over the medium. Now and forever...
Despite what you currently think of it, what would you have done to make it better for you?
What's a better balancing philosophy?
Is pic related the best price-performance gamepad for pc?
ITT: Odd Peripherals
With everyone hyping over Breath of the Wild...
120+ year old in the body of a 6 year old
Looks like we aren't getting a wario ware: shove it up yo ass game after all
Where were you when Riot committed suicide?
Halo 3 Nostalgia Thread
Leave 2017 to us
Sonic Mania is going to fail
This guy walks into your house and farts gas into your Simpsons Pillow
Breath of the Wild thread
Actual Horizon: Zero Dawn thread?
Did I do good Sup Forums?
Hey Sup Forums Is this worth getting a PS3?
Mass Effect: Andromeda
Thoughts on DSP?
How do people say this is a good creepypasta with amazing writing? It's godawful
Wildstar bred
Just got my first paycheck at my new job
Post cute vidya characters
ITT: the funniest vidya joke you ever heard
I just bought a PS2. What games should I get?
Daily reminder if you use
Go to film school
My switch is bugging out
Breath of the Wild thread. Wii U peasants not welcome
Have they ever explained who's still making all these bullshit puzzles in Resident Evil?
How many here actually bought a Switch?
Say it with me and commit it to memory
Are Blue Mages worth using in any game?
When will this meme die?
Your appointment to FEMA should be finalized within the week—I have already discussed the matter with the senator
This is what the average Nintendo loyalist looks like
Death Stranding
You have to speedrun a game near perfectly at GDQ next year or face public embarrassment via cringe memes...
Why the FUCK did this faggot get a buff? He's already so god damn strong
Why does this wad trigger people around here so much
ITT: THAT part
/ctt/ - Console-tan Tuesday
Is nobody playing this right now?
ITT: "Remakes" that completely missed the point of the original and unnecessarily butchered them
Is Vanquish the only CUHRAZY shooter...
There are people on this board who fell for the Horizon is SJW meme
Kojima likes Guerilla and HZD so much he is working with them to work on death stranding
Why aren't you deep frying chicken with an oil less Big Boss deep fryer?
How many times did you die before you realized you shouldn't have been fighting him
This game is fucking awesome. How is it not talked about more?
Tekken 7 confiremed no crossplay
Nintendo Switch will flop
There are people on this board right now that unironically think that Leon is better than Chris
There has never been a more overrated game
Comfy overwatch thread
Sup Forumsidya Drawthread
I need video game related images quick
Pre Rec Horizon
Story of Seasons
Am I a degenerate for liking Amy Rose?
Greatest GTA EVER
ITT: Post shit that actually happened and other anons guess what game it is
How the actual FUCK hasn't there been a game that scratches the same itch as this masterpiece in all these years?
So I've been playing the 'free' version of this awesome game and I've noticed it just went on sale today on Steam...
Breath of the Wild thread
Liberal white guilt: the company
The Elder Scrolls
What did they mean by this?
Nintendo Switch sales
Breath of the Wild
Looking back, will this be remembered as a placeholder console?
Guys, the PayDay 2 Thread, go get it!
$90 for a HDMI output
Redpill me on this game
Selling the same game over and over and over and over and over and over
Why don't games ever have good spritework anymore?
Am I the only one that really doesn't like the ending to this game?
The ps1/ps2 controller is perf-
How is pc gaming doing these days?
How did one guy working almost entirely by himself make a game 10 times better than anything the combined might of the...
Comfy Vidya
ITT: Most retarded plot twists
Is it gay if I want to marry Link?
Stop playing mystery visual novel games with dissapointing sequels
1 game
Disgusting. Why is this allowed? Worst 3D Zelda to date and you faggots still buy it
Do you ever feel socially outcasted when playing video games in public...
2Dark suddenly appeared on steam store, release date march 10
The money doesn't stop flowing. Wonder how much they'll bring in when BotW becomes relatively playable
Cinematic 20fps on Switch(tm)
Preorder game on steam expecting it to come out in a month or 2
It's time to discuss the best RPG ever made
Games you regret not playing sooner
Fire a machine gun for a few seconds
What are some good games about spying, hacking, and government mass surveillance?
Fire Emblem Heroes
Sounds like artificial difficulty
Why the fuck is Nintendo so cheap now?
What went wrong?
Soul of Cinder's first phase is mechanically the best boss in a soulsborne game...
Post games where childhood friend wins
Which will drop out of the gaming industry first?
Do you think Link was into her?
What JRPG antogonist had the most batshit-insane, convuluted, contrived and arbitrarily justified plan?
I think he awakened something in me Sup Forums
Name two (2) games you've played TODAY
Next Splinter Cell when?
Introduce helpess blind woman in japanese game
Is this the biggest jewry that Nintendo has ever done?
ITT: devs that should kill them selves
Nier A Tomato
Breath of the Wild has no music
What emulators should I get for my phone?
After almost 2 years
Wow, this is really good. I played Zero Mission first and it was okay at best, but this makes me really enjoy Metroid
Western devs can't design attractive wom-
After 55 hours with BotW, I can honestly say this is still king. Yes yes, well done ocarina
Sup Forums suddenly loves skyword sword now
What's the best Final Fantasy?
Shittiest Character Designs
Animal Crossing
Wtf I love closed-source emulation now!
For Honor
NieR/DoD/Drakengard thread
Back to basics mode
Implying the switch is meant to be a power user console
KoFXIV: DLC Edition
What are some good optimization tips for starting out
America sleeps in the Divide - giants, beneath the earth. You saw one locked in the Fallout Thread beneath you...
Why didn't you save her?
Are you enjoying your Switch, Sup Forums?
Why doesn't Japan make vidya PCs anymore? Like the FM TOWNS and X68000?
So how well has Half Life 2 aged in the 13 years since release
You...I've seen you
Why do they feel so similar?
Damn nigga they want 50€ for this?
Anyone else feel like it's the worst 3d Zelda?
What does Sup Forums think of Asuka 120%?
>this month
Switch dead within a week after launch
Just bought Undertale
Why does Nintendo feel like they have to resort to gimmicks on every console since the N64...
Jesus fucking christ
How do you go from this
Let's play a game
ITT : Games so piss easy you literally limit yourself to make it fun
Quick Sup Forums, use your vast video game knowledge to save the princess!
WTF is going on with Microsoft/Xbox
Remakes should be illegal. Such a waste of resources is criminal
ITT no bullshit just post fun games
I have $20 on Steam. What do I buy?
When will this game launch?
Why do you faggots like Poison?
This is RPGCodex's GOTY list for the past 2 years
Is skyrim worth it...
Twilight Princess had one of the best atmospheres out of all Zelda gamas
Game opens on a reflection on how death is unfair and how a personified god-figure that must be responsible for it...
Ana changes on PTR
What do they mean by THIS?
Zelda BoTW Amiibo Edition
He spent 400 dollars on a switch
I'm on the fence about buying this guys
This is just sad at this point
"The Switch version is almost identical to the PS3"
Nintendo Switch going back to the dark ages????
Why the fuck are you not playing?
Well well, what do we have here? A package for me? What could it be? Let's find out together Sup Forums
Wow.. This game really makes me think
You know, this game looks pretty fantastic
Horizon Zero Dawn
Tom Clancy Ghost Recon Wildlands
Smash 4:
I'm so fucking BORED
Breath of the wild WII U performance
Press F to pay your respects
New ass effect footage
LCD plebs will never understand the feeling of holding a plastic gun in a dingy arcade and mowing down an army of the...
Jingle jangle
Sell a game to anons based on three songs from it
Is this going to be good?
Hi Sup Forums I'm considering getting FFXV, Should I get it?
How can Sup Forums be fixed?
So with nier automata releasing to the west today I will post links that explain the lore of drakengard and nier and...
Why is Capcom holding amazing combat mechanics hostage in shitty games?
Why aren't shmups more popular in the West?
Dock redesign incoming
Recommend me some classes to play through the trilogy Sup Forums
Has Breath of the Wild usurped the king of open-world design?
What's up with all those black cats with red scarfs?
Why can't we all just get along?
Name one game with more exciting/satisfying boss fights
These PC graphics are insane
Anyone buying this overpriced plastic console?
Hideaki Itsuno will reveal his new game next month!
Only virgins and neckbeards play viideogames in publ-
Too many people have opinions on things they know nothing about. And the more ignorant they are...
ITT: images that best describe Sup Forums
Remember when you play Dark Souls for the first time?
Reviewers at IGN have been playing this since February
ITT: difficulty spikes
Why is she so god damn ugly literally avg game with an ugly main char
Sold out in Europe, "best Nintendo launch in history"
Are strong women making a comeback in modern gaming?
Is it bad that Lucina is both my favourite daughter and my favourite wife?
RP servers
Hollow Knight
Will it be the BOTW of the Mario franchise?
So a child mass murdering hero rides his dragon through another dimension to modern day tokyo...
ITT: You PTSD you lose
Tf2 and what can be done to fix it
You don't own your Steam games
How does one achieve victory against such an opponent?
Hero of the month buffs and nerfs
What is the worse Zelda console game?
Nintendo should seriously cut the price of the Switch
Lots of health and ammo by a door
Why are Sony games so unmemorable?
Nintendo switch carts
Why is nobody talking about this game? it's actually sad
Where were you when the Nintendo Switch was Nintendo's most successful system launch in history despite launching in...
Why did everyone say the final boss was a QTE?
BOTW is basically MGSV 2.0
Why are women such life sucking entities in life and gaming?
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...
Sup Forums
Television and Film
Video Games