ITT: Perfect videogame characters.
ITT: Perfect videogame characters
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What the fuck is that?
what in the fuck is that? LoL lore is beyond retarded
>Every LoL champ I loved is dead now
Thanks, Riot.
It's Galio.
How it's retarded? It's fantasy. And it is pretty cool.
That is Galio, a living statue that protects the denizens of Demacia.
galio isnt 400 feet tall.
like i said, LoL lore is beyond retarded
He got reworked.
I don't know how they managed to fuck up the gargoyle aesthetic, but they did. Congratulations, Riot, I managed to overestimate you again.
He is now.
The gargoyle aesthetic didn't match demacia desu senpai.
And now he is fun
You act like I give half a shit. They're fond of majorly fucking around with lore, so why not make him from the shadow isles or some shit if that would fit the gargoyle theme better?
>500ft tall
>ingame the same size as everyone else
His new abilities look lame, all league characters are becoming the same
How big is he going to be in the arena? If he isn't big as fuck like Tiny they missed a fucking opportunity
The gargoyle aesthetic wasn't popular, so they turned him into fantasy anime mecha style.
>the Washa animation of Ricegnat's Popstar Ahri picture
line skillshot that deals magic damage
line skillshot that deal magic damage
aoe taunt with magic damage
2 curved skillshots that meet in the center dealing aoe magic damage
aoe taunt with shield
dash + uppercut
fly across the map punching the ground on the landing knocking up enemies
sure bud
god fucking bless ricegnat. yeah that animation was bretty good
That thumb's up and thumb's down detail.
Platinum at it again.
Nami is still the GOAT
Him and PinkLadyMage are insta-faps.
That last fight was fucking rad, man.
>Now, Blunder Red, witness my true power!
Find me a better Slav in video games.
Go fuck yourself, you will drop him the moment he gets a nerf and the only good drastic change in the game was turning Karma from Queen Latifah into a 9/10 black chick who somehow has Elise's face.
She never lets me down.
She only has Elise's face in the Zeronis art because he draws all women with that face
>Eggman was trying to rid the world of furtrash all along
A king among men
but furries are good!!
>throw his taunt and shield into one skill
>give him a dash and Aatrox Q
truly revolutionary
Based Ricegnat always makes his girls look so amazingly soft even when they're getting fucking drilled.
Eggman is better.
do girls in real life get really hard when they're getting fucked?
Stupid sexy Galuf
>Ahri, Syndra and Jinx are some of the bestest girls in any game
I wish league wasn't a piece of shit game so I could play them and actually have fun
I wouldn't know...I was kinda just admiring how he draws them because in 3DPD they look all stiff and make terrible faces.
What the fuck delete this picture of me
He is just going to be slightly bigger than most champs even tho he is depicted being a real giant in the lore
pic related,another giant of league
No, that is one of the dumbest ass questions ever.
Should be new champ instead.
I main Galio and he basically get deleted. reworked Galio is nothing like the old one. literally nothing
>waah they didn't make him a literal copy of this thing i like
He's a Demacian gargoyle. It's a twist. It's not clever, but it's how most characters in LoL are.
how fast do you guys think it will take for the bara fags to make art of him
forget the barafags, what about those giant fetishes? Its basically already there, they just need to give him a dick crushing a building or something
Good Lord what happened to this company
are you implying riot was ever good?
are you?
>s t i l l no PP/heartseeker Ahri
i honestly don't even know, at this point
They started trying to be funny a while back I know but, just openly writing xD? I mean the the joke was that they were lazy and they knew it, that could've easily been accomplished without the cringe emoji
Oh god source me senpai. Please. I have to show the full pic to my girl. Love teasing her. You can even tell me your name and I'll say "user gave me this for you."
dont worry about it, ima trap, not really into grills
It's a whole comic. more pages on first result page. enjoy
did NOT mean to post without the link :^) lol
Yellow 4 is cute!
Reminder that this movie won best hair, makeup, and costume design.