>preorder game on steam expecting it to come out in a month or 2
>game is delayed until next fucking year
why is this bs allowed?
Preorder game on steam expecting it to come out in a month or 2
Other urls found in this thread:
>not wanting to get preorder benefits and extras
>Preorder game
Why haven't you killed your self yet?
thats a good question for you actually.
>they can't even release a Paper Mario rip off on time even after reusing assets from the last few one
Now that's funny.
it's allowed because you pre order the game anyway you fucking nit
>Didn't even try to defend pre ordering a game or having release date expectations
Even Matt and Trey said not to pre-order the thing in their first fucking trailer.
>Pre-ordering games
>Pre-ordering digital games
You deserve it.
>still caring about South Park
Depends on the game really. Yakuza 0 was sold out.
I liked the first game got it when it was cheap on steam sale but this sequel forces uplay so I don't think I'm going to get it.
Next financial year, dummy.
The Stick of Truth took 5 odd years to come out.
>preordering games
>preordering Ubisoft games
You deserve this and worse.
user...can you tell me next week's lottery numbers?
>preorder ubishit game
I hope a dog shits into your shoes tonight
Im half expecting the game to be shit out half finished then for Matt and Trey to make an episode dedicated to ripping Ubisoft
You know, I recently watched a few newer episodes and I still cannot believe that of all things, South Park became extremely SJW. The most insulting, ballsy, controversial, shameless show ever, became the most SJW garbage. How the fuck does that even happen?
>Yakuza 0 was sold out
>Digital game
>Sold out
What the fuck kind of Jewish Nip bullshit its this?
They actually "sold out" a downloadable game on PS4?
It only became "SJW garbage" because they started insulting your guy and you didn't like it.
I don't have a guy.
It isnt SJW, its still just muh neutral weed libertarians except there was absolutely no way to paint Trump as anything less than a retarded manchild
>ubisoft game
The new episodes are just bad because instead of single stories with little continuation, with rare 2/3 parters, it was legit a whole season with the same storyline. They did the same thing with PC Principal
>being this fucking degenerate
It's just gonna be junk that's poorly merged into the game and you won't even use past first levels, as always.
No he is right it has
Although I think it is less of a political motivation as it is more necessary in their minds to stay "hip" and "with it" on internet humor and culture because I do see small insignificant slights and gags that make me believe they themselves are NOT sjws
The last season wasnt too bad. The entire ad arc was shit but PC Principles first episode was god tier while the Yaoi and Ninja episodes were also pretty good.
This season literally didn't have a single good episode
You should've known this after the first one, it was delayed so much that they had to change the storyline multiple times.
Still hype for this when it comes out
No they aren't they make fun of everything.
It really hasn't. The right has just gotten so ridiculous that anyone trying to be sane comes off as liberal
I'd rather it gets delayed and have it turn out good like Stick of Truth. I'm willing to wait if it means they won't do a slap-dash job developing the game.
You are financing the real development of it
It's delayed because the guys behind SP didn't expect "drumpf" to win. So they probably had to rewrite the whole game.
It's a story taking the piss out of capeshit
Totally this. Hell a bunch of the so called people they call extreme liberal are just corp democrats that are closer to the way right wingers used to be. They pushed the scale too god damn right. Actual progressives are usually ignored.
So that's why we haven't really seen Timmy or Jimmy in ages and Token is now a main character?
You cant deny that the Comedy Central Bureau for Humor and other Socialist propaganda hasn't had an effect on their show, because it has
>Not wanting the complete, updated version
>Now wanting the special edition, at a discount
>Being a to total cuck and paying for a game that isn't even released and wading through a broken mess that needs to be patched.
>Being such an idiot, you think it's acceptable that developers release incomplete and broken games for pre-order "benefits" such as a cheaply made bust or a worthless coin.
You are the reason why there is a lack of quality in games.
Oh well, enjoy the toy.
Also, thank you for beta testing.
BTFO, how will preorder nigger ever recover?
It gets better. Rumor going around is that their whole script was made under the assumption that Hillary would win so they had to trash it.
>rooster in front of Russian flag.jpg
>preordering another shit southpark game
Have fun with a 5 hour story with no replay value
>I know you are but what am I
Are fucking 12 or something?
this is not the image i want to post but is what i have, let me find the one im thinking about
Butters warned you
Dont pre order games
They used to sit on the fence and mock both sides, now they are picking sides. Also some of their older stuff was not political, just kids getting into shenanigans, like the Tooth Fairy episode. Now everything is preacher.
>Token is now a main character
No he isnt, he was just in the group of boys protesting by taking their dicks out
Thanks for proving my point.
i cant find the image
>First game developed by Obsidian
>Second game developed by Ubisoft San Francisco
Its not even being made by Obsidian?
Fucking dropped
Didn't have much interest to begin with but that kills it
Obsidian fucking suck now
Rumors on Sup Forums are obvious excuses to shitpost. It isn't a rumor anywhere else. Now the actual past season? That was 100% rewritten
>Just Dance: Disney Party 2
>Rocksmith 2014
>Trivial Pursuit Live!
Ubisoft San Francisco is even worse
>preordering a South Park game
Oh the irony
And Ubishit San Communistco are better?
probably remaking the whole fighting system. looked like shit.
>you know the xbox is still better, right?
Sorry, meant the physical version.
>preordering a game for pc
just go back to consoles, you cuck.
Oh well shit
Who the fuck buys those anymore
I remember in the old south park, they used to say shit like "Cool! Killer! Weak! Lame!"
now they say shit like "that was epic!" or "thats so troll!"
Obsidian aren't know for their gameplay, but writing. And Trey and Matt are doing the writing.