First level of sequel is the last level of the first game

>first level of sequel is the last level of the first game

Other urls found in this thread:

Golden sun


>Last level of the sequel is the first level of the first game


Name 1 (one)

>last level of the game is the first level of the game

Assassin's Creed II/Brotherhood

I just know the reverse, in that Lufia 1 starts with Lufia 2's ending because Lufia 2 is a prequel.

>last level of the second game is unfinished so they reuse assets from the first level of the first game

lufia 2 sucks dick, no idea why people think it's a good rpg.

Senran Kagura 2: Deep Crimson

>villain's base in the final fight of the sequel is the hero's base from the final fight of the first game

Castlevania symphony of the night

>Protagonist of last game is an enemy in the new game

Its got some sick fucking music though

How can there be a new game after the last game?

Megaman Zero

you have a problem with symphony of the night?

Drakengard 2

they fucked up

Could have been Golden Sun too on this one

golden sun

Yakuza 4, sorta.


Pokemon GSC