why do women pretend to like Vidya?
Why do women pretend to like Vidya?
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Because sports guys are even worse than video game nerds.
>This is considered an impressive collection to buyfags
This is why I pirate.
all those games and she didnt finish a single one of them
Someone else is happy and they don't understand why so they try to pretend like it also makes them happy to fit in?
be it from betas giving them free shit, chad thinking "wow you are such a nerd" or companies throwing opportunities at them for diversities sake
Because thirsty betas and numales will shower then in praise and gifts just for existing.
Vidya? Its pretty much everything
So they have something else to moan about.
Because Vidya is a more lucrative medium than TV and movies.
>This is why I pirate.
No, you just cheapass faggot or neet making retarded excuses with no consistency whatsoever.
>check my shit
>570+ games on Steam
>120+ games on Vita
>40+ games on NoGamesStation 4
>80+ games on NoGamesStation 3
They receive money and attention
It's easy money. It's easier than prostitution and people send gifts.
Actually it's prostitution without happy ending. It's the way women found a way to survive in the modern society
To this day Anita has never finished her Kickstarter yet people still defend her
Even worse the few videos she put out were filled with inconsistencies that often made it clear that she never actually played the game herself
they couldnt find 1 single sports game to put in this list?
they added skate for fucks sake
I have more games than that for my portable consoles alone.
You know, I could buy a bunch of games and place them in a stack like too. But first I need white knight money.
>not alphabetised
>column of PS3 games sandwiched between 360 games
Some of these arent bad
Resonance of Fate
LA Noire
Dead Rising
Dark Souls
Dead Space
R & C
>not having the entirety of the sega genesis library on a hacked mobile console like a psp
somwehere around 900 games
Does she hide a tarantula body behind that stack of games?
>Shitposters will rule the world
What happend to her?
Havn't heard anything since gamergate shit
because there is money in it
I didn't count emulated games because at that point you're getting fucking retarded with 700+ NES, 500+ SNES, 500+ Genesis, etc games that didn't cost money and took no time to acquire and generally I don't even play.
I simply hate buyfags for supporting shitty game industry with a passion
>120 vita games
what are your favourites?
I likes gravity rush, shovel knight and woff
I would never ever play 80% of those games.
Some girls are legit gamers
Women are just natural born liars. Trannies too.
She started and got funding for a second crowd funded series about historical female figures, but occasionally throws out a TvW video when it's convenient.
>some girls are legit gamers
Stop using your degenerate white whores to generalize gamer girls.
Lots of Nippon gamer girls are fucking legit
Anita made a killing by pretending to play video games and scamming nu-males.
Why does pretend to like Vidya even when it is clear it does not?
We don't pretend
The random castlevania collectors edition makes me think she just went to gamestop and bought all those for this picture
Did Anita just get the most mentally ill people she could find to staff her made-up charity organization that doesn't do anything.
Crap I forgot to put Sup Forums in that post.
Superbeat Xonic, Muramasa/Dragon's Crown, Malicious Rebirth, Sayonara Umihara Kawase, Sketchcross, and the fuck ton of ports I got mostly. I must have gotten well over a thousand hours out of my Vita.
Every time I see this picture, I look for dupe games to prove she's a phony. I finally found them.
Crackdown is the second game from the bottom in both the leftmost and rightmost rows.
I feel as if a large weight has been lifted from my shoulders. I can finally sit straight again.
>Look at these sexy as fuck stacks of games! It makes me ashamed that I'm a leech on society and contribute nothing to the game industry. I only make things worse for the actual consumers that enjoy videogames. Yet I come on Sup Forums and complain like I have a right to say anything
Well said.
Actually, the left one is Crackdown and the other one is Crackdown 2.
I have a hidden desire to put these whores on labor camps
>Match starts
>Still sticking her nasty ass feet towards the camera and not paying attention
>Legit gamer
What's going on here? Is that girl on his side?
>breaks up with boyfriend
>suddenly loses all relevance
yeah we can see who the driving force was
The feet are what's making her money, so it makes no sense to skimp on them. Even without her dawdling at the start of the match, it should be obvious to you that that's what this is, not a legit streamer, just someone making money off fetishes.
How desperate and pathetic do you need to be to send these whores money and orbit their streams?
This annoys me also.
To get attention
She... she had a boyfriend?
I'll look them up, thanks
Same reason guys pretend to be pro-feminism.
They're morons
I still would like to see the people who pay, let alone masturbate to this shit.
I mean, I know there is people who cling to anything or anybody in their loneliness, but how much of a fucking faggot do you have to be to pay for a whore you don't even get to fuck?
Not really. most of them are alpha males that donate just for the insult.
Nothing pathetic for fixing degenerate whores.
So Sup Forums is full of morons?
whatever happened to bashur?
>fat activist
no need for words/reactions image
anyone else shit bricks at first glance that it was her on the 1 2 switch cover??
Yes. It's like a mentally ill Avengers.
no we are actually the sane ones which is sad
They're both irrelevant nobodies. The Tropes vs Women videos was just a right thing, right time sort of fluke.
>donate for the insult
Yeah sure faggot that´s clearly whats happening here.
Plenty of women like games, they just like different games, like the sims, or animal crossing, and Assassins creed 2. And thats fine.
The problem comes when studios try to cast their marketing net too wide, and accidentally catch some feminism.
Keep telling yourself that mate.
I forget the guys name, but iirc he is a really moderate free speech advocate in Canada who gets protested by radicalized millennials.
. It's Toronto university by the way
Isnt there a video of her talking to a bunch of people where she straight up says that she doesnt really play video games that much?
>fat activist
>avatar is of moderate weight
These people are seriously delusional.
The sane ones are those not butthurt that women are playing video games
>that drawing of """""Carolyn"""" Petit
Yep, a San Francisco hipster with a rich daddy that hates being a white male so he goes after anything they might find good.
I mean, the guy calls Star Trek "a celebration of macho nerd culture".
The problem is that they aren't.
This girl plays alot of games.
Why do the bug her so much that shes fake?
Found the video
>organizes events for people of size
>people of size
I really don't know. It's fucking weird and I wish they would stop.
I remember some black chick sitting down on EVO stream to play. And she was actually good. Not pro tier good but she definitely knew how to play fightan games. Bitch knew Desk combos and everything.
No the problem is you are a retard that likes it in the butt.
Okay kiddo
It all makes sense now
Has she played any of those games?
It's part of their primary directive.
Destroy everything that makes males happy because feminism.
oh wait let me be triggered by op's false flag of a post and shit post about identity politics on a video game board
Yeah, you are stupid
I came here looking for someone who took the bait and began integral defence
I am leaving in disappointment
This would be funny if it was an exaggeration
Never mind I just needed to refresh
Grow up you kissless virgin
You would be funny if you were not a retard.