Why is literally EVERY single new Sonic game about going "back to basics?"
>*shits diaper*
They've been doing this shit for every new game for fucking ever and it's god damn annoying.
Why is literally EVERY single new Sonic game about going "back to basics?"
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Because it was cool to hate 3D Sonic back then.
Because whenever they try something new they shit the bed.
This might trigger your autism but Sonic isn't what made the Sonic games good.
Focusing on his character and friends is fucking retarded and making a narrative for what is, at heart, a nothing is stupid.
2D sonic games actually capture, accurately, what we liked about it in the first place. Inertia-based quick twitch side scrolling. You just can't translate that into 3D.
Because that's stage 1 of the sonic cycle you fucking idiot.
>Because whenever they try something new they shit the bed.
This. They have proven that any time they try to change things up, they fuck up in some way. Even the Adventure games were seriously flawed and had game modes that were unbearable.
Iizuka is just really dense. He added so much bullshit like fishing, shooting, """stealth""", gunplay and vehicles to the gameplay he got lost in the sauce and went back to playing it safe.
He's the type of man who throws away a whole apple over a small bruise, in that he can't see what worked from what didn't so he revamps the whole thing.
Apparently it still is
Sonic Adventure 1 and 2 say hi
They were better than the shitty 2D games
Just make more like that
What? Fuck you
Maybe if you're a faggot who can't handle depth perception
You mean they tried it with Generations, got a positive reponse, and now they're actually listening to fans? WOOOW
Fuck off Chris-chan
Because classicucks have irrevocably fucked up the future of this series. Expect literally every single game coming up to have classic elements, if not classic sonic him fucking self. Every """"3D""" Sonic game will also realistically be 70-80% 2D. If you didn't quit following the series back in 2010 with colors and sonic 4 then I don't know what to tell you. Enjoy your shitty half hearted, no content, garbage story """3D""" Sonic games.
Reminder that Colors broke the cycle years ago.
>Sonic Adventure 1 and 2
Literally make Sonic Adventure 2 with more levels.
No 2d-3d transition horse fucking shit.
When the game reaches its climax a new Crush 40 song kicks in.
Take all my money.
>Sonic isn't what made the Sonic games good.
I don't know why this is so hard for people to see.
It might literally be autism that keeps people from letting go, the character himself is irrelevant.
sonic just need to stick to something and refine it with each new installment
it has to have an identity gameplay wise and has to improve upon that chosen gameplay style rather chaging it to something completely different
Old people hate change
Half the nerds saying old sonic was good and anything after Adventure was shit are bitter 20+ year olds
Sega fucking blew everyone's mind with Generations and how good it was and these cunts still find reasons to complain about
>muh physics
>muh green eyes
>muh voice acting
>m- muh sonic 4 never forgive never forget xDDDD
>Literally make Sonic Adventure 2 with more levels.
Oh yeah I'd love another SONIC game which only has about 3 Sonic levels and the remaining 30 levels are fucking tedious and shit
Adventure 1 is objectively better than 2, it didn't force you to play as shit you didn't want to play, Sonic had the longest story, shit filler characters the shortest, and didn't have a shitty edgy ass storyline
Shadow the Hedgehog is literally a direct continuation of Adventure 2 story, have a think about that
There never was a cycle. The only game it ever really applied to was Unleashed.
>Adventure 1 is objectively better than 2, it didn't force you to play as shit you didn't want to play
Yes it did.
>Sonic had the longest story, shit filler characters the shortest,
Sonic-style gameplay is roughly 10/30 levels in both Adventure games.
Because every time they "go back to the basics" they fucking add some retarded shit that fucks up the flow of the game.
>Sega fucking blew everyone's mind with Generations and how good it was and these cunts still find reasons to complain about
no one that played colors was surprised at generations and if they were they shouldn't have been.
god damn was generations a downgrade. still has its good points and it does at least have the same sort of basis as colors but it's somehow got a shorter main game than colors while also having some really bad shit going on in some of the boss battles. not to mention going back to unleashed's retarded ring energy system for boosts rather than a unique pickup for them that actually balanced the mechanic.
Colors is garbage though.
the day stages are the best sonic content in the entire trilogy of boost games. it makes everything else, which isnt honestly that bad to begin with just not very sonic like at all, worth going through. and the unleashed day project on generations pc also proves this, as every day stage is better than every generations modern stage. colors is shit throughout with nothing reedeeming.
if you think colors is garbage that'd make generations not even worth looking at
If Generations didn't play much better than Colors for a variety of reason, then you're right, it would not be worth looking at.
You must think Colors was better than the day stages in Unleashed to be saying this shit to me.
>They were better than the shitty 2D games
Those games were sloppy and mediocre as fuck and a warning of what was to come. They focused on all the wrong things.
>Sonic Adventure 1 and 2 say hi
>They were better than the shitty 2D games
what on earth did generations do better than colors? the controls got downgraded, wisp mechanic (potentially the only good "only in one game" mechanic they've ever done. no lost world doesn't count jesus christ) is gone outside of a lazy application in one stage (which was the most boring possible pick from colors, a game full of great levels from both visual and design perspectives) and the cool variety each zone provided by having multiple levels with different approaches is exchanged for the classic/new sonic deal. i guess some could see that as an upgrade but i didn't much care for it.
another thing missing was some vibrance and personality. colors' cutscenes feel like something out of a cheesy saturday morning cartoon which fits the series perfectly and adds to the charm, generations has like one cutscene of any worth and it's just because of the two eggmen. oh yeah let's not forget the eggman banter over the intercom in colors either, that was fucking great.
>You must think Colors was better than the day stages in Unleashed to be saying this shit to me.
They're better then the Night stages, that's for sure.
Would it be weird to say i enjoyed some night stages more than a majority of colors acts?
Colors at least doesn't fuck around. You know what you're getting. I'd replay Colors any day over having to slog through Unleashed again just for a few good times here and there.
Unleashed's padding utterly ruins the game. I don't give a shit HOW good the day stages could be in some people's eyes, by the time I got to play any of them I was exhausted from a 30 minute long shitfest as the werehog and then the day stage is over in a minute.
Don't forget medals either!
Because the fanbase is as united as Feudal Japan.
I don't know how you can tolerate that obnoxious battle music, constantly popping up. And I shouldn't have to mute the game to circumvent this.
They be alright if they weren't in a Sonic game and if it were it's own thing.
>Unleashed's padding utterly ruins the game. I don't give a shit HOW good the day stages could be in some people's eyes, by the time I got to play any of them I was exhausted from a 30 minute long shitfest as the werehog and then the day stage is over in a minute.
I'm so fucking glad to see this post. Anytime I fucking mention this I get "WELL FINE ENJOY PAYING $60 FOR A TWO-HOUR GAME, FAG"
Fucking fine by me. At least that "two-hour game" isn't wasting my fucking time. I don't give two shits about most of the bullshit they crammed into the Adventure games and Unleashed. I'm sitting down to play a fucking Sonic game, not a fucking cocktease.
Its extremely easy to circumvent the music problem if you know what your console is capable of. I won't defend the wii and ps2 version though, that game sucks ass. No hubs, worse night stages and more of them, less combat variety, day stages are barren, final boss sucks. Its funny how unleashed on the 360 is one of my favorite sonic games and the ps2 one is one of my least favorites
>Yes it did.
No, not really. The only benefit of playing other characters was unlocking the real ending which wasn't really that great anyway.
You could easily just close the game after clearing Sonic's story.
>Sonic-style gameplay is roughly 10/30 levels in both Adventure games.
At least Sonic's story is just Sonic's story and not EVERYONE'S story. You pick Sonic, you get Sonic.
SA2 story has like 3 sonic levels which are all over and done with in 6 minutes total while the rest of the game takes 3 hours
Nevermind that Knuckles stages in SA1 were far better and less annoying than their equivalent
in SA2. Same goes for mech bits.
Literally all we need to do is add Snivey to the series, and the games will automatically become better
Colors is something like 95% 2D. So you have a 3D game engine for what is a vast majority 2D game, which makes everything shitty and imprecise compared to the fully 2D Sonic games with 2D engines.
When Colors is 3D, you're usually doing a single brain-dead task that the particular section of level is 100% devoted to, complete with pop-up telling you which task it is, such as quickstepping or drifting.
Pressing jump in mid-air sometimes being a double jump and sometimes being a homing attack was a fucking stupid idea.
Colors is very slow compared to the other boost games.
Every Act after Act 1 is an absolutely terrible gimmick level (flying spring autoscroller level, wisp gimmick level, extended quickstep section level, etc.).
The scoring is trash. You can sit there and spam a wisp ability in place for color bonuses to get an S rank.
The levels are blocky as fuck with few if any slopes. Makes traversing them feel like any other generic platformer much of the time.
There's a lot of downtime, especially when the game is trying to look cool. Check out the start of Starlight Carnival Act 1, generally considered one of the better levels. There's a solid minute or so of automation and very brief, excessively simple, practically-plays-itself gameplay before the level really starts in earnest and you've got an actual game to play.
The game is insultingly easy, even by Sonic standards.
Out of 7 total boss fights, 3 are rehashes, and only 1 of them is even remotely not shit.
And this is just my opinion, but the wisps suck.
Because "back to basics" is a buzzphrase that all developers use when they try to reboot failed series.
>Nevermind that Knuckles stages in SA1 were far better and less annoying than their equivalent
> in SA2. Same goes for mech bits.
But on the other hand, there are no fishing or running-away-from-invincible-robot-in-slow-motion levels.
>1/6th of the game is bad instead of 2/3rd
>Also it's skippable
>1/6th of the game is bad instead of 2/3rd
Sonic (Shadow) is the only good part of both games, and in both games that's ~10/30 levels. SA2 actually has a better ratio if you count Green Hill Zone.
>Also it's skippable
Yeah, if you don't want to beat the game you can just not play the parts you don't like. That totally excuses things.
>Colors is very slow compared to the other boost games.
that's a good thing. again, colors balances the boost out by making it a resource rather than being essentially infinite thanks to ring energy.
>Every Act after Act 1 is an absolutely terrible gimmick level (flying spring autoscroller level, wisp gimmick level, extended quickstep section level, etc.).
i had fun with most of the more gimmicky levels but i can understand them not being everyone's cup of tea.
>The scoring is trash. You can sit there and spam a wisp ability in place for color bonuses to get an S rank.
pretty much every sonic scoring system is bad in one way or another, that's not exactly news. let's not forget how forgiving generations' own scoring system is.
>There's a lot of downtime, especially when the game is trying to look cool. Check out the start of Starlight Carnival Act 1, generally considered one of the better levels. There's a solid minute or so of automation and very brief, excessively simple, practically-plays-itself gameplay before the level really starts in earnest and you've got an actual game to play.
starlight carnival's a neat level to look at and i see why they did that, but yeah i agree that upon a second play those bits can get a little grating.
>The game is insultingly easy, even by Sonic standards.
it's possible to have fun with an easy game. i mean shit generations is just as easy, the only bits that provide roadbumps at all are the more poorly designed bosses and that's praised to high hell.
>Out of 7 total boss fights, 3 are rehashes, and only 1 of them is even remotely not shit.
the bosses are all right the first time but definitely not the high point of the game. the rehashing was stupid and easily the worst part of the game. final boss is fucking great though.
>And this is just my opinion, but the wisps suck.
i thought they were a lot of fun and a great change of pace but if you're into mechanical purity they're probably offputting.
because thats what Sonic fans ACTUALLY WANT
the problem is they haven't been doing it right until Sonic Mania
The fact of the matter is Sonic gameplay is just a lot harder to do in 3D
honestly Colors, Generations, and Lost World were all pretty good and I have to commend Sega for those games
but Sonic Mania is what the fans really wanted all this time and I have no doubt that it will be good
>Sonic (Shadow) is the only good part of both games, and in both games that's ~10/30 levels. SA2 actually has a better ratio if you count Green Hill Zone.
SA1 has the better ratio of fun levels to shit levels in general though, since Big and Amy stories are so short and robot/Knuckles levels are pretty alright and not nearly as bad as SA2
>Yeah, if you don't want to beat the game you can just not play the parts you don't like. That totally excuses things.
Considering the real ending is literally just a shitty bossfight with 2 phases, both of which are the same, you're really not missing out on much... there's no special reward for beating it, either.
>The fact of the matter is Sonic gameplay is just a lot harder to do in 3D
I don't buy this. Some of the fangame demo things people have been putting out lately, such as Sonic Utopia, are on the right track.
Sonic Robo Blast 2 will probably be what Sonic in 3D should have always been once they add slopes.
>colors balances the boost out by making it a resource rather than being essentially infinite thanks to ring energy.
Yeah. I didn't like that. Sonic is all about being easy to pick up and play, and managing gauges is fucking stupid.
The way to balance boost would be to make it not make you invincible or instantly go to top speed or some other thing, not make it far more limited, making careful gauge management even more necessary.
Colors was shit. Who the fuck thought the blue wisp was a good idea?
>SA1 has the better ratio of fun levels to shit levels in general though
I disagree. I would say even some of the Sonic levels in SA1 are pretty bad.
Casinopolis for instance.
>play pinball or go through mostly featureless corridors so you can lose enough rings to remove an invisible wall
I really disagree with this
I think Casinopolis in SA1 is a great example of a level that is both creative and fun
>not liking pinball
I like pinball, which is why I don't like SA1's pinball with absolute trash physics.
The level takes way too damn long if you actually play pinball anyway. Much faster to fail at pinball and run down the mostly featureless corridors.
Sega finally started listing to mariotehplumber.
I like most of the games, because I just like games, and Sonic is cool. I don't know how there are people who just prefer the classic games unless they just dislike 3D platformers. They aren't bad ones either.
Yeah people just have super high standards i guess. If the game doesnt suck their dick its 0/10. I enjoy most sonic games, even found enjoyment from 06 and boom. However, shadow and the wii games are pretty fucking bad. Nice story though, in black knight, good use of the characters
>Maybe if you're a faggot who can't handle depth perception
Actually I was talking about their attempts at doing gameplay modes beyond the sonic speed type.
>You could easily just close the game after clearing Sonic's story.
Weren't Tails's levels basically the same but you could skip sections of the stage to get ahead of Sonic?
I've played almost every single Sonic game, but I dislike most of them.
What gets me through this series is that even most of the worst games have moments of brilliance, or an excellent idea or two. This seems especially true with the 3D games, for some reason.
Tails levels are all small sections of a Sonic level where the goal is to fly as much as possible, touching the ground only when you need to. Basically, you're in a platforming level and the goal is to not platform.
It's kinda shit, but not in a way that's immediately offensive like bad controls or boring objectives.
That said, Speed Highway, ever trying to be the best level in the game, actually gets a different layout for Tails and feels totally designed around flight, and actually has you race against an opponent and not some rubberband faggot Sonic.
Probably because they're clusterfucks. They'd probably be better games if they actually picked something and did it well.
Even when they do that the content is barren, disappointing, or heavily 2D. Generations, for example. Why are the modern stages garbage compared to Unleashed's despite it being a much simpler game? Shouldn't the levels all be equal to or longer and just as challenging? They seem to produce better Sonic content when there is another gameplay element developed.
Generations had an anniversary deadline to meet. Unleashed on the other feels like it's one of the very few Sonic games that wasn't rushed. It also feels like it had perhaps the largest budget of any Sonic game.
>Sonic Adventure 1 and 2 say hi
>They were better than the shitty 2D games
>Sonic isn't what made the Sonic games good.
>I don't know how there are people who just prefer the classic games unless they just dislike 3D platformers. They aren't bad ones either.
No, I like 3D platformers. The 3D Sonic games just don't do it very well. There are some redeeming qualities here and there but for the most part they're messes.
>clearly has a higher budget
>still suffers from the same bullshit and padding that's plagued modern Sonic
Yes, but even the shitty padding is generally very well produced.
It's an obvious red flag if a game dev says we're going back to its roots.
Except when they actually are, and saying that is just an accurate description of things.
06 to Unleashed was just 2 years (2006-2008) complete with a new engine, its an absolutely massive game. Plus they apparently restaffed a bulk of ST.
Unleashed to Generations was 3 years (2008-2011) with the same engine, a much simpler premise, cut corners out the ass (sterile blank white menus and hub), 3D hubs removed for a glorified 2D level select. Not counting that they probably reused a lot of assets and dressed them up, such as Adabat's water for Seaside Hill, Empire City's buildings for City Escape and Speed Highway (possibly Crisis City as well), and Rooftop Run was literally made in the same engine, as well as the Egg Dragoon. Plus I think the Metal Sonic boss reuses a lot from Eggmanland.
It just doesn't add up how massive Unleashed feels and minuscule Generations feels with the extra year of development. Not to mention the DLC it received and was fantastic value, $2 for like 5-7 new stages.
>Back to basics
>Still no good sonic since sonic 3
When will people realize that Sonic the Hedgehog blows ass!
>Why is literally EVERY single new Sonic game a Sonic game?
Really chilis my dog.
>Unleashed to Generations was 3 years (2008-2011)
Yeah, but Colors was late 2010, which is what really matters.
They have different teams and branch apart frequently. Generations was started as early as 2009