Is Vanquish the only CUHRAZY shooter...

Is Vanquish the only CUHRAZY shooter? I thought I didn't like shooting guns but this became one of my favorite games of all times.
Any recommendations?

Binary Domain doesn't hit the same level of cuhrazy but it's another p. good 3rd person shooter fampai

I wish there were more games like this.

Advent Rising to an extent

Definetly not as cuhrazy, but Titanfall 2 has a little bit of Vanquish in its blood. It's not as bonkers, but always going fast is basically required if you want to live for more than 5 seconds and the slide is just fun fun fun to use.

Still wish there was a Vainquish 2/PC port.

Resident Evil 6 is pretty much cuhrayzee. It has slow points but some of the fighting is fucking insane.

Don't fall for this, there's no interesting mechanics like Vanquish, it's just any other third person cover shooter.

seconding this. binary domain is pretty shitty aside from some wacky bosses.



I keep forgetting this exists. Like Vanquish it's pretty mediocre except for a few interesting gimmicks, but I thought it was worth a playthrough.
Steerable bullets/projectiles make any game better really.

underrated plot + characters desu

D44M can become pretty CUHRAZY in some areas if you know what you're doing.

Wet for X360.

Came here to post this. It's pretty underrated if you take it from a gameplay point of view. I basically ignored the powered up shots since they're slow to initiate and are all basically just "Kill all enemies in a line" except the sniper one.

New Doom is pretty good too, but no sliding.

Exteel existed at one time

Doom 4 is way too sterile and safe to be CUHRAZY. It's probably easier to argue that Wolfenstein:TNO is more CUHRAZY than Doom, with it's OTT characters, enemy designs and dual shotguns

>Doom 4 is way too sterile and safe to be CUHRAZY.
What the fuck

I take it you havn't played new doom? TNO is a solid shooter but it's way slower than doom.

It's a 2-player game but VOOT definitely fits that bill mechanically.

Too bad it's dead and never coming back.