

which one's the girl?

don't bully my katie

She married Albert Wesker?

Good for her; frankly I don't know why she is even posts comics anymore though.

good for her.

Is this what getting cucked feels like?


So this is what it feels to be a cuckboi.

On the left. After googling, she is either a lesbian or will be having a sex change soon to be a man.


FREEZE Sup Forums! you have 5 seconds to review your favowite game or else you go into time out!

Wait what the fuck

because it's fun?

it good


>not fweeze
You ain't foolin me "officer"

I see yew saw through my disguise. But you still haff to review yowre favowite game.

mgs3. it's a good game

The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild is a masterclass in open-world design and a watershed game that reinvents a 30-year-old franchise. It presents a wonderful sandbox full of mystery, dangling dozens upon dozens of tantalizing things in front of you that just beg to be explored. I’ve had so many adventures in Breath of the Wild, and each one has a unique story behind what led me to them, making them stories on top of stories. And even after I’ve spent more than 50 hours searching the far reaches of Hyrule, I still manage to come across things I haven’t seen before. I’ll easily spend 50 to 100 more trying to track down its fascinating moments.

she said she likes doing, they're fun to her

I-it's shiny and spinny a-a-a-and fun!

Super neato

This anatomy is terrible but it does things to my dick that I can't describe as anything other than magical.


What gender is this creature

Move awong sir.

You mean the years of drawing herself as a skater dude didn't tip you off?

I've never seen a happy couple where the girl was attractive.

100% female

I don't get it

Beauty has it price