How do we revive run and gun genre?

How do we revive run and gun genre?

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The new Strider was alright if you count it as run and gun. Too many normalfags so making one wouldnt be financially viable

??? it's more alive than it ever was

buy kero blaster on ps4

add cosmetics, microtransactions, an unlock system, different classes and minor rpg elements, just like they ruined every other genre that's ran its course and reached mechanical perfection.

You don't, the dead can't have cancer take over.

You can't really improve on Metal Slug series.

kero blaster already perfected it
it just needed co-op

Call me when they release it for the Switch.

Knowing Pixel, that probably won't be too long.

Don't forget a forced e-sports scene kept on artificial life support by pumping money into it.

Looks great, far better than that Kero Blaster game, which looks like shit.


Kero Blaster is great but I wouldn't compare it to games like Contra or Metal Slug. There's more emphasis on platforming.
Kero Blaster is good.


this was my childhood, too bad i was a dumb fucking kid and never figured out what to do in that third person part

Enlighten me.

By making run and gun games

>Incredibly short but challenging games meant to be played over and over for the sake of mastery rather than progression
There's no reviving it, it's incompatible with modern players. Only hope is to pander to the roguelite crowd but they'd be unrecognizable abominations.

CoD, Battlefield, you run and gun in those games.


>Cave Story+ Switch Edition will have local multiplayer
>There's a chance this happens with Kero Blaster as well

>Contra was gonna get a 3DS entry
I will never not be mad.

It probably would've been Wayforward anyway. I didn't play 4 so I dunno if that'd be a good thing or not.

>schumps can't even survive with pandering anymore
Mastery and score attack games are just on the way out, I guess. Should probably just rename schumps into Touhou at this point

I haven't unlocked all the interviews in GX. Maybe that'll fill the gap.........

By new Strider you mean the one from 2014? Cause that was a great fucking game.
Wouldn't call it a run and gun game tho. It was a pretty traditional Metroidvania.

You're missing out, Contra 4 is great.

You must be a fucking aboriginal.

So fucking stupid.

Kero Blaster is really good to, definitely an A+ run n gun game.

4 is great, one of the best in the series. Only held back by the stupid screen seperation, I wish it got PC port so I could fully enjoy it. Also if Wayforward did another Contra game they'd be more original instead of filling the game with tributes to the classics, which would only make it better.

This is accurate. People today don't want to play hard games, and they don't want to play any game more than once. Most people don't want to play any games at all, and just watch them on twitch.

Run and gun games are still being made and there are some good ones, but they're little indie games with 50 people who have played them. Normies don't want to play them.

Yeah I need to catch up. I've only fucking played Contra, Super C, and fucking Operation C for the Game Boy.

Stop trying to make them "retro" and start fully utilizing modern technology without changing the gameplay.

play the new ones that came out that are good.

you can start with bro force, and shoot many robots.

and replaying metal slug X

it's like the only hope for MM11/X9 though. Capcom won't pay anymore than what it takes to get thouse out the door

>Run and gun games are still being made and there are some good ones
Name some. I know Super Cyborg, Bleed 2, Gigantic Army, Steel Strider and Super Time Force Ultra, any other good ones I should be aware of?

Mega Man's not much of a run n' gun though. It's closer to just a tight platformer.

You walk to the right and you gun enemies up, I don't see how it's not a run and gun.

You're taking the genre name too literally, dumbo
You also shoot enemies in CoD, doesn't means it's shmup, neither your ability to fight things in Morrowind makes it a fighting game

The emphasis is more on the tight platforming and level design than it is weaving through enemy fire and shooting shit. There are similarities, but I think Mega Man is a platformer at its heart.

I was only pretending to be retarded;