Whats the edgiest game you can think of?
Whats the edgiest game you can think of?
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my life
Shad(ow) the H(edge)hog
Metal Gear Rising Reverence
The third Prince of Persia. w/e it was called.
Darkness 1 and 2
Nodd E. Portant's Game
Do you mean Warrior Within? He wasn't that edgy in the Two Thrones. I mean a little edgy sure, but not Godsmack meets "You Bitch!" edgy.
ye ye
oh christ. What game is that?
I never played it, but a friend said basically some sort of death shadow was chasing him and that was the plot. He's also an unironic edgelord and talks about this game once a week forgetting he told me about it. Figured it was up there.
Yeah that's Warrior Within. The first game in the series was basically a disney/fairytale type adventure platformer with great atmosphere and charm. Then somehow the second game ended up with a nu metal soundtrack by Godsmack and a prince who yells stuff like "you bitch!" at borderline nude women with swords. The devs realized how hard they fucked up and tried to make the third game more like the first and it was actually pretty good, but that second one was an edgy shit stain. good gameplay tho
That, Jak II, and LOS The Eternal Night. I dearly love all 3.
CS:GO, Overwatch, GTAV, The witcher 3, any ubisoft game.
Cheating: DmC
Not-cheating: God of War 3
How is CS:GO edgy?
dem thighs are getting me on edge if you know what I mean
Hatred is Sup Forums + cocaine + Maoism. It's not even edgy it's just apocalypse.
no meme here, DmC
>"I'm the troubled slut banging badboy orphan son of a demon and an angel who HELL and FATE wouldn't let be together"
>soda is for society's zombies *tips wig*
>f(au)x news is so evil amirite?? killing bill oreilly ftw!!!
>epic 360 abortion no scope
>and don't forget my bff Noisia did the soundtrack, I am like so PSY XD
gameplay was acceptable but the above makes this game a joke for the rest of time
Are you saying that Warrior Within is not an edgy game? I mean its no Hatred, but c'mon.
Hatred is a joke meant to cash in on the controversy that is itself.
I'd watch out for pencils and toothpaste if I were you
The third game basically BTFOs WW's edge with even the dark prince laughing at the prince.
Sadly gameplay wise 2nd game was the best.. And hardest.
>he never recorded part 2
Rising is almost a parody of itself. It's got a lot of "edgy" moments, but they blend in well with "rule of cool" moments. It's also pretty damn goofy and lines up well with Metal Gear standards.
I can't name many games that give you the option to ignore a villain's monologue to watch a cyborg guard play with a stray cat.
I'd argue MGSV is more Edgy.
MGSV did not have to be made in the first place.
Did you check it?
This too, but I guess Jak II wins, because it's predecessor was basically 3D Crash Bandicoot.
Why is it edgy?
the edgiest game i played is probably either the darkness 2 or dead space 2
you can tear someone in half in the darkness then eat their heart with your satanic shadow demon arm tentacles, i think the MC ripped open a guy's ribcage then tore off his head and ate his heart as a boss execution
>epic 360 abortion no scope
What were they thinking