What games are you playing right now, Sup Forums?

What games are you playing right now, Sup Forums?

Other urls found in this thread:

boards.fireden.net/v/search/filename/1485009617149.jpg /type/op/

Fate Stay/Night, currently at the middle(?) of Heaven's Feel
Why the hell do mapo tofu and mind of steel get hyped up so much when they are 5 minutes long

Not some cheap weeb shit, that's for sure.

boards.fireden.net/v/search/filename/1485009617149.jpg /type/op/

boards.fireden.net/v/search/filename/1485009617149.jpg /type/op/

Pasta thread do not respond.

>those sweaty toes

Rainbow Six Siege. I feel like I'm frustrating my teammates though, because when it's just me left I go into panic mode.

Replaying pic related.

Nothing. Maybe later.


i think i have played whit you

I am an old man and this pleases me


Trails of Cold Steel 2, in which we go for Alisa because she is best girl.


You must be more bored than I am.

Yes, that's what we need. Alisa is perfect and cute.

>Mods still refuse to ban this offtopic shitposter


feet are video games

I've been emulating FFXII since I never finished when I was younger.
And I'm enjoying it quite a bit, it also looks surprisingly well aged at 1080 with AA enabled.

Cute girls are always on topic.

Because op isn't off topic and posting images isn't against the rules, jackass.


>mods want Sup Forums to be better
>but they don't want to punish those who lower the quality of the board

It's a weird situation.



Based mods.

>mods banning anti fun police


really makes you think


I love feet.

still zelda
waiting for nier and persona


Thread is in autosage anyway, might as well post this.

A-user. Do you have a steam/email?

I do. Why do you ask?

I-I would like to talk to you more.


Because this isn't the first time I've talked to you. [email protected]

But it is the first time, you weirdo. You've got the wrong cumslut.


Here since you take steam I guess. steamcommunity.com/id/hergog

Super Robot Wars V

Love your feet, by the way.