Are there any pc games worth buying anymore...

Are there any pc games worth buying anymore? I have 37 dollars just sitting in my steam account leftover from a very nice Christmas gift of 40 dollar steam card from my sister, but there seems to be nothing to buy.

I just want to play a strong game like kamidori alchemy meister (minus the porn) or recettear (plus the porn) but with better gameplay or final fantasy tactics but everyone wants to play all these fucking fast actiony games like Nier or Zelda. I can't get into these games because I'm shit at them but all this OPEN WORLD stuff keeps getting bigger and bigger I want to die

god I hate open world games
fuck todd and bethesda for skyrim and polluting my videogames

if you want to play tactics on your PC, i'd get a DS emulator

I have a 3ds
are there really no hidden steam gems?

i dont know those two japanese games you mentioned but perhaps you could try Valkyria Chronicles for the PC? Im a big FF tactics fan too and that game to me was a good bridge from the isometric grid to full 3d, and its also anime-ish so you might like that

kamidori is one of the best porn games I've ever played, to the point that it's a great game with incidental porn. at the time it was spammed here a lot it got mentioned with rance, but imo it's a better game just less memey

recettear has a loli jew as the mc and it got popular

I'll look at VC

prison architect or factorio might be up your alley

Ah that doesn't look fun to me at all. I don't want to personally drive around tanks or aim guns like in the preview images

If you've never touched Disgaea, the Disgaea 2 steam release is pretty good.

you could also try the Shadowrun series games, they're tactical grid like FF tactics in a way

Not enough little girls in lingerie for this weeb cunt.

not too hot on sandbox or tower defense
I played disgea ds for a while until I was hideously bored with the grinding, is the steam version different?
I got the first(?) one on steam and was disappointed with the lack of roleplaying choices you had and how few sidequests there were

I'd suggest that you play Battle for Wesnoth, it's a god tier turn based strategy/tactics game with a hint of RPG. There's a ton of campaigns and even really well balanced multiplayer. It's also free software.

Thanks I'll have a look

Still got money burning away in the steam account though

Not really.
That said, I think Disgaea's got a bit of a bad reputation for grinding. You don't need to grind for the main story if you're exploiting the battle system properly (stack attacks, throws, move combos etc.)

Maybe Divinity: Original Sin would be more your thing? Small party (2-4 chars) turn-based tactical RPG.

by first one you mean shadowrun returns? i think most ppl agree that it wasnt that good

the sequels Dragonfall and Hong Kong are by far superior and way more role playing choices and side quests

you can skip shadowrun chronicles cuz its like some mmo-ish shit

shadowrun: dragonfall directors cut is in my steam list

I also remember being confused about throwing prinny's and not being able to do anything right because of the controls

I'll look at divinity

Atom Zombie Smasher is a fun strategy-lite 2D game that you may not have heard of.

Is divinity:os supposed to look like a cross between an mmo and magicka?

You might like Trials in the Sky. It's fairly slow paced jrpg that feels a lot like early Naruto. You'll probably want to up the difficulty though since normal is too easy.

I sound like a super bitter cunt guys so nevermind but thanks. All of these are way too far off the mark of the crafting and grid based strategy rpg roleplaying adventure I'm looking for

I'd just go straight for emulating PS1, PS2, GBA, DS and PSP games if that's what you're going for.

Hollow Knight is good as hell nigga.

Oh I just realized you want a turn based game or something similar.
Hollow Knight is still good as hell nigga, like it's really really good. It may not be what you're asking for, but I still think you should consider it.

I'm looking for some good new turn based games myself. There's been a solid lack of them as of late.

its coo, i was in this phase too when i wanted to find that perfect game for that certain fix, i ended up just emulating and playing all the old Advance wars and fire emblem games that i just realised i havent played yet

who knows one day you'll want to expand and try out one of these games

I hate emulating these days, I've played most things pre-2015 that were of this type
I want something new and fresh that I haven't seen before

Thanks though

Turn based all I can really think of is the Civ games that are good
I tried out Endless Legend didn't like it so much but you might
If you're into anime shit Valkyria Chronicles might be up your alley it's not bad

If you don't like any of that try some older games, Heroes of Might and Magic 3 is one of my favorites

If you want some kind of obscure shit Battle for Wesnoth is very good and has multiplayer

have civ 3/4/5 and I don't like them much anymore after a few hundred hours each

EL was great in some ways but irritating in others and I'm done with it

downloading wesnoth now

so you're looking for an autism sink?

it was good, it also didn't autistically grow into infinite numbers like disgaea. It had set quests and sidequests and combat and crafting and a shop and 3 endings

it's a great game, and probably one of the best porn games in existence if only for the game

The combat was dull, the game was long, and the story was medicore
There was nothing good about it except for being a massive time sink with some good cg

>combat was dull
I don't know how you'd make a grid based unit vs unit combat better other than to add little things like FFT/FFTA did like directional damage/accuracy or pair up attacks (which it kinda did)

for the kind of game I want to play I didn't even consider this to be a huge expectation.

also how is the game being long bad? I'm tired of shitty short games that you beat in a few hours

I'd rather 10 good hours than 100 hours of the same padded schlock
I don't really feel like arguing with you since you obviously like the game(most likely due to some form of autism)

Well yeah you're not going to convince me that I hate one of my favorite games.

Especially when this thread is specifically to find more of those games.

seems more like the one with autism here is you since you went out of your way just to tell some stranger on the internet why his favorite game sucks

check out battle brothers if you want a game wtih good turn based tactics

PC games nowadays is pure dogshit, but you're in luck since PC is capable of running emulated games given if you want to download all required tools and such.

>if you want to play tactics on your PC, i'd get a DS emulator
You are retarded. PC is king of turn based tactics games. Titles like JA2 and XCOM alone shit on any console tactics games out there.

the more fantasy the better
gritty zombie shit is dull

Try Rabi-Ribi it's touhou-metroidvania it can't get more fun than that

how good at bullet hells do I have to be? I can't beat the first level in touhou on like the regular difficulty

>there are no games worth buying on PC because I'm shit at games
You are literal walking garbage, neck yourself, dumbfuck.

Tactics doesn't really blend with sci fi, realism or aliens. Look at the OP image, that's tactics, it needs anime.

Yeah fantasy is where it's at
Need more fantasy games

It is my first "bullet hell" and I'm doing fine even on hard
Just make sure you have at least 1 healing item during boss fights just in case

>Tactics doesn't really blend with sci fi, realism or aliens.
Your opinion is trash, because JA2 and XCOM exists. These turn based tactics games are bigger than any console anime garbage.

Secondly, there's shitloads of fantasy turn based tactics on PC, here are just the recent ones:
>King's Bounty series
>Legends of Eisenwald
>Dungeon Rats
>Blackguards 1&2
Stop pretending you know anything about the genre apart from playing some shitty weeaboo meme """tactics""" games.

fuck off with your western shit
needs more fantastical magic and less grimdark edgelord shit

Also if you go with this feel free to ignore story
It has some funny moments but nothing special

>needs more half-naked "waifus" catering to pedophiles and less actually complex mechanics so that my mongoloid brain would not get overloaded
I wonder what would happen, were you to play a real turn based tactics game?

Truth is slow paced games really go hand in hand with fantasy and anime styles, specially unit based games. In these sorts of games you're asked to care for your units and the world they live. I'm not gonna give two shits about space marine clone #345 in XCOM or macho dude #456 from JA. The japs have us beat there, specially when you factor in the waifus and colorful fantasy settings. Gritty tactics is lame as fuck, comfy colorful slow paced worlds is where is at when you want a tactical game.

Thank you for saying what I'm not good at saying.
I've never been able to enjoy generic grimdark sci-fi games.

>Right off the bat HUD takes over 50% of the screen. That's Battleborn tier.
>Can't see shit fog
>Pig disgusting ugly western fantasy
Three strikes you're out.

Japanese tactics games are usually dumbed down casual garbage or grindfests, and Jap strategy games are almost non-existent. I have no idea how you could call yourself a tactics fan and not play any Western games. Tactics and strategy are basically western genres just like shmups are almost entirely Japanese.

So, in other words, you care nothing about actual tactical depth and gameplay mechanics and only want to play shitty anime games with waifus because they feature anime and waifus? Yeah, OK, I should have expected nothing else from a weeaboo shitter from the start.

Again, stop pretending you know anything or even care about the genre, because you don't. If you want to masturbate to your waifus in trash like Kamidori or generic turn based weeaboo JRPG or SRPG, just say so.

>Pig disgusting
Fuck off, my pure mature lady waifu is cute in her own way.

>he thinks there's any sort of "depth" in any tactical game or RTS.
Shit's just ganging up on enemies, rock-paper-scissor shit, leveling units or abusing the AI.

Gameplay is bare bones all across the genre. So the only distinction is the art style, worlds, story, characters and music. So you bet your ass I prefer anime waifu shit to overly repetitive grimdark shit. Westerners are shit at creating something aesthetically beautiful.

Nier: Automata is coming out in 10 days for PC

>it's another wah wah games suck because I only like shitty weeb games episode

>Shit's just ganging up on enemies, rock-paper-scissor shit, leveling units or abusing the AI.
My god user you just described every videogame ever

Might as well be a modern day prophet

Are you some sort of super genius

>it's another I underestimated the importance of atmosphere, artstyle and music in videogames season finale

long shot, but maybe you'd like duelyst? downside is it's another fucking frito card game, upside is that it's free.

Play La-Mulana if you like metroidvanias and aren't a filthy casuals who's afraid of taking notes.

>outmaneuvering your enemy to get a numerical advantage
>deploying units that are best suited to counter enemy units and positioning them properly so that they counteract exactly those enemy units they're supposed to counteract
>making good character builds suited for specific tasks you want them to be good at
>countering enemy tactical decisions with decisions of your own
>somehow these are not valid gameplay elements

Your opinion is trash and you are a dumbfuck. Using your """"""""""""""""""logic"""""""""""""""""""" I can say that gameplay is barebones across the entire FPS genre because it involves only point and shoot, LMAO.

>implying Jagged Alliance's characters don't have tons of personality
It's half the point of the game, user.

not into multiplayer games

more metroid less vania
looks too old for me even though that's a bad thing to say.

>it's another I pretend to have actual authority to define what constitutes good atmosphere, artstyle and music just by stating my subjective opinion episode

Good god why are you faggots so bitter

It's just shitty bants m8. We all fucking love videogames.

>looks too old
Get the recent remake my man.

Also, if your autism is like mine, check out Dom4

You are looking at the remake that's on steam, right?

no oops I googled it

>not doing an AMD build
I bet you don't like anime.

Banner Saga son

Have you checked out Expeditions: Conquistador, OP? Don't see it talked about too much here on Sup Forums but it's an EBIN hidden steam gem.

The Op has already outed himself a retarded weeaboo shitter, he cares nothing for actual roleplaying or combat mechanics. All he wants is anime and waifus, so recommending actually good games like Expeditions to him is a waste of time.

fuck off cunt I added it to wishlist
I still only buy things on at least 25% off


>I don't want to personally drive around tanks or aim guns
