It's nice that they are actually dedicated to making the game better. Could've just taken the money and ran.
The question is: why did Sean lie so much?
Too late to redeem themselves. Sean buried themselves with his lies upon lies, offering a fraction of what he spoke of. It's valiant they're sticking to it, but there's now way they'll ever redeem themselves.
Hopefully the game will actually be worth playing a year from now
Yeah, just like starbound.
>Hi Guys, its Sean's wife grandson here.
>With our 135156 patch we are finally are able to deliver what my grandfather promised.
>Home it was worth the wait!
My buddy who actually somehow ended up liking this game will probably really like the idea of exploration vehicles. I'll probably still find it boring as hell though
Having a ground vehicle would be really nice. Even with the jetpack boost exploit, exploration was a slog.
the fact they're still trying to fix it certainly shows a dedication
i think we should at least give them some respect for try to fix it
It's nice they never 'fixed' the jetpack boost. Imagine exploring without that shit
why tho?
any interest the game had faded away only 2 weeks after release
Because flying and foot transitions were retarded.
You coudnt see shit on the ground while in air and coudnt see markers while on foot.
Interest jumped after the foundation update. Then people realized building was severely limited, freighters were useless, and that the "improved" planetary generation was still boring as shit.
I might actually have another pop at it, haven't played it since release. They added bases too right?
cant wait :D :D so awesome :D
great game ... one of the best I ever played
and a bit of autism maybe
There's nothing to explore in the first place. Might as well buy a bus simulator.
>a shittier minecraft in space
Yeah they added bases and the ability to own one of those freighters you see flying around space, but it's not at a point where I'd call it fun yet. Honestly wait for a few more big patches and then give it a go
Landing on asteroids when?
Did they ever fix the whole space battle thing with factions?
get fucked you barefoot lying faggot
Cheers, I'll give it another few months. I've got a big enough backlog as it is.
The space between updates seems to be around 3-3.5 months, so it'll probably be around there for whatever the next one is
I'm pretty sure Sean Murray is going to stay away from public appearances for the foreseeable future
He talked at some conference recently.
Well I stand corrected then
>there's now way they'll ever redeem themselves
If they actually ended up adding what they said they would, it might end up a pretty good game.
>those comments
Can you possibly be more obvious with your shilling?
>we spent months of development to bring you the latest in game content and the thing you've all been asking for, with the highest priority on our to do list: a jeep
Bravo, Sean. You did it again.
Honestly, they should just release mod tools, imagine what a couple autists could do to the game content wise
>I don't like talking about thing
>Must be shilling
NMS was a hilarious shitshow and nobody is denying that
Doesn't Steam hide your steam level if the profile is private (which it is)?
He was incapable of saying the right things on a live interview because he's not good at PR. It should have been obvious from their very first E3 presentation on stage that he was pretty nervous, but people run with what they want.