Do you think they'll release Dragon's Crown on PS4? Should they make a sequel with more characters?

Do you think they'll release Dragon's Crown on PS4? Should they make a sequel with more characters?

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Not sure if you just wanna post Sorceress or actually want to talk about Dragon's Crown but I don't care.

I want a fucking sequel for this game. More characters, levels, and upgrades would be great.

Vampire Hunter DLC never.

I rather they didn't unless they remove all the shitty women in it. Women have no place in adventuring, even DnD, the game they shamelessly ripped off, agreed until they were overtuned by filthy sjw influences.

More characters would be cool, yeah. I definitely enjoyed all of the original ones, but something Divine to the Wizard and Sorceress's Arcane would be fantastic

Would buy a ps4 port that had more content.

Post more best girl



Fucking finally a goddamn dragons crown thread
would love a sequel

I would love to play with more characters.

This, and a better Tutorial.
Honestly, the game suffered because of some stupid fucking decisions like the one-by-one tutorial, forced single-player, and equipment durability.

Still fun as fuck

You're not even worth replying to.

Who the fuck designed the runes? I can't tell which is D and which is E in the middle of a fucking fight.

Is there an official manga or something?

I kind of wish the game had more hints about the characters personality/life than just the endings.

They'll release a Vita remake.


>Is there an official manga or something?

Yeah. I haven't seen any of it since the first issue but it's probably finished by now.

I loved this game. What other games are there like it? I actually considered buying a Vita specifically for Muramasa because I heard it was similar.


Not even getting a (You) for being so retarded.

Muramasa and Odin Sphere. I like both of them better than Dragon's Crown.


They should release it on the Switch
This game would be great for handhelds, but the Vita takes dips

I'd rather play it on Switch tbqh. Either way I really want to play it again and it sucks that it's trapped on the ps3.

Kamitani generally doesn't care much for rereleases or sequels if I recall correctly. Odin Sphere was going on a decade old and could've used a touchup. Muramasa...well, it definitely needed a tweak or two but I have no idea why that one happened as soon as it did. That all said, the odds of a DC rerelease are pretty low, especially now that Odin Sphere's happened so Kamitani probably wants to do something new. A sequel? Well, it was a dream game of his and it was their most commercially successful, but I recall reading that he generally thinks in one-offs for his games so who knows? I think he does want a sequel to Grimgrimoire, though.

They are supposedly working on that new mecha game of theirs

DC is already on Vita. It's a PS3/Vita multiplat.

PC/PS4, either of which would do fine or both with cross-platform multiplayer even better to keep the community going longer.

Such a great game, but it's one I have trouble going back to simply because it's on my PS3.


Never ever. They only take a chance at a remake if it's significantly better looking/running on a new console. Which because of the handdrawn grafics it doesn't really matter anymore.
Any fucking phone nowadays can display Vanillaware title graphics.




Never ever PC keks

So what's happening with 13 Sentinels, anyway? It hasn't even been mentioned in any official capacity since its reveal at TGS a couple of years ago. I get that Vanillaware are a low-budget studio of like, 30 guys, but it's a bit weird Sega/Atlus haven't even talked about it once in passing.

>All these people wanting it on PC
Yeah that's hopefully going to happen eventually because I want more people to enjoy this game and more people supporting the devs means more content they can create

It's being worked on. Was mentioned in an interview in Januray.

Never ever PC keks

Oh neat. Where, Famitsu or 4gamer or something?

Vanillaware's recent games only came to Sony consoles because of the Vita and it was easy to port them to PS3 and 4. With the Vita dying, they're going to need a new home.

What new characters would you want to play as, Sup Forums?

Ah yeah. I saw it announced at E3 (or some other event, I don't remember) and then I never saw it again. Do we even know anything about it?

Delicious brown beastmaster.


i want to play this but i got no one to play it with.


tfw you're gay so you don't like any of the girls art but you can't deny that this is the greatest game of all time and was beat em up dream-game status.

Female options in DnD were a mistake.

Yeah, yeah, we heard you the first time.

Don't you have AIDs to be dying of, faggot?

Do you fucking deny it? Adventuring and women do not mix.

>Adventuring and women do not mix.

It's been like that since the 90s faggot.

I'd love a PC release, I'd even rebuy it.
I have a lot more friends to play with online than for the PS3

>Implying that makes it better

I have enough suspension of disbelief to not give a shit.

Was it not confirmed she got scraped and turned into late game items basically?

This is the most pressing question, I´d rather want a new game from VW than another remaster, as good as they tend to be.

Next game after 13 Sentinels will be Vita Exclusive confirmed.

Your forefather's didn't, they were better people for it.

Who are you quoting?

>buy dragons crown
>play half of it
>realize it would be a lot more fun with another person rather than bots
>force sister to play it with me
>we play one level
>she calls me a sex freak and we never play again
>still haven't beaten the game yet
fuck women

Smart-aleck. Back in the day you would've smacked across the face for that kind of horseshit and not be found 'cute' or 'endearing' for your inability to take things seriously
Further more DnD went down hill more and more it drank the kool-aid, it was perfectly comfortable with gimping women back in the day.

Like this user said just use some of the 'classes' from the artwork.

You were supposed to fuck her. She meant "sex (me) (you) freak"

Why not just go online? Or is it dead now? Not been back to the game for a while.

There is.
Just two Volumes, but it was pretty nice.
The art was pretty good, too.

well, aren't you?


>tfw don't have a female sister to play game with.



>In the past, other well-known creators such as Koji Igarashi and Keiji Inafune and others have had trouble getting support for high-res 2D games by their publishers, despite the hunger for these types of games by fans. Another example is Metroid, which hasn't seen a 2D incarnation on console in a long time. If the opportunity arose, would you be up for making a Metroid-style game?

>That sounds great. I'd love to try to make it. How do you think the fans would react if Vanillaware made a Castlevania game?

Make it happen, Georgie Porgie!


Yes, I'm getting hungry.



Odin Sphere Leifthrasir is on sale right now for almost no money.

Buy it you fucks and support Kamitani.






I have. Currently on the third route and enjoying the fuck out of it.


My favorte piece of art in this game. Artistically pleasant and fapable.

I've seen it but it's single player right? I want more games like DC.

Honestly, no sequel. I don't think it'll work half as well without Kamitani, and Kamitani's said he did all he really wanted to do with the setting and it's better for him to work on what he's got juicy ideas for than on something he doesn't. A quick update with a new character/level/boss rush put on PS4 would be real nice, though, even if only to give the online some life.

Is it possible to unlock all art on a single character or do you I have to finish the main story with each of them to get everything?

I love how all the nipples are conveniently blocked.

>Metroid made by VanillaWare
Holy shit why haven't I thought of this before? That'd be SO FUCKING AMAZING!

Imagine Nintendo funding VanillaWare and helping them develop it on Switch. It all makes sense. Oh lord please let that fucking happen. I'm sure it'd take a long time to develop and create all the art but still. Jesus christ.

It'd probably be even better than Super Metroid.

Off the top of my head I know you definitely need to complete the game as every class (there's one art-piece for each class). But apart from those I think all the rest are just from normal quests regardless of what class you pick.

>VanillaWare games on Nintendo consoles
>memories of Muramasa translation resurging

Is there a high ress version of this? Beautiful.

She's already huge! This is the biggest I guess?

>Adult butterfly and baby butterfly

Isn't a baby butterfly a caterpillar?

Then ask faggots on here to play it with you sometime you fucking dingus kong. Like me.
Also why do you guys want a ps4 port so badly? Wouldn't that make the online component unplayable because you have to pay to play online. I really don't get it.

No chance in hell, they already gave Elf her abilities through items. And they're useless.

They already got me with BB and Nioh.

>Wouldn't that make the online component unplayable because you have to pay to play online. I really don't get it.
It's the state of the industry, and everyone has to just suck it up and pay. Pisses me off but there's no other way to play shit online with friends. I'm also spending most of my time on PS4 these days so why not release it?

How is this game if you are playing solo? I've been thinking of picking it up. Any news on a Ps4 port down the line?

I hope to god I never buy a game with optional online multiplayer and cave in and pay for a feature that should be free. My ps4 is strictly a single player machine.

sure thing grandpa.

No problems playing Solo. I don't get what everyone says when they need multiplayer.

I guess I'm just good.

Ai controlled heros do a decent job, if you mean solo by this. Playing completely alone is certainly possible, even a lot of fun, but it kinda depends on your class. Some do better than others. It's still doable with all of them.