Sup Forums is not talking about this ultra-SJW garbage because it's made by EA

Sup Forums buys every Ubisoft and EA crap out there. don't fall for people who say "Jewbsoft" or Bioware shovelware. It's false-flag.

Majority of steam retards here bought The Division day one and For Honor

That has to be the gayest looking man I have ever seen in my life.

Obviously low test. Can't even grow full facial hair, look how patchy that looks.

There's nothing wrong with The Division, faggot. Sorry it doesn't fit your weeb needs as you jack off to cartoons in your moms basement every night

They must not have mirrors where you come from

The last Ubisoft game I bought was Far Cry Blood Dragon. Before that, I got that Splinter Cell HD pack from a bargain bin at a Shopper's Drug Mart.

I got Mass Effect 2 day one, and it was the last EA game I bought.

I was one of these retards
I bought the season pass of division too

That's why I'm warning newfags not to fall for Sup Forums hypocrisy and false flags

>Sup Forums is not talking about Andromeda

Where the fuck have you been? There have been constant blue-shrek theas for the past 2 weeks.

A more important subject is how Horizon is a SJW game and how the jews behind Guerrilla Games are using the game to brainwash people

Nioh is funny, cute and stuff but there are more important issues we should be talking right now.

But hey, I'm at Sup Forums what did I expect? This place is literally the HQ of Feminist Frequency.

>Horizon is an SJW game
Explain? It's enjoyable but I don't think it's goty. Maybe game of the month kinda shit but breath of the wild stole the show for me. Game is amazing.

the bad guys with the stupid views are white males
all good smart people are women or muslim

SJW games:

Horizon Zero Dawn
Five Nights at Freddys
Gone Home
Mighty No. 9
Life is Strange
Watch Dogs 2
Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
Battlefield 1
Night in the Woods
The Last of Us
Borderlands 2
Witcher 3
Gears of War 4

>Life is Strange
How so? If anything it's the opposite, have you actually played it?
>Witcher 3

Horizon Zero Dawn
Witcher 3

6/10 bait.

>Five Nights at Freddy's
I'm fairly certain that there are no political themes whatsoever in that game.

>Five Nights at Freddys

Did I miss something?

why do they even need to get someone's "likeness"? seems like a lot of hassle for something you can just randomize in your own character creator

>Sup Forums buys every Ubisoft and EA crap out there
I believe it, its some of the only games pcbros can get their hands on

What bizarro universe do you live in where Sup Forums gives EA a pass on anything?

EA could literally distribute a free cure for cancer and Sup Forums would complain you can only get it from Origin and not on Steam.

I caved for For Honor because my friends got it too but I haven't even played with them.

What another fucking waste.

Something about the VO being the face of the character being easier to mo-cap.


Pick one.

>calling a pc a cuck is filtered to pcbro
r/pcmasterrace confirmed for being unable to handle the bantz

The Division sucks dude. It's boring as shit.

You think you're more attractive than that guy?

As a pcbro, ha

It's all the common insulting names, you Sonybro

>Five Nights at Freddys
>Gears of War 4
>Witcher 3
>Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
>SJW games
Kill yourself

Why are some people such thin skinned faggots that they can't handle being called cuck or nigger, has Sup Forums been leaking again

I havent bought a Bioware game since ME 2. I bought DA2 second hand just because i had to know if it was that bad. I will never make that mistake again

>Sup Forums is not talking about this

As a sociology student at a large liberal university conducting paid research, it boils down to this...

There are a fuckton of female mass effect fans. I mean almost as much as Zelda. That's a lot.

Look at the two largest female centric and woman oriented focused media in pop culture.

1. Twilight.
2. 50 shades of gray

Both were wildly successful because the female protagonist was portrayed as nearly a blank slate for injecting herself in to the fantasy (Twilight).

Or the female protagonist was portrayed as plain and homely, inferior to the readers self-image to enter the escapist fantasy.

You want an attractive, sexually appealing, female protagonist/squadmate as a straight heterosexual male.

Women don't like that shit, they want plain and homely, they want to be the center of the fantasy they are partaking in. Or at the very least, know they could do it better.

Frankly, you aren't Mass Effects main demographic anymore. For every diesel dyke lesbian, for every third wave feminist, for every otherkin sexual deviancy and Twitter enablement, they will replace your dollar.

Enjoy your new era of Bioware, if the new IP isn't mind blowing as fuck, Bioware is around in name only.

>There's nothing wrong with The Division

Thanks for taking 1000 words and using Reddit spacing to restate what everyone has been saying for ten years, faget.

as a 1st grade teacher i can tell you that 6 year olds love that five nights at freddys game. not sure about the sjw connection

>Mighty No. 9
>Implying con man would pander to them
It would be like trying to get blood from a stone user.

I bought for honor and I STILL DON'T REGRET IT

Then why are you all so fucking shocked and outraged like you just tried dick for the first time?

>Enjoy your new era of Bioware

You pulling my dick, bro? We've known Bioware doesnt give a shit about real vidya fans since 2011.

Holy shit.

You make some good points.

But seriously, friendo.

Use paragraphs.

You're not William Shatner.

This is why I prefer stories with defined characters.

Silent protagonists are fine too.

But I feel games with create-a-characters have too much narrative dissonance and lack focus.

I never said I was a top notch student or paid researcher.

No one is shocked. The way this place works is somone posts sonething to get angry about, and we all get angry. Its catharsis.

>Real vidya fans

Wash your hands from the dorito dust and brush your teeth from the mt dew.d

>brush your teeth
I'm British, sorry.