4,7 million view 2 hours ago

>4,7 million view 2 hours ago
>check it again
>5,1 million


What the fuck is happening?

Other urls found in this thread:


His videos are popular, go look at his channel. Not to mention that once a video starts trending the views are going to snowball even more.

That first clip is fake, right? Why would they not use pre recorded footage with Japanese guy hard coded over it?

>an entire system is goibg to bomb because of one guy who cherypicks all his videos for views

Alao why are all his nintendo videos popular when the xbox and playstation vids barely scratch 2 million views?

>That first clip is fake, right?
Yeah, first one is a joke.


the first clip is obviously edited you retard


If I were to make an educated guess I would have to say people were watching it, hence we see the increase in people that have watched it

>what the fuck is happening
cherry picked videos of americans breaking their toys and complaining about it

Ninty wouldn't do this to us. Reggie Bless.

>CrowbCat releases another video
>Five threads at a time for the next week

This doesn't get annoying or anything. Use the other thread OP.

im so fucking tired of you posting this shit video do you hate nintendo that much jesus

People with no Switch are watching YouTube videos instead of having fun with Zelda and Bomberman. Not a massive mystery, OP

>Gave it one of the very first views & likes.


Based /ourguy/ crowbcat does it again.

Wow, what a life you live, user. Am inspiration to us all

It isn't even top of the trending chart like it should be after getting 5 million views in 2-3 days. Nintendo obviously payed google to try to keep the issues under wraps and not have them as first results.


Thanks dude. I try really hard at being nothing, so I appreciate it.

It was #2 at one point.

>Mfw that video has more views than the Switch's total sales

The dislikes in this video shows how fucking terrible nintenbros are.

Sure the PS4 and Xbox one had flaws but fans of both sides took the criticism.

delete your post now

Tasty deliveries, every time.

>but fans of both sides took the criticism.

Seeing the whole Switch blunder makes me love my Wii U

I....it's J...just cherry picking guys! My Fisher Price cheap shitty toy is totally not a piece of shit!

video deosn't show up in the jewtube trends in germany.

This. This is all I see when you ninten-drones post.

>but fans of both sides took the criticism

Or those whose Switches have broken and are looking for how-to videos.

>What the fuck is happening?
you spam it everywhere.

They took it well or not well I think. Nintenbros on the other hand got their asses ravaged so much it shows.


Now in all seriousness, I want to buy a Switch but only when Nintendo revamps the console to deal with its poor quality. They used cheap plastic and cheap LCDs instead of Nintendium.

Keep telling yourself that.

New Nintendo Switch $250 in 2018

>those whose Switches have broken and are looking for how-to videos.
someone should make a (((how-to))) video! First, watering the HDD and then microwaving it.

this makes me want t obuy a wii U desu

If doubles, switch will fail hard.

>What the fuck is happening?

Semi popular youtuber covering a popular new console and a popular topic that is also a meme fest..

Yeah, why would that be popular on youtube? heh idk..

He also took an absolute shit on Watchdogs, yet that was one of Ubisofts best-selling games despite having way more objectionable shit in it. It's not going to hinder much in the long run, just shitposting fodder.


That's not to say there are no defectives but the thing is that every single console release has had defectives.

What actually matters is not some shitty video but the percentage of defective units there are. If you think that a video with like, 20 examples on a console that likely has sold a million or more already, you're fucking retarded.

So I'll wait for some actual numbers before making judgement.

It's on the trending bar.

At least people will be more aware of this corporate bullshit.

Look at the number of one star ratings for the Switch on Amazon, way too many people are getting poor quality or defective products.

Why not? It's a way of maintaining the price and avoid a price drop.
I'm not even going for the "nintendo will make it better for us", from a business perspective it has advantages.
Probably. I'll buy it then. For now it's cheap plastic.

I dunno about this video because I refuse to watch any of his videos but he IS a cherry picking cunt.

Look at the Giantbomb VR videos. The video makes it seem like they hated it by cherry picking the worst parts despite them coming out more positive than negative.

Bros how can we delete this fucking bullshit video

Assblasted fanboys

Flag it for copyright abuse. Nintendo very easily takes down videos that have montages of its products.

Not even his No Man Sky video got that many views, and I believe that issue was more widespread and had less people defending it than what is happening to the Switch right now.

>dead pixels are exclusive to the switch


>video about switch's launch problems
>he is cherry picking it!

What do you want him to do? Include fucking testimonials of people saying their Switch works well or soemthing?

I hate retarded cunts like you

Well, someone has to love it, after all.

check out the tear down vids

its not surprising in the least that the switch has all these issues. the design of it is so slapdash and amateurish for a final shipped product by a market leader

its like a proof of concept or the first run of a product that was funded by kickstarter

ITT: nintenbros who refuse to believe their eyeballs

friendly reminder that based crowbcat is LITERALLY OUR GUY

Make it $200 shekels and bundle a couple of good games.

They also happen on the 3DS and Nintendo will also say it's a feature so they wont do anything about it :^)


yeah that's obviously what happened.

Denial: The thread.

Why are you loyalist cunts so damn retarded? And I am also looking at you too sonybros.

There are no xbots left in this board, just shills.

>its like a proof of concept or the first run of a product that was funded by kickstarter

thats literally what it looks like

How much money do you get for 5 million views on youtube?

it was real i was there
i even got to meet iwata

Roughly, a video creator will earn $2,000 for every million views. "And then YouTube takes 45 percent.

so a few thousand bucks

wouldn't be surprised

>Why are you loyalist cunts so damn retarded?
Is that rhetorical? By definition brand loyalty is retarded. I mean, it's ordinary people that for some fucking reason have loyalty to a brand....

5 figure before any cut.

xbox and playstation videos don't have errors and glitches as monstrously entertaining.

>Dock scratches the screen
>Straps getting completely stuck if you put them on wrong
>USB port on the bottom so you can't charge it while it's standing
Defective units are probably rare, but these things are just plain retarded design by Nintendo.

Saying it's a feature and that people shouldn't bother about it is Ninty exclusive though.

You buy a TV with dead pixels out of the box, that's instant manufacturer replacement.

>#7 on trending
Even my mom knows the switch is a blunder


Remember that screeching "frikkin fricks" kid from youtube? I wonder how he feels about switch.

inb4 they blame piracy of SNES roms on their eventual failure as a company

because sony and microsoft are not selling a cheap ass tablet for 300 dollars - euros?

But I am going to flag that :^)

Suck on a dualshock sonybro

Now I understand Jay and silent Bob so much more.

I would like to find that crow fucker and beat the shit out of him.

>automatically assumes I hold a child's alliance to a company
Where was I again oh yeah


And the drones are at full force in the comments. You can see about everything in there
>it works on my machine
>who here isnt having issue xD?
>this is a haytur video
>is okay when nintendo does it! Peepee4 and xbone had ot too!

Makes me want to start a genocide

This is the time where you pretend to own nintendo products right?

Screen can only be scratched by the dock if you didn't insert it properly and missed the connector completely.
Getting the strap stuck only happen if you didn't pay attention to the indicator.
Making a fool proof hardware is one engineering nightmare, but in no way you can call these a 'plain retarded design'.

I do agree on the bottom USB-C connector being awful, but given the principal core design of the Switch, its a difficult choice that they have to make in favor of the docking system.

>They used cheap plastic and cheap LCDs instead of Nintendium.
Handhelds use plastic screens for improved durability to shattering. Don't know why its suddenly a problem.

sonyfags have no games to play and are autistically inflating the view count and shilling the vid

Its a very typical console launch.

Just because you hate a certain company it doesn't automatically makes the whole thing 1000 times worst.
5 days into the launch and were seeing a very typical launch issue and the defective unit numbers is within an acceptable range.


We won. You can shill against nintendo all you want, but we won.

It would not have been hard to make the inside of the dock lined with black microfiber to eliminate any chance of scratches.

Just saiyan.

I shared it on my facebook and twitter :^)

Stay butt-blasted.

Shills are in full force

It's a problem when the bad quality LCD needs to be in contact with the bad quality plastic.

How is that hard to understand?

Because clam shells protect the screen for the 3ds and the vita isnt a plastic screen.

>Damage control

The units are not defective. Most of the problems arise from simple usage.

Why do you constantly compare Horizon to Zelda anyway? Why not Nier or Nioh?

Now with Heat Trapping and Dust Collecting technology!

regardless of ham fisted american retards breaking things, the design is blatantly flimsy and easy to set up incorrectly, and irreversibly so.

some of the pixel defects are impossible to ignore, and whats more nintendo are calling it a feature which they will not offer fixes or replacements for, which anyone else would instantly replace

also the build quality and design is shit. look at the video this guy was talking about youtube.com/watch?v=obz5tE1mdV0

the thermal solution. the outdated parts. the layout. the quality of the controllers in the second part to that video. its all absolute shit tier

if you bought a first gen switch, im sorry. keep telling yourself its okay. otherwise wait for the revamped one at christmas or next year or whenever they put it out

Oh yeah like the screen scratching feature?

Say what you want about the initial release of the Xbone and PS4 but at least it's design wasn't fundamentally flawed

For anyone being discouraged to buy a switch from this video. Take this video with a grain of salt. With every launch comes some bad grapes, xbox and playstation included. I've had my swith since release and yet to have any issues or problems with it.
I just hope these nintendo haters don't drive off a community of gamers.

Sony ponies googled "swith bad" through their oceans of tears at looking at BOTW metacritic