Since ®1996
Nintendo selling gimmicks for a high price
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The PlayStations two latest things were fucking VR and buying an entire new console to use HDR lighting.
The PC has like a dozen different VR headsets.
Every single one of these things are more expensive than the switch.
Feels bad. That cost like $80 by itself, and only a few games used it.
Rogue Squadron used it. That's all that mattered.
what is that
what is that even?
i'd rather have 70$ gimmicks than 400$ VR blunder to play 3$ mobile games.
that fucking piece of shit only worked in two fucking games
Every other game was useless because the frame dropped to 15 fps
$49,99 for fucking two games
50 fucking usa dollars for Donkey Kong and Zelda
Hey, Majora's Mask mattered too
Owned a ps1. What the fuck is that red thing?
You fucking piece of shit the VR is horrible and a gimmick but is for retards who want that shit
Sony is not spending money in making VR games. They are not prioritizing VR over PS4/PS4Pro
It's a shit thing but rich fags love it
Fuck them and fuck you
shouldn't you kids be in school?
>not having both
4/10 bait by wednesday standards.
essentially a ram upgrade
Expansion Pack. Required for Majora's Mask, Rogue Squadron, Perfect Dark's single player (and gave more options for Multiplayer), & Donkey Kong 64 (only because it fixed a game breaking glitch and nobody at Rare even knows why- so they included it in the package for free and everybody lost a ton of money because of it)
Gave the 64 more RAM to work with.
DK64 also used the thing. It featured it.
My family was poor you prick
Tell me what is it
>Rogue Squadron
Not required. The frame rate was lower with this on. Perfect Dark I think required for Single Player campaign as well otherwise you only could only play a tutorial
Expansion ram 4mb
And perfect dark, turok and Rogue Squadron
Didn't require you dumb. It was only used for graphical bump with lower frame rate
Much like the Docked Switch
ah ok
I had a n64 and ps1 but I never seen that red thing before
Still worth it
>implying everyone owned a n64
Its a whopping 4mb of RAM. DOUBLING the ram of the n64 and is for extra processing power.
Games can run in high resolution modes or even have improved FPS
Perfect Dark used it too
PC ain't a proprietary platform tho. All those things are peripherals and are not a selling point for the platform itself unlike Nintendo, PS or Xbone.
>It only worked in 2 games
>Tells you it works on other games
>Hurrrrr you don't HAVE to use it
Nobody said you did fucking retarded cuck cunt
how about you read about nintendo histoy first faget? they've done that since forever, they're original a hanafuda company for fuck sake
Expansion pack was because Nintendo realized their hardware was underperforming. Seriously though, it goes back to even the NES. Try harder.
So literally it's ok for pcbros to have gimmicks? Okay pal.
How much ram did the ps1 have?
1MB usable and 1MB reserved for certain processes
If the PC was made by a single company and the gimmics were also made by the same thing, then yes you would have an argument.
HDR lighting is available on the base ps4 isn't it?
pick one
It is you fucking piece of shit
All games except two run with lower frame rate
Do you enjoy playing Excitebike 64 or Turok with 15 fps? No. Of course you don't.
N64.. the console that aged the worst. My god my childhood has been fucking ruined
You forgot Turok 2
dude just download more ram
>15 fps
Sounds like the latest Zelda in 2017.
funny enough DK64 had an unexplainable bug that they couldn't figure out - all they knew was using the expansion pack fixed it. With the game coming out right around the corner they had no choice but to bite the bullet and include it with every game.
at least one of the devs talked about it during an old GDQ run
Never understood what the red thing was when I was younger and didn't know how expensive it was. I just thought the red made it cooler so i grabbed mine and switched it at another place I use to go to. After that I just so happen to acquire games that required it. Would've never been able to play those games if I didn't steal it.
>98 kids are now old enough to post here
Why do you live
Believe it or not you can still buy these gimmicks for PCs
What a joke
You do realize PC isn't a company right? There's thousands of accessories and peripherals that attach to a computer and most aren't for games.
Except the N64 was far more powerful than the PS1
I remember having one. I wanna say it was used in TWINE but I could be wrong. Man the N64 had a fucking nothing library.
I sure did love some of the games though. I think i'm one of the only people that liked Castlevania 64.
Reminder Sony is doing everything they can to make the switch look bad
I always thought that DK64 had a great cover. Remember when they use to try, Sup Forums?
Another nintendofag trying to start another sony bashing thread. We get it, you have sony.