>go to film school
>lecture about gender equality
>somebody mentions Horizon Zero Dawn as a good example of a female character
>professor makes a Skyrim joke
>I sink into my chair
>go to film school
>lecture about gender equality
>somebody mentions Horizon Zero Dawn as a good example of a female character
>professor makes a Skyrim joke
>I sink into my chair
what's wrong with gender equality?
The people who are pro-gender equality are only interested in abolishing gender roles for women
what did you want them to talk about, jacking on your Miku pillow you fucking autist? i hope you die.
I didnt go to film school, _ ___ __ _____
>going to film school
You only have yourself to blame faggot
Videogames are dead, Cinema is dead, Art is dead
Your fault for getting a meme degree in a world where culture doesn't exist
You forgot the part where you lie about telling them off.
Sup ForumsTARD
>going to film school
Its cancer. Been living under a rock cock?
You sew user, its only progressive if the diversity is shoved up in your face. Having a diverse cast of qualified minorities working as equals just doesn't show how progressive the world is if the MC is a white dude.
Because if there's one thing modern feminism has taught us, its that there's no power greater than the vagina and we as cis gender white scum should all duck off and die.
>film school
yeah i like not being able to afford videogames too
>[Insert medium] died in [current year]
When will this meme die? It's been going on for hundreds of years now
>going to school
Fucking normie.
Because retards like you keep thinking there's nothing wrong
You witness nothing wrong because you are part of the defilement; You are literal cancer in mitosis
>>lies about Jennifer Lawrence getting paid less than Chris Pratt
Boy you should have pointed out shit like
>Requesting a role for GoTG 2 (allegedly)
>Getting the role of Mistique WITHOUT any fucking makeup because she wanted it that way
>Being amongst the mostly payed people in Hollywood
>pic related
She is an overrated actress and fucking diva bitch that needs to get down of her high horse, forcefully. I seriously hope she screws up her career.
>Is redpilled
>Going to film school
Pick one
Equality is fine but that's not what 3rd wave feminism is about.
>somebody mentions Horizon Zero Dawn as a good example of a female character
This is actually true.
Me and you both brother. Preach
>Film School
Kek, might as well become a hobo now
women kill everything
that is the reason why you are watching the same friends style sitcoms with rehashes of that white nerdy guy, that big black bull and that stupid but secretly smart white girl with a sassy black sidekick girl and that mulato adopted child
the bigger problem is they are in every area of social norms now
it went from entertainment to government and now we are gonna probably end up with hijab wearing lolis
not that i give a fuck about that
i like videogames but that got ruined aswell by those fish smelling cunts
just look att andromeda.. id rather take a bullet than say somehow that its a good looking game that will break boundaries..
forgot to add :
indies wont save it, the pixel art and corridor narration can only do so much until muh mysoginy and white pixels are racist will breach into the gamedevworld
just look att the shit hipster memetards are doing on twitter
the games look semi aestetically pleasing with 90 shades of brown pushed in every game
Because it ignores the biological differences between males and females. It also takes away female responsibility but gives them equal rights at the same time.
Fucking kek
At least Audi used the phrase 'equal pay for EQUAL WORK', more than most companies do.
Agree with everything. Kill them all
Based audi. It's amazing that the only thing of worth in Germany are their car brands.
>going to film school
y tho
_ _____ ____ ____ _____
i completely believe this story, OP
_ ____ __ ____ ______ _______ ____
>film school
Beta male