>Poorly constructed, empty, repetitive open world.
>Extreme artificial difficulty.
>Whoever designed weapon durability is a moron.
>Lack of classic Zelda enemies.

Is this the first honest review of BOTW?

Other urls found in this thread:

No, it's the first contrarian "I want some attention pls" review.

>artificial difficulty

>Is this the first honest review of BOTW?
It's the first review that agrees with you.

Look at the nintenkiddies

Look at OP's cocksucker

Fuck off, little piece of shit, I don't even own a Switch or Wii U.

Artificial difficulty is just a retarded term. You either find it difficult or don't.

>Poorly constructed, empty, repetitive open world.
Best constructed, full to the brim open world
>Extreme artificial difficulty.
This is just plain retarded
>Whoever designed weapon durability is a moron.
Fits the concept very well, but there are always morons that cant adjust to new mechanics.
>Lack of classic Zelda enemies.
Is he asking for rehashes or what?

Nice arguments. GG ez

gbatemp does reviews? I thought it was just a rom sharing site

>Extreme artificial difficulty.
What the actual fuck is this?

Weapon durability is cancer though.

And yet you're still shilling. How isn't it empty and repetitive? How isn't weapon durability cancer? How isn't there a lack of classic Zelda enemies?

Are you underage?


>>Extreme artificial difficulty.
Ha ha, holy shit

You're a retard. There's plenty of honest reviews, OP just finally found one that he agrees with.

Friendly Reminder that;

>Ubisoft tower is ok when Nintendo does it
>shit framerate is ok when Nintendo does it
>empty Open World with nothing but monster camp and shrine entrances is ok when Nintendo does it
>Weapon durability is 'fun' when Nintendo does it
>Washed out colours is acceptable when Nintendo does it

How am I shilling? Because I don't agree with a shit review? Fuck off already, dumb piece of shit.

The game is overrated as fuck.
Fuck Zelda bias.

Guys, please be nice to each other. :(

>BotW gets its first ever mixed critic review after 50 perfect scores
>sonybros are already latching onto it
Here we go

nice thread you got there OP

>>Extreme artificial difficulty.
wew lad
>>Whoever designed weapon durability is a moron.
wew lad
>>Lack of classic Zelda enemies.
I bet he thinks the Lynels are new

>artificial difficulty

Keep shilling

>but Sony
Sony is shit too faggot, horizon is even worse than Zelda, eat shit

A literal nobody that no one gives a shit about except a bunch of sonybros

>Lack of classic Zelda enemies.
What? The game is filled with Octoroks, Moblins, Lizalfos, and Bokoblins, and it's got its fair share of Lynels and Hinoxes (both making their first 3D appearance).

Guardians aren't even common outside of Hyrule Field, some shrines, and dungeons, so it's mostly returning enemies.

I can accept all of the other points. That's the reviewers opinion, and they're allowed to have it. Even if they're wrong. But that last point is outright false.

Why should I care about what some no name site says about video games?

>>Poorly constructed, empty, repetitive open world.
That's not true, the world is fucking different in every zone ad there are tons to do
>>Extreme artificial difficulty.
Like avery fucking praised game like souls
>>Whoever designed weapon durability is a moron.
G I T G U D( some weapons can be repaired and recharged)
>>Lack of classic Zelda enemies.
Retarded complaint

Every review is a literal nobody but it's only good when it's high right?

That's why giving botw less than 10 is idiotic

>Lack of classic Zelda enemies


The best part is that everyone knows this game is shit. Everyone who plays it, anyways.

They know it and openly deny it, even to themselves. They play through the mundane, horribly empty open-world game and pretend it's some kind of GOAT GOTY legend.

It isn't. It's a massively empty, massively repetitive bore of open ground and no driving factors or designs.

Everyone knows it.
They're just in the denial phase, and the reviewers are in the get-paid phase.

A few months from now, this game will be completely forgotten except for its' use as a cursory explainer as "Greatest game ever made", despite the overwhelming evidence against that.


The problem with most of those things is usually the implementation in their games, leading players to think that the mechanic as a whole is fucking awful when it's that most devs don't know how to do it.

Weapons breaking is fucking annoying in most games because usually that's all you have. In Demon's Souls if your +10 Dragon Longsword breaks in the middle of a level you're pretty fucked because you don't have an alternative.
In Breath of the Wild, if you'd actually play the game, you'd know the game is designed around picking up a variety of different weapons, using them up and getting new ones constantly. It's also an efficient way to have loot that'll always feel useful; you will use up your weapons trying to get all the raw materials you need for so many things in the game, and when you clear out caves, shrines or enemy camps the weapons you get are not vendor trash unlike other open world games.

Think of it like Kirby copy abilities; you get hit, lose one, but it's ok because you can just grab the next enemy's ability.

>The best part is that everyone knows this game is shit. Everyone who plays it, anyways.
No one.

He's right.
Enemies that can't ever hit you because you can dodge them but you can't ever damage them because your weapon does zero damage and instant breaks are the definition of artificial difficulty.

Even fucking Dark Souls lets you beat any boss with the worst weapon in the game and it won't break. It might take 20 minutes but you'll do constant and consistent damage.

>>Extreme artificial difficulty

it's not even hard

I wouldn't say it's shit but it's not 10/10

It's a retarded review from gbatemp, retard.

Are you talking about Souls game?

>They know it and openly deny it, even to themselves. They play through the mundane, horribly empty open-world game and pretend it's some kind of GOAT GOTY legend.

Keep swallowing Ubisoft towers, long runs across poorly rendered 'plains', and a half-dozen rehashed physics puzzles as you cry to yourself inside about how wonderful zelda is in 2017.

>A forumpost is considered a review now
I guess shitposters must be getting desperate to find an 8.8 equivalent

>Artificial Difficulty

Solid 9/10>long runs across poorly rendered 'plains'
Not played the game

That shit is not writing for videogames ever again

>The problem with most of those things is usually the implementation in their games

I agree Nintendo implemented low framerate pretty well compared to other games

Is BOTW Nintendo's No Man Sky?
Big, empty and tediois with all the weapons you have to constantly farm.

Yes, Zelda is far worse than every Souls game released so far.

>long runs across poorly rendered 'plains', and a half-dozen rehashed physics puzzles as you cry to yourself inside about how wonderful zelda is in 2017.
not played the game: the post.
There are woods, swamp, beach, snowy mountains, desert, jungle, plains, hills, mountains, canyon, volcano areas etc etc
but anons must shitpost only judging tge trailer. You are P A TH E T I C

>A review trying to give honest criticism is a plea for attention

Even straws couldn't handle this amount of reaching.

10/10 reviews are bloody shit, they just proclaim any game as if they were perfect when truth be told, not everyone will hold the same opinion and will still find minor/significant flaws.

At least this review bothered sharing a few points several people DID confirm to be true without being blind as fuck towards anything Nintendo related and still gave out a decent score.

>Think of it like Kirby copy abilities; you get hit, lose one, but it's ok because you can just grab the next enemy's ability.
THIS, holy shit. 99% people who complain about weapon durability haven't played the game and the remaining 1% are thinking "hmm I hate it in other games so it MUST be bad"

Note that of course it would be "easier" to have perfect weapons. Yeah it sucks when you read "Your [awesome weapon] is badly damaged." But it's one of those things that may be a small annoyance in the small run but the design of the game lends itself to adding more variety in the long run. You'd only care about finding good loot a small fraction of the time if only the first time you found a good weapon mattered. And enemies drop weapons so frequently odds are you'll be seeing "You can't carry any more weapons" more often than "Your weapon is badly damaged"

I don't understand the relevance of the image.

wow so much content

>Extreme artificial difficulty
>Breath of the Wild: The Real, Un-paid Review
>I have a lot of issues [...] and I refuse to overlook them like everyone else has "because Nintendo"

>literally docked points because the game allows you to find and challenge high-level monsters before you'd normally find them
>literally pissed off that other people are enjoying a fucking video game more than him
>being this bootyblasted that other have the ability to thoroughly enjoy something in spite of its flaws

Holy shit, Sup Forums finds the greatest things sometimes.

Well he's right. Shits empty as fuck.

>i only know the first area

Essentially, yes. It's got pretty big nostalgia-draw, and that's what carries it in the broken psyches of the Nintendo crowd. It's the sole justification for the expense of the Switch.

Anyone who admits the game is bad is admitting they're a dumb consumer who got gulled into buying something so bad.

There's multiple factors at play here.

That said, it's essentially just another open world meme game, almost in every way. A hundred shrines that are between 5 and 10 minutes long and involve the same half-dozen physics puzzles re-hashed a few ways each.

Four dungeons that aren't dungeons and can be completed in literally minutes. Four bosses that are the same boss in different formats, with no themes and no flavor.

A gigantic, arguably artistic 'world' full of things you essentially just avoid because why waste your time, there's no reason to do it.

"Enemy Camps" are just time wastes because their items are often (and progressively into the mid/late-game) worse than what you use to kill them.

Why use a valuable weapon killing shitty bokobolins for the thousandth time when you'll just get another wooden sword?

No weapons mean anything except the Master Sword exclusively, because they're literally all throwaway trash that will break soon enough anyways.

You can go to Hyrule Castle from the start of the game and pick up "End game" weapons. But who cares, because they're just break-trash too.

look at the third streamer

>Extreme artificial difficulty

It's the PC Mustard race here

>Like avery fucking praised game like souls

Enemies in Souls don't become nigh-invincible if you don't have the correct tier of weapon that the devs wanted you to have for that area.

They'll just take 10 to kill hits instead of 3-5 but will still easily doable if you can dodge well.

>Enemies in Souls don't become nigh-invincible
Also in Zelda, just G I T G U D


Say it with me boys,


wow an empty forest so much content

He can't git gud if he doesn't have the game

I find it really fun to invade a low level camp with a fuckin boko arm to get some better weapons and use those to work my way up to big-ass 2 handed swords and shit, I don't see what the fuss is about.

forgot image

you are pathetic user, ypu are desperate.


I can put paragraphs in between my points as well.

Doesn't make me any more correct.

Just makes me look like a supreme faggot who wants to make my post bigger so more people see it.

>Using low-grade weapons on tougher enemies


Greatest game of all time.

seriously bros where's the content?

Remember when artificial difficulty was used a joke,back in 2012?

>All those extra hearts

Looking forward to yahtzee's review next week.
Nier automata tonight.

>has to cut off real reviews

You'd know if you were able to play the game. But I guess you're too poor for that, which is why you're this butthurt.

how's that 75 userscore?


Only paid reviews count, can you please delete your post now?

>4/5 on the adult rating scale
>its pretty good but has some issues



>Sonybros get triggered by one number

looks like uncle ninty forgot to pay off a few critics

Thats the definition of artificial difficulty, a game making damage scaling soo extreme that you need to farm/buy better gear because you cannot reasonably make up for the discrepancy in damage by having skill.

You don't do 1 point of damage out of point 5000 HP bar to an boss in Souls if you have your starting longsword with zero upgrades, you do something reasonable like 30-50 depending on stats.

It's still hard as fuck and takes a long time but you don't need to spend 10 hours+ with that boss. And weapons don't break in 20 hits.

Why would anyone be triggered by the number 7.5?


>it's ok when nintendo does it

reminder that Undertale had a perfect 100 on metacritic for weeks until the contrarian reviews started rolling in.

I'll be surprised if BotW manages to hold a 95 rating.

>a professional review
>using the word moron in your points
>point previous uses a meme
Such a nice, unbiased, and totally not cherrypicked review, OP

How I would change Breath of the Wild:
>remove durability
>remove limited bag space
>make duplicate weapons stack
>let you sell weapons
>improve climbing so that you can climb out on to branches and such
>remove stamina bar while sprinting
>limit progression behind items unless you want to get wild with the physics engine
>remove the tablet and turn all the features into items
>remove enemy scaling
>build bigger better dungeons and more of them
>throw shrines and collectathon shit in the trash

Because the reverse can happen too. Which means you end up using any shitty weapon you find instead of your best loot. So you don't feel like you're rewarded for finding a cool sword, as it just sits in your inventory until all you find is cool swords.

He's right except for the first point. Still a great game though.

I don't care about finding new weapons now. They don't last long enough to care about. I've also only run into one new weapon type since beating the first dungeon. Changing the damage value doesn't actually add variety.

not even fucking once kiddos.

seems like fair criticisms

the lag of enemies and boss is a big flaw for me

>imagine him having to balance his critique of Nintendo for not innovating, with his intense hatred of new Zelda

I am hype.

>What? somebody called the game good but not best ever of all time?
>Better send him death threats

>remove durability
>remove limited bag space
>make duplicate weapons stack
>remove stamina bar while sprinting

So you want no challenge at all.

Honestly cannot wait for Jim Sterling to destroy the Nintendkiddies with a 5-6 score.