What are your hopes for this game?
Death Stranding
That it have fun gameplay and a story as interesting as the first 3 metal gears.
>metal gears
Will Kojima turn himself into a character again?
probbaly a minor NPC, he's done it twice already and now he isnt held back by konami's shackles
That it reveals him as the next Keiji Inafune while ruining his career and putting a dent in Sony's shekel horde.
That watching the scripted segments and cutscenes comprising 75% of it compiled into a single video will make for an at least mildly entertaining, if at times tedious six hours.
Joosten staying far far far away from it
no, I don't care at all for kojimas pseudo artistical afterbirth.
The writing in V was so fucking dumb it physically hurt, he's just making trash for the sake of it at this point.
I still think Kojima made the trailer first and is now building around the trailer. I bet he had nothing planned out but some very vague ideas.
Kojima's Episode 3.
0. Vaporware.
>mysterious plot that will require a bunch of puzzle solving
>sci-fi heavy with a bit of tension and horror
>amazing presentation and direction of scenes (both DS trailers are the most interesting things in gaming up to date)
>probably one of the best antagonists ever created (not so hard to achieve having Mads)
>medium-sized open world with tons of things to do
>details everywhere with tiny pieces of information leading to the understanding of certain things
>weapon/vehicles and armor cusmization
>tons of gadgets to use
>cover system, stealth and melee
It will be 10/10
Gameplay like MGS2.
>still believing in Kojimbles after the shitshow MGSV was
>Kojimbo will go full retard trying to bulid a non-sensical artsy "deep" story
>"The first tool that human being invented was STICK but you get disconnected your umbilical CORD when you are born"
I hope that Joosten isn't in it. Nothing against her, but her voice acting and singing sucks, and she looks derpy. I also detest Joostfags, and Quiet was the worst part of MGSV.
Your umbilical CORD is tied to a parasite that has your genome and drains the blood of your mother.
That it's good because we need more good games.
Kojima knows his shit, he created one of the best stealth games under a lot of pressure from Konami, he may be a son of a bitch that spends every money they give him but he ends up showing nice results at the end.
Konami pushed an unfinished product, Kojima could not do anything against that.
>Quiet was the worst part of MGSV.
did you not play the game? she was the only interesting character. Kaz was juts a pair of crutches, ocelot was just a generic cowboy
I'm so sick and tired of Norman Reedus that it's killing any interest I had in a Kojima game. The only reason that hideous piece of shit is even in this project is because hipster trash and millennial retards are obsessed with zombie garbage.