When will this meme die?

When will this meme die?


One of the fastest growing media sites of all time? Probably not soon.

As soon as a better streaming website is made.

In the grand scheme it's still pretty new. I expect it will grow for a couple more years, until the next gimmick comes.

It's not going anywhere. The best you can hope for is that Youtube Gaming sorts it shit out so that there's healthy competition between one another.

why are you hating on twitch? this shit has kept me sane and curbed my loneliness in this friendless sit in my room reality i seem to have found myself in.

At least Twitch is gathering people to check out games and form an opinion instead of relying on SJW cuckold review sites and the like. I love free, unadulterated looks at new games. The less traffic they have, the better.

When will this meme die?



also it helps me go to sleep when drinking doesn't work

Virtual friend simulator isn't going anywhere soon when shut-ins will pay $5 to have their meme infested message appear on screen which makes them feel like the most popular kid in school for 30 seconds.

I doubt it, since amazon bought twitch a while ago. They'll keep it healthy and weed out any start ups and upcoming competition immediately so twitch can keep its almost 100% market share.

I just don't get it all, wow you can watch the shot LIVE on a rebranded YouTube with chats so fast you can't even interact with the person playing games? Why? WHY? I fucking hate this planet.

What are wrong things Twitch has done? Apart from stupid bans of people and games, I can't think of anything. They can't be blamed for the horrendous community.

The shut ins hate it because they're jealous of people like Summit because they can't do anything with their own lives.

You're somehwere on the spectrum if you really can't understand the appeal
I'm not even joking

>with chats so fast you can't even interact with the person playing games?

That applies to less than 1% of streams.

I don't get the opposite, why would you watch some dude film themselves sperging and talking to theirself?
The only acceptable videogame playthrough videos are when the guy actually does commentary on the game, explains shit and talks about the mechanics or lore or story or what the fuck ever
At least with streaming taking into account You're actually interacting with somebody playing the game

Few streams have chats that fast.

But to answer your question, I use Twitch as background noise for the most part. For whatever reason, music no longer works for me while I'm doing other things - it gets completely drowned out instead of just being in the background.

Aside from live product announcements by developers, conferences, and e-sports (if you're a manchild), there is no reason to watch twitch streamers. Twitch is just a virtual babysitting service for lonely teenagers and little kids without a sense of belonging, complete with an older brother facsimile who will say your handle into his microphone and pretend to be your friend in a chatroom for $4.99 a month.

I like to watch people who are better than me play so I can maybe learn something from them and apply it when I play. Also people are attracted to the social interaction but I'm sure you don't understand that.

>there is no reason to watch twitch streamers
>Twitch is just a virtual babysitting service for lonely teenagers and little kids without a sense of belonging
But you just stated the reasons to watch twitch streamers

In my experience, it seems that many people on the spectrum seek out socialization to an abnormal degree.

I don't have any desire for constant social contact, nor do I envy those who are good at it or get a lot of it.

friend simulator.

I work at Twitch, ask me anything you fancy