Don't mind me, just delivering this bottle to page 10

don't mind me, just delivering this bottle to page 10

I come to collect.

recour pls

my semen?

Nah nigga


>default courier
>the year 2k17 of our lord
fucking peru shits

If that's whats on the courier.


Quick, someone nerf that shit! Slow couriers down to a crawl while they have a bottle! Back to page one with you, donkey boy!

Can I roam with doom

>still falling for the skin meme

>ironically, adds shrines in several patches later because LUL why not

Valve """"""""""balancing""""""""
Name 1 developer that's not shit at balancing characters.

Shrines aren't bottles, they provide regen to your entire team and scale up as time goes on as well as being TP-able. Using a shrine on one person is a complete waste.

Name a more balanced game with a similar roster :^)

In your butt?

great thread


>more balanced, similar roster
Literally any non-Dota moba with a cast of 50+ except LoL.

>Literally any non-Dota moba with a cast of 50+ except LoL.

wanna give some stats besides talking out your ass?

I need my TP your bottle can wait.

Oh boy here we go.

>pub winrates are an objective measure of competitive viability
>pro winrates/banrates/memerates are the be-all-end-all of character balance, not the mathematics in a game that is 90% mathematics, 10% reactions
>every single fucking meta is "pick X and build Y or lose horribly"
>implying that you can actually objectively measure balance by using stats


>pub winrates are an objective measure of competitive viability

no one said they were and people in the Dota community say the opposite, why else would the lowest win rate heroes like Io and Chen be so OP competitive? It makes sense that high skill cap heroes would have lower win rates OVERALL - if you look at win rates per bracket then maybe you'd have a point.

>90% mathematics

you mean which champion in LoL has the highest damage gain per AP? how is that relevant to Dota when it's 90% decisions

>pick X and build Y

Like? There's tons of viable shit in Dota because incredibly few items are core.

Nature's Prophet, Shadow Fiend, Alchemist - all of them good examples of huge item variation. You can literally build anything on NP except BoTs. How else did we get Hail Rake WK or Triple Null Blademail on NP. Or that dank Euls Blink SF for utility or pure damage.

>objectively measure

you can TRY, there's a huge difference between trying and not, might as well make League of Legends then, where champions haven't been played since 2015 competitively but they insist on making more.


>tfw been playing ranked dota with my gf and climbed from 2.5 to 3.8k

>anime reaction picture
(male) gf or are you a lesbian

Why'd you assume that user?

People that post animu girls are usually androgynous faggots, are you an exception?


*teleports behind you*


dota is shit

*Blocks your couriers path*