Game opens on a reflection on how death is unfair and how a personified god-figure that must be responsible for it...

>game opens on a reflection on how death is unfair and how a personified god-figure that must be responsible for it should be killed, immediately establishing the main character's intelligence and maturity at the level of a 12 year old
>gameplay is like a best-of mash-up of mechanics and ideas from 2004
>filled with camera and perspective issues that were solved in mainstream video games very early in the 2000s
>graphics look like a remaster of a mediocre and colorless game from 2006
>normal mode is mindlessly easy with no challenge at all, while hard mode is filled with one shots that can reset the game a full half hour

This is a $60, M-rated title released in 2017, and Sup Forums is completely smitten with it because its main character has a fat ass, and director autism. I should've bought Horizon.

>I should've bought Horizon.
You can still do, retard.

Here's your (You).

>taking taro games seriously
>letting Sup Forums fool you into thinking they are good



gameplay looks like fucking trash.
>but muh ASS

was buying a new game today no matter the case. Wildlands is a Ubisoft game, Horizon is SJW friendly and steals all its ideas from the Witcher 3, and Nier is a Yoko Taro game. I gambled and lost.

My main annoyance is people freaking out over paid reviews for BotW, and not this. This game is, at the very maximum and with the game-journalist inflation, a 7/10. An unbiased fair review would give it a 5/10 for its price tag.

>paid reviews
>for a yoko taro game

>paid reviews
>for a square-enix/platinum game with an autistic director

>paid reviews
>for a platinum game

>square bought reviews for nier and not ffxv

FFxv came out half a goddamn year ago. Automata is a big game by a big company that is playable - therefore deserving of 9/10s from every reviewer in the pocket of the publisher.

>i didn't played it but consider my opinion as well informed as any other: the post

you're the problem with this board

Literally Nier with Platinum gameplay. Nothing was corrected, nothing was improved besides the combat.

So square didn't have the money to pay for reviews for their biggest franchise half a year ago, but somehow had the funds for Yoko Taro's dragon quest table scraps?

I will buy it but on my PC for 4K and 60fps mate but I don't have high expectation for this game.

How can you improve what's already perfect?

if your game gets a 10 from IGN, it's pretty good. below a 10 from IGN, and it's either a masterpiece or mediocre. If it gets below a 9, it's probably a broken pile of shit, or just too smart for the pleb journalists working at that hack pub. Nier most definitely ain't a smart game

Have you ever considered the possibility that the reviewers liked the game?



Fucking kill all weebs

>says game looks like trash
>says ass is phat

I fail to see this fine gentleman imposing his opinion on anyone.

>Literally Nier with Platinum gameplay

So a 10/10, gotcha

You can improve a 6/10 game by giving it a better combat for example. That's why Automata is 7/10.

>Waifufags only buy this game for her butt.

they absolutely did pay for reviews for FFXV... That game was a broken and incomplete pile of shit when it came out, yet holds a solid 81 on meta.

I don't think buying is that pathetic, but believing it's good is

Sup Forums literally complains more about that ass then Polygon. What happened to this place.

because I play games for the gameplay not for some pixel ass like you guys.

dude ASS lmao


when a comment's as sparse as that, I can't tell if the people he's making fun of like or dislike the game tho

>I don't think buying is that pathetic
Yeah but dat 60€ pricetag doe.
I'd preorder it right now if it was like 40€. A perfect price for a meme game straight outta 2010.

>I will buy it so I can justify my hardware but I don't give a shit about the game itself
What the fuck is wrong with you people?

>filled with camera and perspective issues
I know, right? I just wanted to get a good look at her ass. She shouldn't push the camera away like that.

>Being a faggot
>in 2017


Did people on here shitpost this much about Bayonetta 1?

No they didn't. Nothing about it is broken and it has more content in it than automata and Zelda botw have put together. Not to mention it's one of the few console games that actually look 8th gen.

You sound like you're just poor, or stingy, and want to delude yourself into believing this game is somehow lacking to justify not immediately ordering it. Don't. Just accept your flaws and don't attempt to diminish the best game of the past several years to cover your insecurity.

>game has shit gameplay
>but has some sexy elements for underage like you
>wow dude you don't like this game because you're gay


Trolls trolling trolls as usual.

Also, a lot of people are simply insecure 12-year-olds who believe any game that makes their peepee feel funny must be bad because of it. Mature adults accept sexiness as a pure positive.

>the best game of the past several years

The state of waifufaggots ladies and gents

>looks like
Ah, so you've not played it then

I will buy this when it hits $30

A2 is worth at least that much

Rest of the game and the fanbase can rot in hell. Porting the game to PC just made the community a million times worse, just like Souls


>>graphics look like a remaster of a mediocre and colorless game from 2006
Yeah, how else would you get 60FPS on PS4?

Observe: This person would be a perfect example of the insecure 12-year-old I mentioned. The telltale shibboleth is use of the word "waifufaggot" (also be on guard for "virgin", "neckbeard", "weeb", etc). A person speaking like this feels threatened by things he doesn't fully understand and lashes out to protect his ego.

this guy needs to kill himself real soon. reasoning like this only gets worse with time.

>best game of the past several years


I played the demo and it's clear that the graphics are outdated and the combat while looking good is piss easy and borderline broken.
Then if you read the reviews you'll get the confirmation that nothing improved in terms of game design and story telling from Nier/Drakengard.
So it's literally the same flaws of Nier/Drakengard mixed with Platinum's combat mechanics.

if you are not getting this game to experience god tier soundtrack blowing everything else off the planet's surface then you are irredeemable faggot

You know, I genuinely forgot the related piece of crap this weeble game was related to. 7 years huh, this is just another one of those bland videogames for weebs to post as their cover photo.

Fucking Nier man... 7 fucking years


Average waifufag ladies and gents

Bayonetta didn't try to stuff half-backed high school existentialism into its idiocy. Why would anyone complain about a mechanically solid fighter that, despite it being almost a decade older, was technically and aesthetically better on every level than a game released in 2017

In this case being a secondary is patrician, as taro has never made a single worthwhile work in his entire life, and the only reason this game is good is because of Platinum

>calls a troll comment out for being a troll comment
>proceeds to respond to it as if his first statement nullifies the trolling nature of the initial comment

Game isn't nihilistic or attempting to be intellectual at all, yet I've seen multiple anons saying that it is and is pseudo-intellectual. Is Sup Forums retarded?

I just cancelled my order, I played the demo and it seemed fun, but thinking about it now, even in the short bit I played it the combat was pretty second class, which was the only reason I was buying, I have no idea what the fuck nier and drakengard is. Maybe ill get it later down the line, but for now I've lost a large part of my interest in it.

OP here - soundtrack is based as fuck, but takes too much from Nier 1

>More content than BotW


Did you play the game? Toobie's ass too distracting for you?

What does your heart tell you?

>the game is like a game from pre-2007

Sounds amazing, I should buy it.

It does. It has more real dungeons too.

I literally don't care. I'm gonna pirate it. I know it's not as bad as you're making it out to be but even if it was, I'm not spending money so I don't care. If I like it, I'll buy some merchandise or something

>game is blatantly anti-nihilistic
>"wtf this pretentious game"
OP is just retarded, thank God XV-kun is here to defend his piece of shit game and derail another shitposting thread.

>Pirate it

Have fun waiting a couple of months for it. Its protected by denuvo.

I have a feeling I won't be waiting very long for a crack

The game is good - it's just obviously written as a vehicle for somewhat mindful entertainment, not as a display of intellectualism. It's basically a serialized 50's scifi novel, complete with a semi-romantic ending.

>it's shitposting if people call Nier trash
>but not every other waifu thread about 2B's ass

You really should consider suicide

HAHAHA! You faggots haven't even played the game, have you?.

Everyone who knows the first thing about Taro knows that he isn't trying to make intellectual games (whatever that means), but games that provoke an emotional response in the player. So yes, Sup Forums is being retarded, trolling, or both.

There are like 5 Nier threads up, mostly for shitting on it. There is only 1 (one) nier thread to talk about the game and even that one has shitposters like you without a single ass posted.
Kill yourself my man, Sup Forums is only contrarian and wrong 95% of the time because it's filled to the brim with retards like you.

Everyone that "knows" Taro isn't a good source of information

Every denuvo game that got cracked at least took a month or more. Why would this game all of a sudden take the quickest to crack when other denuvo games has a much more reason to crack quickly?

>emotional response in the player
Melodrama was never a good thing,
and he's bad at it anyway.

It's almost like the game is a perfect shitposting target because it's only noteworthy asset is a robot ass

Faggot, there's no contrarianism here

Nope. RE7 was cracked in under a week. Either way, I'm not super hyped for the game. I just think the combat looks cool and I wanna look at the female robot's ass. I don't mind waiting a month or two

>game opens with exactly what I said it does
>main character is exactly as dumb as I said she was
>"muhh waifu!1!! OP is retarded - game is anti-*insert shit I didn't say here*"

cryptome cunt

Some melodrama is good. The Sirk-Hudson films, for example. But I agree that Taro isn't especially good at it.

Does it even have Denuvo? I thought Steam had to mention if a game had a third-party copy protection system? I know RE7 store page says clearly the game has Denuvo.

Yeah, most people assume it'll have the new version of denuvo but we haven't seen any concrete evidence

melodrama and intellectualism are not mutually exclusive. The two are harmonious in every worthwhile work of art that's been produced thus far.

I think Taro's pretty good when it comes to melodrama. His game's lack the intellectual element though, and are thus unbalanced and frequently unfun.

>>game opens on a reflection on how death is unfair and how a personified god-figure that must be responsible for it should be killed, immediately establishing the main character's intelligence and maturity at the level of a 12 year old
Considering she's a literal emotionally stunted robot who wants to bang another robot who acts like a precocious 12 year old, I think that's the point.

>Nier threads pre-Platinum: People who don't mind middle-grade performance talk about a unique and interesting little game.
>Nier threads post-Platinum: Autistic screeching about how the game is unplayable because it isn't perfect vs endless shitposting about how it's perfect because it's unique.

I hate you, Platinum Games.

>it's bad on purpose

>Just accept your flaws and don't attempt to diminish the best game of the past several years to cover your insecurity

Best game of the past several years is a tie between Witcher 3 and Persona 5. Nier Automata doesn't even make top 20.

Westcuck vn and generic high school shit with no combat aren't games.

>Dumb teenager analogue acts and thinks like dumb teenager, the narrative does not support their viewpoint and even contradicts it.
>Bad writing.

I know you're shitposting, but characters having flawed perceptions and personalities isn't a bad thing. You may as well say Hamlet's shit because the guy doesn't just stab Claudius.

And running around in an empty, ugly world with no plot while staring at an ass and letting the game do everything for you is? Don't make me laugh you Tarofag.

Calm down, westcuck.

As opposed to running around a generic japanese highschool, trying to decide which waifu you want to fug?

So mad you can't even formulate a proper response now? Don't worry I'll laugh when Persona 5 becomes GOTY and everyone forgets about Nier.

>Don't worry I'll laugh when Persona 5 becomes GOTY

hahaha GOTY will be an open world game like always you dumb faggot. Niche jap game slapfights are amusing

*farts in your face*

Heh, I think that's the point
Platinum is the only reason people care about this game

can we please stop the "Witcher 3 is a standout masterpiece" meme? might as well argue that horizon will be remembered as a standout game for years to come

>game opens on a reflection on how death is unfair and how a personified god-figure that must be responsible for it should be killed
Well death is surely unfair when paired with self consciousness. Only a very perverted maker would make his creations live a very short amount of time fully realising that they are going to die and vanish no matter how well the use the time given to them. Introducing the gift of death to maker is actually not the best plan ever.

>gameplay is like a best-of mash-up of mechanics and ideas from 2004
call me old fashioned, but that cant really be neither true nor a bad thing

>graphics look like a remaster of a mediocre and colorless game from 2006
battles are fast and animations are pretty. while yes, most models and world look like shit, its clear that devs put some time in making best of what they had to work with.

>normal mode is mindlessly easy with no challenge at all, while hard mode is filled with one shots that can reset the game a full half hour

shit, really? No middle ground? That sucks.

>This is a $60, M-rated title released in 2017
well nobody made you buy ps4, you knew games cost more than they deliver most of the times, being a highly subjectional form of entertainment in the first place.

>main character has a fat ass
but holy shit that ass. and 2b is pretty looking in geeral. its nice to see pictures of her here in there while browsing v.

Im a virgin so this game is perfect for me.

P5 is really full of cliche and melodrama that you can frequently see in japanese media though

and, its ending is worst because it just repeats the same pattern in JRPGs that "if you make friends and its bonds more stronger, you can beat 'some god thing' beyond humans who just have evil in their heart"

I think it is more weeb-shit than nier-automata

I dont know about WT3 well though because I dont play it yet

Good for you.