120+ year old in the body of a 6 year old

>120+ year old in the body of a 6 year old

Would you, Sup Forums?

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Would I what?

I would.

Do you have any pictures of link tho?


Balls deep.
Randoseru is my fetish so i would do it till i faint.

i thought she was saying "Genki!"



I will always wonder how stacked she was in her prime, when compared to Paya

Would it be legal to fuck a granny Loli?

So who else tried to move the camera up her skirt?

I wonder how it would feel? Must be tighter than anal sex.


she old as fuck and did the experiment to herself, dont see why not

Not in australia.

Of course

6 on the streets, 120 in the sheets.

Fuck no, I hate that character,she is so annoying and "anime" for lack of a better term

They shoved her in there just to appeal to the retarded weaboo audience who think stuff like that's a good representation of Japanese culture

She is just your average woman being an attention whore.

why yes

You would have to screw her pussy onto your dick like a lug nut.

She probably hasn't had sex in almost 100 years, if ever.

oops wrong one collete sucks

If Sheikah technology can reverse the effects of aging, do you think they could also give a functional sex change? If nothing else it could reverse the effects of puberty and then go through it again with the opposite sex's hormones.

The fuck is wrong with most of the kids faces in this game anyway?

NPCs in general are either super cuties or have gigantic chins or have weird fucked up cheeks or something.

This has been the case for Zelda NPCs since Ocarina of Time.

is this a trick question

>She probably hasn't had sex in almost 100 years, if ever.
No doubt, she hopped Link's unconscious, near death bones after dragging him to that century long Lazarus pit. Probably took his innocence. Innocence he was saving for Queen forehead, princess of eyebrows. Monster, really.

It hasn't been long since she regressed from being a teenager. Be careful, she might still be ovulating from earlier in the month.

Since OoT, the kids either look super cute or super weird.

pretty much this zelda npcs are always varying degrees of grotesque

oh damn finally the lewds have begun

haha naw man shes saying SNAP cuz thats totally a thing

Looks like someone doesnt browse Pixiv.

No, I'm not a pedophile

i dunno man theres only one Purah pic on there i can find

I'm still waiting for the SJW articles about the Romance quest between the Zora girl and the Hylian dude

Although it's COMPLETELY fucking hilarious how the Nip Gooks over there in Godzilla-land put that quest in and NO ONE says a THING about it in-game. They're all just like "oh yeah that's cool, np."

its better than cool user, its pure

No one cares, user.


>mfw reading the diary she said you to don't read
>that part when she is a teenager and how her assistant now look at her "different and weird"

How that got under ESRB's radar?

Is this the new midna

It's チェキ (cheki) which is a kind of small digital camera in Japan.

t. weeb

>that early period of r34 where nobody fucking knows how to draw the character

those are instant film cameras

you're right, thanx m8

I only know because I've been thinking about buying one. They look like they'd be fun to fuck around with

Is there a way to view NSFW pixiv images without logging in


guess ill just use my google account or something then


I find the faces of the kids to be adorable. Seeing them play all happy makes me smile.

why is his thumb a penis?

shit I just made an account and you cant even download images with right click
anyone know of a way to save them? I tried view source but I cant find it

Has pixiv gotten in on this yet? They're usually pretty fast when it comes to stuff like this.

I'd rather fuck ten 12 year olds for 6 years.

Maybe copy instead of saving and then paste on MS paint?

nevermind I found it in inspect element


NSFW obviously

Legit fucking retarded?

no i found it

Listen bud, I don't use Pixiv so don't go insulting me for offering a creative Paint based fun for the whole family solution to whatever problem he's having.


I would


Shut the fuck up pleb.

Murder time fun time ( ͡° ل͜ ͡°)

Cheeky breeky to you too weeb

OOhhhhh BOY








>120 year old scientist in the body of a 6 year old
>wears a school backpack with a recorder on it for some reason

They really wanted to make sure you knew this was a loli, didn't they?


I miss when games weren't so fucking blatant with their pandering.

That is one THICC 6 year old.

Games have always been like this, you fucking teenager.


Why is she wearing guardian ears?

No, they haven't you goddamn infant.
I blame gainax for this garbage.

>No, they haven't
Yes, they have.
>I blame gainax
That's because you're a fucking moron.
Honestly mate fuck off from this website and wait until you are at least 17 before coming back to lurk for two years before posting.


M8, you have no fucking clue of the world of emotional distraught you are about to enter.

post the picture of her saying check it

Ah so she just kind of lies there. Lifeless.

to be honest

I don't mind it since its just a cutesy thing instead of her going like "ara ara just because I have this body doesn't mean I don't know how to please a man~ I'm actually 120 years old~"

ya feel?



>Symon did a "full physical" on her each time she de-aged

Symon checkin' on that hymen

Not as tiny as she is in-game and her skirt is frilly and poofy.

too bad she cant get pregnant though

not because she's 6 but because she's 120. woulda run outa eggs a while back

You fucking sperg.

Doujins never respect the rules so it doesn't matter.

>can't get pregnant
>over 100 years of experience
can't get much better than this famalam

Google Pixivutil.

Also you can, the fuck are you on?

>too bad she cant get pregnant though
>too bad