Wildstar bred

wildstar bred

Huge update hits tomorrow ( or today depending on time zone) with max level boosts for free for those who wanna skip to the end game, if you've never played before, this is the time to jump on board!

If you have played before, are you ready to give the best mmo on the market another chance? Has user forgiven this game for its past mistakes and shortcomings?

Is this game more populated than Battleborn?

This is crucial information.

Chernobyl is more populated than Battleborn.

This game had such good looking characters that it bummed me out how they were wasted on a shitty vninalla wow clone

The art and graphics are a fucking eye sore. Honestly, between that and the retarded as fuck dialogue and british humor, this game is unplayable.

Yes, and it has the best community out of every mmo i played, almost 0 toxicity

the game being dead is a meme for the most part, but it's such a big meme it spreads to people who would wanna play and decide not to, it's a self-fulfilling meme

Have you not watched cartoons as a kid?

This isn't true everybody that plays is an elitist dick.

what the fuck this isn't shut down yet?

Sure. Doesn't stop this game from being ugly as fuck and having horrible design.

You type like you're a fucking Polish slavshitter and your shilling is blatantly obvious.

Fuck the fuck off to Reddit and learn English.

The artstyle is fucking awful.

>the game being dead is a meme for the most part

you better not be lying to me boi
I love the game and it was sad to see it wither away

Been playing since launch and the community is like a close-knit family

The housing is amazing, i'd play this shit even if that was the whole game, the raiding makes it 10/10 for me, potatoes gonna potate i love this game


looks kinda cool, so i guess I'll give it a try

I feel your pain :/ but really the main reason people think it's dead is the doomsayers (and the major layoffs a year ago but that's already a consequence of step 1)

>tfw killed Laveka two days before the update that'll megacasualize the whole fucking thing and give people free i150s for completing the most basic veteran dungeons, 20 ilvls above the current highest raid gear

I mean, it's a magnificent game top to bottom and it's worth experiencing,

but holy shit this is not looking good.

Then again, it's silly to create content and maintain a game for just the ~250 people who can actually not get carried through Redmoon Terror.

I don't blame them, but it's depressing. Hopefully they'll fix the Prime loot system.

what are the classes like nowadays?
Spellslinger and medic were my favourites back then

>best mmo

Fuck no.

T. ex wildstar player

Spellslinger is largely unchanged, meta rotations don't even matter for them because dps honestly depends on skill. Even without the RMT set you can choose between using all magic, all physical, or a mix, and the highest dps will probably be just what you're comfortable with.

I use a pure magic build with T8 ignite, CS, and AM, and often times I blow Rapid Fire fags out of the water.

The best medic dps became kind of potato unfortunately, since they introduced an amp that makes every other Gamma Ray cast a guaranteed crit. It basically plays like stalker (holding down Impale/GR) while you try to keep 3 actuators and throw a triage for buff uptime.

Healing is healing.

Casuals have money tho, and we're getting prime difficulty

did u get paid to post this?

I really want to play it but I remember being displeased by some broken animation
This was years ago though

I would play if Gunslinger wouldn't feel like a guy with two peashooters

>wildstar has the money to pay people to shill

>Level boosts
>If you've not played the game before now is your chance to not play it some more and just skip to the end!
What the fuck is the point? Your game is so shit that you're now selling not playing it as a feature? My fucking sides.


Sell me.

I bought it new, I wanted to like it. I felt like Wildstar had a identity crisis; they advertised to casuals and "lol muh hats and pets", but the game was designed around fairly hardcore principles and end-game.

I'm a hardcore PVE/PVP end-game type player and i've been looking for an MMO for a long time. I couldn't deal with ultra-casual post-BC WoW, FF14 held me for a little while up to Twintania / the big time gap between the next content, and I've tried most MMO's that come out.

I stopped with Wildstar because the population immediately died off and their patches post-release were all so desperate to retain casuals, hats, pets, cosmetics etc.

What say you, OP?

>Dead game is full of elitists circlejerking and this is "best community"
This happens every fucking time for dead MMO's, to try and handwave the massive flaws in the game "b-but the community is great!"

>Massively limited skill loadouts and childishly simple "rotations"
>"fairly hardcore"
user just fuck off with your retarded memes. The main issue with Wildstar was that it was just fucking boring.

>max level boosts for free
What? As a new player you can just jump to end game?

When is leveling just going to be taken out of MMO's completely? It's pointless.

Didn't play it to end-game; I had friends who did and told me attunement to the first 'Raid' took literal in-game month/s and that world-first clears took a long time.

I have no first hand experience to speak of, but rather that of the communities I'm part of, which lean towards world-racing PVE raiding guilds and "MUST LEVEL CAP IN A WEEK" types.

But thanks for the absurd hostility, famadu.

>the game being dead is a meme for the most part,

You mean with all of one server?

Wildstar is f2p right? What sort of things would you need to spend money on?

This game was okay but its humour became irritating too quickly and I really disliked the combat

1 server. If you're a dick, people will remember you. Remember old wow times?

Wildstar player here, AMA me anything.
Cosmetics, service tokens for quality of life shit, extra cash shop currency drops, and, soon, easier progression on endgame stuff.

>Game had a chance to resurge a little when it went f2p
>They still fucked it up

If they wanted money from the casuals, they would put more effort into providing for and catering to the Housing. I honestly don't believe there is a group of players between "People who are not interested in PvP or eventually raiding" and "Housers and Roleplayers". Making shit easier and devaluing raids is not the answer.

It's hype as fuck, it's free, and nothing's restricted behind the subscription.
Combat is unparalleled, and it's the best MMO raiding currently alive, although there is a chance you may not see that in the first raid since you could be supercarried by people with ridiculous gear. There are still early progression guilds at least.

Enjoy it while it lasts.

imagine actually playing this game and caring about it

I played it for a while and really enjoyed it.
Literally only thing that turned me off was latency but hey, thats the price I pay for being strayan.
Yeah OP I'll give it another go.

The store sells mounts and pets and house decors, but everything sold there can be bought with a currency you earn while doing stuff in the game, so you can get everything you want without paying a dime if you have the time to play

>People will remember you
Yea, and people will also endlessly start circle-jerk cliques and there will be endless elitism, good shout laddie.

It's so common that players' friends turn down trying out the game cuz they can't be bothered leveling up or don't have the time or don't wanna do it alone, this is the solution

What the fuck are warparties and circles? I saw that free players cannot invite people to one. Does this mean that in a group of free players, they will never be able to start an instance?

attn. to anyone actually playing it

with the rules you set, it will make your camera always follow your mouse and convert your 1 and 2 keybinds to left and right click. This is absolutely required

there's literally no "endless elitism" and you will be respected if you aren't shit. perform well in the content your gear is suited for and you will be loved by all. the issue only arises when little faggot shitters try to shove their way into higher raid tiers without working for it.

t. raider

Warparties are like arena teams, except for warplots, the giant '30v30' bg kinda deal.

Circles are glorified chat channels. 100 member cap. You can use the name like a guild tag.

I wish this game was toaster friendly, I really want to play it but it wouldn't even try loading, it brought up some your specs aren't high enough page when I tried

>Without working for it
And how does one "work" for it? Games like these tend to be fucking dead which means that groups are already completely static and there is no growing groups to speak of through which to "work" for it. You want to endgame raid? Good luck getting any gear to get to that point because no one runs mid-tier raids seriously etc.

Does this mean you'll never be able to play arena with friends if your friends (and yourself) are all free accounts? That kinda blows but it won't be a deal breaker.

No, you just can't create groups for it. All the content is available, and you can unlock these restrictions as you play the game, this is only to prevent spamming

Raiding and dungeons are better than WoW imo, but game optimization is total shit

there are progression guilds working on GA and DS as I type this. you can join one of those, or wait for pugs, or join an RMT guild and get carried, or do contracts and the prime dungeons coming tomorrow for raid-tier shit.

that said, thinking you can't doesn't automatically make you deserving.

You can still queue up with friends i think you just cant create an arena team that has its own rank .. maybe... im not a pvper maybe someone else needs to correct me but afaik thats how it works

Why not just let the players get to endgame right away, forever? The leveling is retardedly bad, even by mmo standard. No one does the dungeon during the leveling and you only learn to dungeon at max level anyways.

When you have a gps locator spamming you to do this and that and that and this, this fucking annoyings the player and break the immersion of exploring the stupid place.

But there's multiple raid runs for every tier every single day on both factions, not to mention dungeon runs.
It's wrong to assume everyone is maxed out in best in slots (and even if some are, they host runs for fun )
This seems like a living system to me

>leveling sucks
>noone queues for lowbie dungeons
Not true i get into low-level dungeons with like 5 minute queues, 30 at absolute worst
You realize this is sci-fi, why would you make people read quest text to figure out where things are when the technology obviously exists in the setting, if it was fantasy i'd agree

>Not true i get into low-level dungeons with like 5 minute queues, 30 at absolute worst
False. Me and my friend try queuing different times, and switching faction, and the queue doesn't even pop. We try this every summer and it got boring fast because no one queue for dungeoning and the leveling is just fucking bad

>You realize this is sci-fi, why would you make peop....
Doesn't fucking matter. The quest giver are in your face annoying and scifi or fantasy, this is just bad design. The fact there nothing to disable it made it even worse.

Maybe im lucky, maybe you aren't, anyhow, if the leveling up was what ruined the game for you two, here's the solution, the 50 boost.
This new patch also makes higher levels be able to do dungeons with lowbies and still get relevant gear, hopefully this will cut queue times

>, here's the solution, the 50 boost
Fuck you. The instant someone suggest using one of these means that the mmo fail as a product. The failure that the leveling suck and using the item to mask how bad it is instead of fixing it just show how bad the devs are. The game was advertise for endgame but the barrier that is call horrible level prevent any population growth of said game

>mmo fail as a product
Not him, but when was the last time you actually had fun leveling in a mmo?
When was the last time leveling was relevant at all in the long run?

Holy shit, this game is still alive?

It looks like you can't boost characters you already have, rip

Let see, Runscape at January for shit and giggles, SWG Emulator at December because of Rogue One Movie was on and that went by very fast, and Neverwinter Online and the last ten level was upscaled but tolerable with the instant dungeon queue and partying of players in the later zone.

Wild Star has none of that shit and fail as a product due to the barrier of getting to the endgame.

>barrier of getting to the endgame
But its gone now. You just want to hate on it without giving it a another chance. DESU, i don't really even give a fuck because i dont play w*