Kojima likes Guerilla and HZD so much he is working with them to work on death stranding

>kojima likes Guerilla and HZD so much he is working with them to work on death stranding
>CD Red likes Guerilla and HZD so much they recommenced the game to people who liked Witcher 3 (which won the most GOTY awards in 2015)
>now John Carpenter is praising them
Sup Forums is wrong

Other urls found in this thread:


What is John Carpenter doing playing video games?

>b-b-but it has girls in it!

thought that nigger was dead

I hope this is true, since I'm an idiort and would rather have more good games than less, but just because someone makes something good doesn't mean they have good taste in other people's works.

What the fuck kind of retarded question is that?

Film directors can't play games? Musicians can't read books? Graphic artists can't listen to music? Game devs can't watch movies?

I played the game.
Sup Forums is not as wrong.
It is worth it's score. but it is not something people like Kojima and John Carpenter should be losing their shit about.

>John Howard Carpenter is an American film director, screenwriter, producer, musician, editor and composer
>John Howard Carpenter is an American film director

Isn't Horizon a video game?

Man I'm trying to like it, I really am.


-Writing is awful
-Story... they worship a fucking door guys.
-Villains are bland and uninteresting
-VAs are CRINGE tier
-Herb gathering is tedious as fuck

It has a lot going for it, the good things in this game are REALLY good.. But the bad things are just jarring as fuck to me. It's a 6/10 in my book, but I enjoy the gameplay so much I am going to try to stick with it and finish it.

John Carpenter was also behind FEAR 3.

He got tired of making chairs and tables lmao.

>Movie director likes a movie "game"

Wes Craven

>a fucking film director praises horizon new dawn

this shit writes for itself

>senile old fuck's mind is blown by what is likely the first video game he's seen since the 80s
Who cares, HZD is fucking broken SJW garbage

Guess Im buying it after all. John carpenter is a legend.

>libtards promote each other in their cancerous attempt to take over the gaming industry

who couldve guessed

He's an old ass man, that alone basically removes him from the pool of people that play vidya.

This is Sup Forums so ill give you a pass.

John Carpenter LOVES video games. and has for decades. He plays them daily.

Hes pretty much retired now so thats what he does mainly. He has a music career kind of budding right now though.

>John Carpenter

>Lots of people like a game
>Sup Forums hates it

Gee whiz, I wonder who's right?

Really makes you think...

>Sonyfags brag that movie directors shill their movie games
Oh god my sides.

Oh my god, those cons.

Don't play Zelda, just a little warning. Especially the Writing, story, and VA parts. Jesus Christ.

And they found a way to make worse animations tan Bioware.

Main character looks like a caveman fucked a woolly mammoth, fucking dropped.

videogames are for children

>everyone is losing their shit over this garbage
I don't understand. The combat is legit weightless trash. It feels light as fuck and the arrows don't even have physics. The bow shoots like a fucking gun. The ai is terrible. The animation is terrible. The story and voice acting is mediocre at best.

The only good thing about this piece of shit are the graphics and environments. Are all of these retards pretending it's great because it's a high profile game with a female main character?


Who is this guy. Better question, which movies did he do. I know his name but I didn't watch a lot of movies growing up so there's plenty of ones I've never seen.

Sony is really desperate to shill their game lol. Wonder how much John got for that tweet?

Well, when you make a game as bad as Jericho was, no one could really fault you for having bad taste. It's ok to not have excellent taste in everything, it's what makes us human

You must be 18 to post on Sup Forums.

>all these mad plebs
>meanwhile zelda will be forgotten soon as HZD lives in relevancy into 2017 GOTY awards.

They Live is a really good movie

Precinct 13
They live
The Thing
The Fog

Isn't Guerilla almost entirely designers and concept artists, with technical parts of the game handled by third-parties? What would Kojima have to gain from working with them?

It feels like this game was made by two dev teams. One that put every ounce of love and passion they had into building the world and making good combat. And then a bunch of SJW pandering autistic tools who can't write or act but expected their political nonsense to carry their lack of talent.

It's REALLY jarring when you look at different aspects of the game. Still worth a play despite that I think, the game play is that good IMHO.

As for Zelda, I will not be buying a switch, have a wii u but I will wait for it to run well on CEMU, 20 fps is just not okay. I will likely buy it and just rip my ISO cause I'm not a shitbag.

>Sup Forums

Ah, it must be a year.

It's the same as Horizon, but the good thing is not everything is voice acted.

Their engine basically.

>Sony """game""" is loved by film directors

This shit writes itself, god damn nyggers.

Any examples? Im not super far yet but the animations so far have seemed pretty decent, mind you I started skipping all of the cutscenes because the acting and writing is fucking TERRIBLE lol.

>Look, CanalPlus is the company that, with me, owns Escape From New York. They came to me and said, "Luc Besson ripped you off on Lockout." Or Lockdown, whatever the hell that was. And they sent me the movie, and yes, he did. It’s the same story. (Laughs) I mean, you can’t do that, can you? You have to change a couple things. He’s after the president’s daughter? Come on. So I took him to French court. [CanalPlus] wanted to also go after the video game Metal Gear Solid, which is kind of a rip-off of Escape From New York, too, but I told them not to do that. I know the director of those games, and he’s a nice guy, or at least he’s nice to me.

>all female elders you meet are either kind and motherly or complete tyrants
>matriarchy is the center of their culture which makes sense since the themes are birth and shit
>machines are genderless
>men are either extremely meek or very warlike

It's not SJW garbage, it's just characters on a spectrum.

>when you make a bad game because you spent more money on marketing it than developing it


T. Guy who didn't actually play the game.

>Sup Forums is wrong
Sup Forums is the voice of dissent
if you like the game, great. not everyone did, and no amount of high profile faggots saying it's great are going to change that.


>they worship a door
and there are people that worship a giant black box

>Sup Forums is wrong
That is literally the history of Sup Forums

I get the feeling it excites the same kind of crowd that would be excited about James Cameron's Avatar.

>Any examples

I wish I had saved any of the countless webms people were posting 1 week before release. Maybe you're not paying attention due to the fact that the cut scenes are already killing you inside

>David Hayter liked this tweet
>David Hayter liked a tweet of a game using an engine Kojima is using

David Hayter in Death Stranding confirmed.

Okay that's pretty fucking awful. lol.

Probably. lol

.... Yeah I'm just here for the cool visuals and combat jesus fuck who wrote this hahaha

>John Carpenter


is Zelda's VA really not britbong? I lot of Zelda fans seems to think VA is mediocre to awful

Now excuse me, Legend of Zelda BOTW 10/10 98 GOTY awaits me


that was brian de palma

Oops I meant Christine.

Death Stranding is going to be terrible.

Screencap this.

Nigga I'm playing it right now on the hardest difficulty, yet there are people complaining about low arrow damage against metal plated dinobots on normal mode.

Let's talk about Brom, the suicidal guy with the terrible voice acting.

For two minutes before you figure out where this maniac is yelling from, you're looking around thinking "who and where the fuck is this obnoxious person." And then you climb up the cliff and walk toward him and the cutscene starts.

Clearly, he's some faggot with screws loose and there's no other way to interpret that.

So, is that a) SJW pandering or b) some fucking lunatic that should probably get his shit together?

Maybe you should play the game instead of watching some lets play.

>Sup Forums is wrong
No, those paid employees are shilling a sinking ship to save its name but it's failing.

I will only concede when John Carmack praises it.

damn, Tortanic really ruined this place, didn't it?

I haven't seen any of those. I'm 28.

CD Red
>You mean walking simulator likes the other walking simulator devs?
John Carpenter
>Literally fucking who

Stopped reading there.

The Thing was a good horror game.

Your loss my man. The Thing is one of the top 10 movies ever made.

sony is afraid of losing too many people to nintendo so they dosh out money like fucking mad, getting even people who no one gives a shit about anymore to shill their game

sony is afraid and that is good

>games are for children

>using bow
>not using a bow

More like
>Game with large budget is failing so is shilling to famous people to shill their game more

Why do I care about what developers think about shit? I can form my own ideas and opinions.

>Appeal to authority

whom are you quoting

Is this how far we have fallen?


The gameplay gets repetitive after half an hour and the visuals are nothing spectacular unless you're a console-only gaymur.

Is your tinfoil hat shaped like a fedora?

You're on the internet. Do a search on Google instead of asking to be spoonfed.

Name one game that looks better

literally any recent game on PC at max settings

>Sup Forums is wrong

No, Sup Forums is just shit posting. The game looks great and if i ever buy a PS4 or if it gets ported to PC I'll buy it.

theHunter Call of the Wild

>The game looks great
>He thinks looks "great"

So... Carpenter is a fucking pleb failing for the AAA graphic shit?






>People who don't know who John Carpenter is
>There are people who don't know he plays Video Games.

He seems like a cool guy, he almost sued Konami because someone told him Metal Gear was a ripoff of Escape from New York but he said Kojima was a nice guy so he didn't.


Doesn't even have to be recent.

so it's better than bloodborne then I take it?

>The gameplay gets repetitive after half an hour
The only thing that gets old is grabbing herbs before going to fight bosses on very hard as you'll need to be full.

>visuals are nothing spectacular
Stop making the rest of us look bad, pic related. My rig shits on yours and just about everyone elses on Sup Forums senpai.


I wish he had sued him, Kojima is an even bigger hack than David Cage.


>mfw the greatest director is irrefutably right

>Windows 10
>SLI meme
>overpriced gaymur monitors

You're a faggot who most likely just built that PC so you could brag about muh mustard race as you're doing now.

The gameplay is nothing special, and neither are the visuals.

cough cough someone is paying him

>Stop making the rest of us look bad
But he's right, the visuals AREN'T spectacular.
They're good, but they're about what I'd expect from a modern open world game.
And in some ways it's lacking in terms of asset quality.

It's Sup Forums dude. They think ANY voice acting is awful. I can't think of a single game that Sup Forums has ever praised for voice acting. Too lax, they call it lazy, to serious "Kek muh laydee"

Honestly I think it's just really cool that John Carpenter is playing video games.

A man his age should naturally just be "Muh artistic medium, children toys are taking over", but he's not doing that. He's almost 70 years fucking old and saying "Hey, this video game thingy is kinda cool" I'm not a massive fan of his, but I fucking love the Thing. If I was his age I would be angry and bitter about everything youthful.

Just wanted to say that.