Is this going to be good?
Is this going to be good?
The better question is should I bother giving Zionmax 10 shekels to play Quake Live?
We can only hope. The fact that they confirmed it'll have the option to remove any stat bullshit and have everyone on a level playing field is at least a good sign.
>he didn't get it when it was free
I played it back in 2012 and they deactivated my account.
I have little hope for it, but little is more than none user.
No, more people will be playing it solely because it's new though
I hope it is just so I can play Quake again. Does anyone still play Quake Live?
QL has around 750 people playing right now
Oh shit is this really a PC exclusive?
Might not be so bad after all
>I wanna play quake but I won't bother unless it's new and shiny and they have a multi million dollar marketing campaign telling me I must play it
this is the kind of person they are targeting.
>have to sign up for shithesda's mailing list
ho you fuckers
UT4 is good
>Hero shooter
It's dead.
I remember the meme that CSGO was turned into an ADS shooter when an update hit.
CSGO was always pretty shit though. It was designed to be a CS game for the xbox 360 that got a shitty skin and loot crate system tacked onto the PC version when the console version bombed.
>Quakeguy has a shitty tattoo now and isn't pissed off enough
>Consoles won't get it so it must be good
CS was always a shit casual game that was designed with random chance in mind, it's just addicting to play.
COD promod is miles better than the shitfest that is CSGO
Not with asymmetric bullshit
I think you guys are rambling outside the point. People say shit and it turns out it's inaccurate. You can all babble about how Quake Champions is a Battleborn clone and I wouldn't believe it for a second.
>Consoles won't get it so it must be good
No. But it won't have to be compromised to work on controllers you retard
Probably not. Mods aren't being that well supported.
I was never trying to argue against your point I just wanted to point out that CSGO sucks. Whoever replied is probably a cuck that never played action quake 2 or surf maps in CS.