Is this the video game of the decade?
Is this the video game of the decade?
Other urls found in this thread:
Is this the worst thread of the decade?
It isn't. the game is fine.
Define decade. Define video game. Define is this the. Define of the.
best game ever made by far
suck it weabos
I want to befriend Papyrus.
Decade is a period of ten years.
Define period. Define 10. Define years.
reminder that everything in this post came true
Reminder that Undertale is the Citizen Kane of video games.
>that feel when Trump put a spanner in their works
MVGGA! (Make Video Games Great Again!)
>real gamers are so pleb and mentally deficient they actually think furthering art is a bad thing
my sides
Sad that people believe a shitpost like that.
>Define period
The thing where women bleed every so often without dying
Define women
Undertale is a generic rpg, nothing more nothing less
a creature which never sleeps with you or op
You should hook up with the definitions guy.
That's pretty easy to do, since he's the 2nd boss of the game.
What if Undertale cam out in 2004 and Cave Story came out in 2015
Its NieR:A now.
A false-flag Undertale thread? Still? Isn't it a bit too late for that kinda shitposting?
It's fine. It's obviously not the perfect masterpiece that deluded fans think it is, but it's not "LE CRINGE TUMBLR GAME". Despite what Sup Forums thinks, it's not some sort of SJW propaganda scheme, it's not trying to preach anything.
No, the story and music is the only thing good at it every other aspect of it sucks
Forgive me if I don't take the opinion of somebody who doesn't know the difference between its and it's, seriously.
Undertale received as a off the wall RPG. Indie scene is small so it gets a fair amount of accolades and the cancerous furfag fanbase gets yelled out of most websites, relegated to boards like Sup Forums
cave story gets called indie pixelshit which appeals to furfaggotry and homosexuality
The story is the only thing that matters.
Grammar does not mean anything if your retarded can process it even with the lack of ' you stupid faggot.
>It's obviously not the perfect masterpiece
pleb detected, what's better then?
>Grammar does not mean anything
You have to be at least 18 to post on this site.
Mario and Luigi
Bowsers Inside Story
can't afford a Switch, huh?
Oh okay then i'll just live this here.
I hope not.
>at least 18
Oh okay 12 year old retard.
That looks really awesome, thanks!
Shit *leave
Well, I can spell, and I use proper grammar, so if either of us is a retard, my bet is on you. Sorry buddy.
>Barebones simplified VN/walking sim for casuals
>Zion City
oohhhhhh right, I see
>triggered by the lack of apostrophe
Okay retard.
lol how ironic
>says an opinion
>some cuck gets triggered by the lack of apostrophe
>topic not Sup Forums related anymore
Nope you really are triggered shit lord.
It's the reservior dogs of video games
something that became popular because most people didn't know about the asian stuff it ripped off wholesale
>says opinion
>gets a polite response
>countless posts calling someone a retard, faggot, shit lord etc like a triggered, underage b&
not even that guy btw
>most people didn't know
>self-described homage
wew ok
>Although UNDERTALE is an original game, the demo has already received many favorable comparisons to the MOTHER (Earthbound) series, specifically MOTHER 3. Other have compared it to Cave Story, the Shin Megami Tensei series, Touhou, and Homestuck.
Top of the kickstarter page.
It's barely a videogame
You're retarded if you unironically think that.
No one who plays Undertale has even touched any of those games. Whenever I bring up that the soundtrack rips shit from Earthbound, no one even knows until I link them Earthbound music. And that's on fucking Sup Forums.
Someone needs to look up the difference between a homage and a ripoff.
It's the only worth while pc exclusive that's for sure.
"Homage" isn't directly ripping the exact sound font and instruments from another game.
>homage is only what I want it to mean now
Interesting because everyone I talk to it on Sup Forums seems to like it precisely because of the mother series nostalgia.
>it's not a ripoff even though it quite literally rips off other games
What a coincidence I hate Reservoir Dogs as well.
Tarantino is a fucking hack. Half of his movies are just inane, pretentious dialogue and the other half his foot fetish.
How old are you? I would be genuinely grateful for an answer.