ITT : Games so piss easy you literally limit yourself to make it fun

ITT : Games so piss easy you literally limit yourself to make it fun

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I love how this shit game is already forgotten.

Every game is piss easy to me caise im a hardcore gamer :D

a bunch of other big games came out
also it was too easy

I know youre pretending to be a faggot but in all seriousness there are many skills and weapons that need nerfing. Its not fun when youre fighting nightmarish beasts and can end the fight after single hits. Badly designed game.

I gave up after that ninja frog mission. Fuck me it got boring by then.

If Sloth didnt exist and most of the boss fights were 2on1 i think the game would be pretty challenging

Nioh is extremely fucking easy though

This thread was designed for Bloodborne.

> Bloodborne l33t playarz only
> git gud nub

10 days after purchase....


You didn't play the game did you.
There are plenty more things other than Sloth and Co-op that make the game easy: Living Weapon, Discord, Set Bonuses, Parrying, and the rest of Onmyo magic. The game was designed to be more difficult, but instead of nerfing the skills with the rest of the game, the skills stayed just as powerful and trivialized the game.

Deffinetly this.

And even after limiting myself substantially it was still too easy.

wow bro ur so good, where do I subscribe?

desu the game does that for you as you progress, near the end some of those orc dudes can only be killed by scaring them with a beast so they run into a campfire and light themselves on fire, start running towards a cliff and then comically slip on a banana peel

Believe it or not most people actually find Nioh pretty hard. I mean if you've played other Team Ninja Games and mastered the alpha then Nioh probably won't be at all hard but it's still challenging to most of the audience.

All of them. Seriously. I intentionally handicap myself in games so that I can feel some sort of challenge.

Source? There's more to the game than Hino-Enma

People are too busy talking about 2B's game that comes out in a couple days.

>magic shitters complaining it's too easy


The leveling experience was always boring in Diablo 3 because of how easy it is to complete. There is zero sense of danger or challenge from 1-60.

RE7 thread?

Ancient Dragon is the only difficult thing in this game. And some of those Pilgrims of Dark dungeons if you aren't spec'd properly.

>dude butt lmao

>Believe it or not most people actually find Nioh pretty hard.
What are you basing that on?

Because I've only seen people say the opposite unless they are a retard like DSP.

By endgame of Nioh I was beating every boss first try.

In DaS2 I never beat a boss without attempting them at least 3 times. Most were more attempts than that.

Nioh is much easier than DaS2, if you were trying to imply the opposite you are a retard.

The cheese methods in Nioh have nothing on DaS2 and you will discover one of them by accident because the game gives you free Ninja and Omyo skill points.

You even admit yourself that in DaS2 a bad build will fuck you late. You can't have a bad build late in Nioh. You'd have to not be using Ninja and Omyo Mage locks.


It's common enough to where I do this for ANY game. Any game I don't is typically IWBTG levels of bullshit.

Just having a set bonus gives you pretty insane damage

And considering revenants are the most casual trash I've seen in awhile, everyone is rolling out with full purple/divine red faggot sets + an optimal scaling weapon

>In DaS2 I never beat a boss without attempting them at least 3 times.
Really though?

DS2 has so many joke bosses. Covetous Demon, Myrrha, Prowling Magus, Old Iron King, Skeleton Lords, Flexile Sentry, Belfry Gargoyles, Dragonriders...

Nashandra is one of the most pathetic endgame bosses. Same with Aldia.

Even without NPC summons these bosses were incredibly easy. I can't imagine how trivial it gets if you actually use the summons. Some summons like Jester Thomas LITERALLY solo the bosses.

every souls game
every NG game
every action game in general

if they put a bonfire at the top of the dragon shrine, ancient dragon wouldn't even be so bad

it's just that you have to climb the stairs of bullshit every time you want to attempt it

only 50% of players have beaten Umi-bozu

The game has a great and solid combat system but lacks everything else. From enemy variety, to the maps, to the boring side quests, to the story etc.
The loot system is nice tho

You seem like a rather sad person.

>Any game I don't is typically IWBTG levels of bullshit.
I used to think that too until I realized I was just coming up with excuses so that I could still tell myself I was good at games.

I'm not saying you MUST be doing that but consider it because a lot of people do it. For example I never understood why people said Dark Souls had "artificial difficulty" because I was always observant enough to notice traps. Example of the other way around: I thought XCOM was bullshit and required save scumming until I got good and realized that I was makign excuses for my own inability to strategize.

Not your blog faggot.

That's not a very good metric. You'll see similar stats for bosses on all games.

Less than half the people who buy a game finish it.


Having autism isn't an accomplishment.

Anyone I know who didn't play the betas first thinks it's hard

I got DLC gear and the first 3-4 levels were easy as fuck since I knew them by heart

It's good but it ain't bloodborne good.

It's autistic to be able to platinum the game?

git gud

>Covetous Demon
You're right I actually beat him first try. Not sure if I can count Myrrha because I didn't drain the poison on my first like 8 attempts but beat her first try once I did.

Flexile sentry I don't remember. it wasn't first try but it was one of the lowest. Might have been my second try.

Also you didn't mention him but Demon of Song I actually beat first try too.

But really the game has so many bosses that I don't think that's a very high percentage of them.

But yeah everyone else definitely took at least 3. Some that you imply are easy are actually ones I had the most issue with like the Belfry Gargoyles and Old Iron King (though that was more the BS of getting glitchly pushed into the lava).

Also as you correctly guessed, I never use summons so yeah I imagine with those the game is easy but that's because they're supposed to be life line for bad players. Again, it doesn't compare to Nioh that not only has that summoning life line but is easy on top of it.


>this game is easy because I've already played every other action game in existence and have years of experience in the genre

videogame AI is not even 1% advanced enough for any game to be actually difficult anyways

what the fuck this is awesome


Nah man it's autistic to continually post about it on the internet.


I didn't play the betas because I didn't get my PS4 till late January. I still thought it was easy.

Again, I don't think people with DSP level skill in games should count. If you are fighting Umi-Bozu for example, having trouble and haven't gotten fire tags spell yet you are bad, the game isn't hard. It's very clear he is weak to fire and the fire tags require almost no investment to get and equip.

I have normie friends who would call it hard but that doesn't mean it's hard. The reality is that unfortunately average video game skill is quite low despite the difficulty of the average game (if that average is from the whole course of video games as a medium and not just recent games).

That's a lot more impressive when you realize how few i frames you get.

Not really.

All that means is that you either rushed and ruined your own experience or have an embarrassing amount of free time.

Neither is something to brag about so why are you?

DSP says the game is easy though. The only times I've read people call it tough are facebook normie friends and journalist reviews.

Right he says that after dying to Umi bozu like literally 25 times all the while doing exactly what I describe din my post.

The point was more if you are as bad as him and saying it's hard, it's because you're bad.

The fact that he still thinks it's easy despite being so shit at it and struggling on that boss and the yatagurasu dude shows how easy it is. Even DSP has no issue outside the times he was actually presented with a challenge that required him to slightly change how he played and even those challenges aren't all that hard.

That was my point. That I imagine anyone saying it's hard it splaying like he is, which is, with 0 regard for what the enemy is and what they are doing. The kind of people who die to a boss 20 times and still don't say to themselves "maybe this boss has an elemental weakness".

Because of the git gud meme.

I like to remind Bloodborne fans that it's not that hard at all.

But like I said that doesn't prove that. No where in that image is how many times you died so for all I know the fact that you did it in 10 days just means you're a pathetic loser with no life who spent way too much time playing the game, dying upwards of 100s of times. This is corroborated by the fact that you are that obsessed with "proving meme's wrong." Anyone obsessed enough with trying to "prove" to fans of something that their opinions are wrong is a pathetic human being.

Oh yeah, sorry. I hadn't read through each reply chain. People saying Nioh is tough reminds me of how people say Revegeance was tough. It isn't, but if you're dumb or bad at games it is possible to not learn the mechanics and that makes two bosses really hard. No lie, an old friend of mine never beat Armstrong on his own because he couldn't figure out he needed to blademode his healing factor and the giant rubble at the end. To this day he calls the fight stupid and impossible.

Bad argument. If more people find it hard and few find it easy one should conclude that the few are good ad video games, not that the majority is bad.

I expect some elitist rambling about casuals and stuff so don't bother. Try feeling better about yourself without trying to hold others down all the time.

Be glad that it's easy for you but keep in mind that most consider it hard.
When talking about something subjective as this you should still try to strive for objectivity

The fucking point of the lack of a difficulty slider in this and souls games is that you decide your difficulty by the way you play the game. You would have to be some kind of a fucking dumb cumsucker to not understand this.

Every modern single player game

Pretty much. I was super hyped after playing the Alpha and Beta but then found out those demos had 99% of all enemy types and weapon types. You played the demo you played the majority of what the game has to offer.

I still enjoyed it but its a 6.5/10 at best and I will not be getting the DLC.

I got bored of nioh like 4/5ths the way in.

It really is too easy, and too much of the same.

Beginning was great though, shame it couldn't really keep going.

10 days.

Same. At region 4 it started to feel like a chore and I just wanted to finish. NG+ is the same thing too but bigger numbers. Enemies take 10 hits to get killed but you only need 1 to die. So is basically how when you started playing regular NG for the first time. I have no idea why people bother with this Way of the Strong mode when it offers nothing new. At least in Dark Souls and Bloodborne you got a few new items.

Fuck no. I beat half of DS2 on my first try. I wish i was lying.

hi pc player

>fromfags are still butthurt over the fact that Team Ninja did Dark Souls better than Dark Souls

t. conquered cuck who had to overlevel to beat shit.

It plays nothing like Dark Souls. Fuck off retard.

"Dark Souls is the hardest game I've played in years" - Millennials

>new items in BB and DaS
BB had no difference from NG to NG+
DaS had only Gwyn's stuff

>10 days
from your replies I can conclude that you're a NEET with about 14h playtime/day so
>140 hours
you're a NEET thus lazy thus used guides
>140 hours to plat a game with guides

"Hahaha dumb millenials!! They aren't true gamur like me!!"
-idiot who doesn't realize he is a millenial

>This game is too easy
>Less than half of people playing the game ever beat Umi-Bozu, which is less than 20% into the game

The lack of awareness you guys have is insane. Most people these days are not used to games where a mook can kill you in the first hit or two of a 5 hit combo.

Wow you must be real fun at parties...

Don't ever insult dark souls here again.

If it's taking you 10 hits to kill enemies in Way of the Strong you are fucking up. By that point you should already know about exploiting back attacks, which moves drop enemies to the ground, final blow strikes, your skills etc...

Despite them adding more enemies and changing the composition of enemy groups in Way of the Strong, if you're competent at the game it's not an issue.

Going back to Dark Souls or Bloodborne after this felt like breaking my fingers and trying to write with a pen.

You are fucking retarded

Whats the consensus on Nioh?

I platinum'd it recently, and I've only done that for exclusives that I've loved.

The moveset for Dual Swords felt way stronger than any other moveset. The Quick and Mid mixed with kick then the follow up just destroyed anything.

I offset spear for the double boss fights (I didn't know they was cheesable with the living weapon because I forgot about it). I used to just mid strong to poke at whoever was playing Ornstein.

I loved the loot set and gameplay. I don't like the set bonus's for Dual Swords but ho hum, there's some decent generic sets.

Onmyo magic is must take, slowing and lower defense is amazing. And the low level "avoid death" ninjutsu is so good.

The story was alright, loved the last missions.

The few mobs complaint rings true to me. All minions with any weapon meant sweet fuck all because they never got to attack. The Yokai with double sword was a bit silly. The fire demons should be removed, generally made me sigh.

I loved most bosses. On most I did the slow / weakness debuffs along with putting an element on my own weapons. It felt a little cheesy, but I never used living weapons either. The second boss felt the hardest for me, took me about 10 tries. Nobunaga side boss mission was my biggest challenge, it felt a little cheap but I was satisfied with killing them.

The two "final final" I've one shot every time I've met.

I really hope there's some DLC.

I liked the game even though it felt like it dragged on. I was so tired of fighting the same 4 enemies over and over that I just wanted it to end. After I beat it I went to gamestop and traded it in for $35

It was for me though, I mean the other games you have are piss retarded easy. Its not that dark souls is hard per se more than the other games have been dumbed down. I remember playing on insane difficulty in ME2 and almost never dying.

Still got to finish it. Other games and uni got in the way but so far:

Really really like the gameplay. Movesets are fun. Fashion is perfect with the ability to refashion items. I don't use any ninjutsu or magic besides my fire talisman so I can't tell how easy they make the game but I'm having a good time. Not too easy, not frustratingly challening. I remember the alpha being rough as hell.

I'm loving the spirits. Easily the coolest gameplay mechanic and I'm dumping 1/3 of my points into Spirit because they're so fun. Can't wait to collect them all.

Bosses are cool. Mostly saw those from the betas/alpha though so I knew what was coming.

Oh and the tutorial level was super nice. Didn't expect it to start off like that.

what this user said.
i went a balance build of 20 in every stat except magic/spirit at 40 and i do terrible damage since i'm not taking advantage of certain scaling attributes for ng+

plus armor makes a huge difference that you need to start upgrading those too. the game expects you to be already having a solid build and to get out of the experimental range from just ng

Dork Souls 2 and 3 are already an insult to Souls.

>this retard again
>running from enemies
>savescumming for endings
>cooping bosses
>still took him 10 days to plat

I've heard the game is pretty fun.

>i went a balance build of 20 in every stat except magic/spirit at 40 and i do terrible damage since i'm not taking advantage of certain scaling attributes for ng+

This isnt Dark Souls and character stats make little impact. You only need stats to meet requirements to wear new gear. Nioh is an ARPG and builds are gear dependent not stat dependents.

Super robot wars

It's a good game that would do better with a sequel with more enemy variety, level variety, and more weapon types.

I think Nioh is only hard till you learn to Ki pulse.
Once you learn flux, parry and start adapting new skill/stance combos to your play style even bosses become a bit trivial.
In comparison, Bloodborne kept you on your toes throughout most of the game (unless you were dramatically overleveled).

>Despite them adding more enemies

They added like 1 or 2 more enemies for every stage. You barely notice it. NG+ is super boring.

You heard wrong.

>this eternal amount of asshurt
Keep posting until your feelings recover, however many weeks it takes


Fuck off, memelord, I doubt you even played the game

Daily reminder if you used at any point of the game the followings you are a fucking casual and need to go back to Dark Souls.

Ground spikes
Ground Finishers
Dual Katanas
Back attacks

Now for the gentlemen if you used any of these you are good to go.

1 katana
Red Demon Armor
Kingo set

I mean it is harder than just about any AAA game that came out the past few years. And a lot of hard games like NGB or DMC3 aren't even that hard on their default difficulty which is what journalists and normies praise them for.

>you're a casual if you used back attacks
>but it's ok to wear kingo, the back attack armor


>1 Katana
>Kingo set
>Red Demon

I see what you did there.