Switch owners, is it worth it? Should I wait for a second edition?

Switch owners, is it worth it? Should I wait for a second edition?

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Why do you want it other than Breath of the Wild?

BotW is fucking amazing but I have a Wii U. I wouldn't be buying an overpriced system for one game unless there was a plethora more coming very soon.

Doesn't seem to be the case with the Witch.

No games, wait until it's actually worthwhile.

Is it worth getting a wii-u for BotW? I don't really plan to go game on the go but I figured getting the latest console is the smart choice

I only play on pc now and while I am somewhat interested in the switch it has a lot of flaws on a hardware level and I would rather not have to RMA it.

As of now, no. I love it and I played 40 hours of Botw in 3 days, but the system in itself is not "worth it" yet.
If you can wait 5-6 months I think that would be best, no need to wait for games and the OS would have drastically improved its functionalities by then (or so I hope).
I really think the system is going to be a success, but right now it feels more like an investment rather than something certain.

I only bought mine day-one so I could brag and say I got mine day-one.

It's a $400 console with ONE GAME!

Wait for December.

No games. I'd say wait until it has at least 5 games you wanna play. I bought it because I'm always on the road, and my laptop can't handle emulating BotW. Even then, I'm sorry of regretting not waiting.

It's still expensive. If you don't have either you might as well go switch, it's going to have all the new games going forward.

I have a wii U, haven't played anything on it in ages, but I can't get a switch in my area now and I think I wanna wait for more games and a possible bundle to come out so I'm gonna do wii U zelda then switch later on. Hopefully by December there's a good deal because I wanna play Mario.

I honestly love my Switch and it's probably my favorite hardware launch to date.
If you have to even ask that question, you should wait. At least until Splatoon 2, if that entices you to get one so be it, but if not then wait for a good black friday bundle that comes with the switch and BOTW or Mario Odyssey or some shit.

Switch is definitely worth it, I'm enjoying mine so much, definitely the /comfyist/ console to date

MK8 in april, lots of good indie eshop games too

Never buy a console on release.

Wait atleast 6 months because every console so far had a
>low ammount of exclusives/games on release
>Software issues
>Hardware issues

The Switch sold out and maybe they will change the few problems the console has in the next months

Well yea, I got shovel knight, will probably get fast rmx, and definitely getting master blaster zero.
But the real system pushers are things like Splatoon.

Yes but get a dirt cheap second hand one. I know there's speculation it's going to be the next Dreamcast due to the interest in the modding community but the reality is it's a dead system early, just like the Dreamcast. If you were going to buy something brand new just get the Witch.

If you can find one cheap though, get the Wii U.

Had a decent chunk of good games too; DK:TF, Mario 3d, Mario Kart and Rayman Legends to name a few that I spent hours with.

I spent hours with Rayman on another console first though and bought it again purely because it was $19 and I wanted to see how it was on the system it was built for originally.

>MK8 in april

You mean that game I played the shit out of like a year ago?

>support another made in china shitware cucksole
>further enable charlatan game corporations to foist trash on consumers
>complain about being ripped off

if youre a zelda fan and want it on the go, the sure.

but if youre looking at it AS IS, then probably no. the eshop is super barebones, and no real online feattures yet.

and still sad about miiverse being gone

>le $400 meme

Canadian or "pro controller and SD card is mandatory"?

Being a leaf is suffering friend

Basically all electronics are made either in China or like Malaysia or India or some other shithole.

There's Mario Kart 8 coming in April, Arms coming sometime in the Spring, and Splatoon 2 in June. I don't blame anyone if those aren't enough to get a Switch yet, but they're fine for me.

So do you guys think arms will be a full fledged fighting game, or lackluster? Also they better release a Monster Hunter game on switch or I really will never buy Nintendo consoles again

It's such a disappointing piece of hardware. It should be unacceptable to release something so weak in 2017. I just wanted a fucking home console with no gimmicks. Why does Nintendo always have to do this? The newest Zelda drops to 20 fps, it's fucking ridiculous. It's just a somewhat powerful handheld that doesn't know if it's a handheld or home console.

3 games in that span of time (2 of which are basically already out) is just not even close to enough. They need more 3rd party support or they're fucked.

Depends, but if I wasn't a fan of Nintendo and is tight on budget, then fuck no.

Price run-down:
$299 + $20/50/60 game(s) + (optional) $70 Pro controller = ~$410-430 + TAX.

I mean, sure, its actually cheaper than buying a PS4 Pro + A great game or almost the same, but once again, it depends.

For me, I bought it and I am enjoying it so far. Zelda, Shovel Knight (yeah, I fucking spent $25 on it. never played it and I am fucking hooked), and Fast RMX. I have also pre-ordered Puyo-puyo Tetris and Mario kart 8.

For me, there are games, just not a lot. For you, it may seem extremely lackluster and only 1 game is out there fore MONTHS (Zelda?).
tldr; Don't get it until games YOU like come out.

>There's Mario Kart 8 coming in April
Played it to death on Wii U
>Arms coming sometime in the Spring
Looks like absolute shit
>Splatoon 2 in June
Should be okay. Gonna need to show a lot more content to prove it's not just an expansion pack for Splatoon 1 charged at full game price.

None of those imo justify the purchase of a new console. Although I suppose if I never had the Wii U and never played Mario Kart or Splatoon that'd be different. Considering the amount of people who didn't buy a Wii U that's probably a large and sound market for Nintendo to target.

Why are people excited for arms? It looks extremely gimmicky and like it will get old fast. More of a tech demo than anything else. Is the hype just because there's not much else to look forward to? Feels so fucking forced.

Because they have always been obsessed with the Japanese market, home consoles are pretty much dead there, so they made this a handheld.

Why doesn't the switch have the ability to let you connect 3ds's to use as controllers like the wii u? If it did I'd buy one a lot sooner for the mobile mario kart alone.

Yeah honestly it is, I'm way more excited about arms than 10 indie games I've played on other platforms, and a Mario kart re-release

I have no idea, mate.

They would have been better off just doing a punch out where you can play the game with a controller or physically throw the punches and dodges instead of that gimmicky shit.

I can't imagine what anyone sees in it.

so you dont own it then?
Pretty sure OP said owners

You want me toos throw him out and rough em up boss?

Consider it an unsolicited opinion.

Ignore it if you like, faggot.

iam waiting to see if they bother with a real metroid game

Wait for a $200 price drop

refurbished $200 models w/ 1, 2 switch when

What about the scratching and the side controllers being flexable while on the switch?

And the dock being a piece of shit?

>second edition

You think Nintendo is actually going to release a second edition? I'm not talking "NEW 3DS" with a new design and software. I'm talking like a slight update to what's broken, but otherwise is indistinguishable from the launch model.

They're already said " Black or missing pixels are actually normal. " So I don't think so.

Wait until you see games you want.

Wait breath of the Wild is on Wii U as well?

So let me see if I got this. The Switch has ONE game at launch and it's a multiplat?



Switch owner here,
the joycon grip controller is really comfy but the library is still growing. If you buy into hype, you'll lose out on money. If money isn't your problem, go ahead and enjoy one of the funniest handheld/console experiences of modern times.

The Switch is here to stay and complements PC gaming with a casual way to have you play your Nintendo games while indulging yourself in your PC environment - simultaneously.

There are a lot of features coming up in the next few weeks like cloud saving to your nintendo account and hopefully an internet browser. This console hybrid is comfy incarnate. Just with few games right now.

Wait till about mid-year after they work the kinks out and there's a few games out.

It's a neat system but there's some joycon and scratch issues that need to be addressed.

Zelda is amazing though.

Anyone who actually has one, is your ZR button looser than ZL?

I don't have one admittedly but I recommend waiting it out based on all the complaints I hear with fucked up units & lack of games. Personally I'm getting it when Odyssey comes out since possibly a price drop might happen similar to the 3DS & a decent amount of games should come out by then like this chart shows. Speaking of this chart is there an updated one including all the indie shit Nintendo recently showed and with Afterbirth+ moved to a different date & Shovel Knight moved to launch?

the build quality is terrible, wait for a better model
and some games


Who else is going to wait until this thing hacked like the 3DS before buying?

Wait for a better edition. Buy BotW for the WiiU for now and later buy it again for the Switch.

The current Switch has bad quality. Really flimsy plastic.
And don't buy the grey version, buy the red and blue one. For some reason it's sturdier.

Hy @36780115

The new Nontendo Switch system is awesome and worth it! I already played so much with it and still have fun with my games. I'm playing the new Zelda and it is great! Don't listen to all the negativity posted here, it is not true! The new nintendo switch system runs perfectly and smooth! You have to know that most users here are just trolls and actually do not post here. I am a long time user on this forum and many of us here like the new nintendo switch system! Try it out it is worth it!

No and yes.


it's correct what @369794773 posted. I have the new nintendo switch system too and it makes so much fun to play with it, it is super easy and the graphics are awesome!

No Hyrule Warriors EX? I really wanted to play it, but buying a WiiU for just 2 games is lame.

how to make the font red?


the first video is informative but the second video is just Crowbcat pickings like everything he does and only for entertainment purposes.

yeah i think so too, Crowbcat is just cherrypicking. All these little to no problems he shows in the video are actually minor.

i'm so far enjoying the new nintendo switch system!

Switch is more than just the games, the console itself is fun

I have one.

Just wait a while, too many issues right now

pove it!

The worth of a console is not related to when you buy it, unless the price drops. There's a chance with the Switch (see 3ds) but not much of one. Buy it now and enjoy all the games the Switch gets over its lifetime, or buy it later, and enjoy all the games the Switch gets in its lifetime. Only difference is getting to play the games when they're new and fresh and not completely spoilered.

I bought a Wii2 a year after launch and liked it enough to not regret it, I bought a Switch and love it. There are enough portable-style games coming for it that I expect it to supplant my DS by the end of the year.

Wait for the second, better, less flimsy edition.
I got it because I had some extra money to burn, but honestly it all feels a bit flimsy and cheap. The screen is like cheap, soft plastic too so I have a few scratches on it already. Gotta put it in the dock real fucking carefully. I don't know what they were thinking with that.
I have a screen protector for it NOW, but I had to buy it separately which is fucking horse shit.

Also the only game worth a damn for it now is zelda, but even that is a bit so and so. As a game its great, but it runs like ass, especially when docked. Sometimes it feels like it just stops for a few moments and then continues for no reason.

Basically this is NOT a home console of any kind. Its a damn handheld and should be played only in that form.

Also whose idea was it to put the fucking charging port on the BOTTOM of the thing? What a fucking dickhead.

Ta, two dodgy lots then

Has Nintendo ever release a upgraded version of their consoles before? Microsoft and Sony do this with their respective consoles but Nintendo? Can't think of any they did this too....Maybe they release different colors but not a better version

I keep seeing this, but I don't understand why.
Are they going release a version with the hardware kinks worked out before Holiday 2018?

So just fuck all the people that bought it at launch?

They've done it with all of their handhelds.

There are only a few reasons to buy a switch right now.

Potential exploits based on system version.

And the third reason is iffy at best because if you want to Zelda you most likely had a Wii U.

Wait for more games unless the two other reasons apply.

It's really cool but unless you don't have a wii u and you're jonesing to play Breath of the Wild, I'd wait at least a couple of months.

I bought one for Breath of the Wild and it's totally worth it

>if you want to Zelda you most likely had a Wii U.

>I'm sorry of regretting not waiting.

You're a phone poster aren't you ?

It doesn't say you had a Wii U mate.

most people who want to play BotW/bought a switch didn't have Wii Us. That's a simple fact.

I bought it at launch, because i wanted to play breath of the wild as soon as possible and i didn't have a wii u. right now it's the only game worth playing, but if you wait a few months you'll have mario kart and splattoon.

Scratching only happens if you're a retard, but they're making a new dock anyway.
I don't have the problem with the side controllers. It's probably an issue that affects a small %

>is it worth it?

Do you have a PS4 or regularly game on PC? If so, the current lineup can be justified in a purchase because you can supplement the time with games on other platforms.

It also matters if the released lineup justifies a purchase. For me personally, ARMs, Splatoon, Mario Odyssey and several of the 3rd party indie supporters easily justified my purchase because I can enjoy BOTW now, and other releases before ARMS and the rest.

The Switch aint a handheld though

worth is subjective

people who got it and like it will think its worth

people who dont want it, or got it and dont like it wont think its worth

zelda is good, the console itself is the best handheld on the market

if thats something you want you might think its worth?

just get it at the end of the year just to be safe if they just dont pull it off shelfs and work to fix it for the next two years.

I....what? How old are you, 8? Do you know what the 3DS and NEW 3DS are? They do this with all of their handhelds. Jesus fucking Christ the kids on /v nowadays are so fucking stupid.

So has anyone here bought a screen protector for the Switch?

Any recommendations?
How to avoid the adhesive from peeling due to heat?

Do you wanna play Zelda?
Then get it

Can you wait?
Get it when there are 3 or more games you want.

the fucking Switch ISNT a handheld retard

The front of the console doesn't heat up, dude. Seriously?

My screen protector is arriving today. I will probably wind up getting a tempered glass at some point but my dock doesn't scratch my screen so I may not even need one.

It's a tablet.

yes it is you fucking mong

I've seen more than just one report of the bottom outer edges of the protector peeling off slightly/getting bubbles after you put the Switch in the dock

Keep in mind there is little room for the Switch to breathe at the bottom of the dock. The top "end" of it has more access to air.

stick with the wii u until they fix the mess that is the Switch right now

Ok, you're a moron. The post I replied to asked if Nintendo ever released an updated version of any of their console. Obviously they have, they do this frequently. The post I replied to nor my post said anything about the Switch, much less whether it is a handheld or not. You're just a sad fucking troll, go away.

He said explicitly due to heat. No, it does not peel off due to heat. Yes, the dock may possibly cause that. Learn 2 read.

a handheld isnt a console nigger, my post asked about CONSOLES which is what the switch is. They arent going to upgrade the Switch because its a console that just has a handheld MODE

.. What are you even arguing about?

The point is that these protectors are at an risk of having edges of it peel off or get bubbles due to the design of the dock and the heat at the bottom of it.

Will there be third party docks akin to the Wii u gamepad docks that allow screen to be visible while simultaneously charging the handheld, like every other handheld dock in the world?

Is reading comprehension just a lost art nowadays?

Dude asked if screen protectors peeled off due to heat.

I replied and said no, because the front doesn't heat up.

Then someone said they may peel due to dock, in replying to my post saying no heat will not cause them to peel.

I said possibly, but the question wasn't about the dock causing them to peel, it was about heat.

>I replied and said no, because the front doesn't heat up.

You are wrong. It is due to heat.

kill yourself

You are surely confused about what you're talking about.