Say it with me and commit it to memory

Say it with me and commit it to memory

Average consumers don't care about graphics

Oh they do. They just don't care about performance.

>Average consumers don't care about graphics
What? it's the complete opposite of that, actually. Normies care about graphics almost exclusively.

Try getting your average normie 20 year old to play an SNES game

They don't care if a game is 60fps or 30, that's true.
However they definitely care about the aesthetics of a game.

If they don't care about graphics, then why the fuck did Nintendo release botw for the wiiwoo and the switch?

Probably to get people to buy it

That's what I'm saying. If people didn't give a fuck about graphics, everyone would have bought botw for the wiiu instead of the switch

Since the Wii U was a commercial failure, many normies don't have it. Why buy a dead console to play Zelda when you can buy a brand new console instead?

i think it's the other way around bud, why care about a game's prettiness when you can't even play it?

the switch is selling because it's a new console and a new way to play zelda

you're assuming nobody is buying the wii u version, which doesn't even look that much worse and also doesn't have the install base necessary to be the only driver of breath of the wild's sales

average consumers dont care for video games
much less childrens games

Karen is cute. CUTE!

They do care about games though, lol.


They do, just in a different way. They'll say "omg look at skyrim, it's just like a movie!"
But they couldn't give less of a shit if it looks better on xbone/ps4/pc.

Karen is not for bullying.

>thinks botw runs better on the switch

>childrens games

Yeah, average consumers are MATURE ADULTS who only play MATURE ADULT games that either have violence (because that's only appropriate for MATURE ADULTS) or are about MATURE ADULT sports.

Pretty sure it's the opposite. Most people are content playing Fallout 4 for 20-30 hours and never touching again saying it looked nice. They definitely don't care about gameplay.

Holy shit triggered a nerve there huh

Then how come games with good graphics sell so well?

Oh, they care. They just have more attainable standards than PC fanatics who jerk over how how many instances of Crysis they can run simultaneously on max settings. Consoles are usually enough for them.

either cuz of marketing or, yknow, it's actually a pretty good game

I like whoever drew this.

bethesda games are actually the perfect example of games which get attention just because of their game mechanics and worlds, not because of their graphics

thought i did really enjoy how fallout 4 looked

at some point, of course, art style matters much more than graphics

just look at this switch screenshot of breath of the wild

The average consumer cares about graphics. They just aren't as autistic as many of you are when it comes to resolution/4k/etc.

I don't get why Sup Forums (especially the PC fanboys) care about 4K so much, barely anyone has a 4K TV/monitor.

there is a serious lack of Karen art