BIG content update for numales sky coming this week!
BIG content update for numales sky coming this week!
>tea and noms
i wish the video wasnt taken down, all we have is audio now.
Why did he lie so much?
what is his problem?
Compulsive liar?
I'll give it a go. Just got a freighter I like. Now if I can just find a planet that I like for my base.
wait until the update this week m8 because its going to change your priorities for the home planet
>there are people on neo/v/ who fell for the hype and payed (full price) for NMS.
It's like sucking a lemon isn't it
I thought he would've been hunted down and killed by his own team after all the lies and refunds.
tl;dr people who actually play and enjoy NMS are having fun, haters continue to piss their diapers over something that doesn't even concern them (pathetic).
>This room is completely, legitimately, unironically , seriously one of the rooms in Hello Games' studio
How are you able to like this game?
Have you not followed this game through it's "development"??
Have you not seen the countless of interviews this guy did?
because i didnt pay for it :^)
It was kind of obvious from the very start that this game wouldn't be what they claimed. So I can like it for what it is. A fairly boring but still colorful and artsy casual space explorer..
There's a difference between a developer LYING to entire crowds at expos and boarding a hypetrain
>People STILL play this game
Yes, you. The one screaming, "There's no multiplayer!" and "Sean Murray lied to us!" and other slurs I dare not mention. Tread lightly.
You are one. We are hundreds, thousands. Millions. You aren't just IN the minority; you ARE the minority.
I don't feel awkward or anxious playing No Man's Sky around others, and your words don't affect me. Many others, however, are coming out of their shells for the first time in their lives. This is the first time many are enjoying the beautiful world that has been procedurally generated for us - and it IS beautiful. Incredibly so. DON'T ruin this for them. We No Man's Sky fans may have our differences, but we will not hesitate to come to the aid of our fellow explorers, especially against someone who so virulently slurs that which has brought us all together.
Don't take this the wrong way. I don't hate you. I don't fear you. I pity you.
I'm sorry that you feel this way towards us. I'm sorry that No Man's Sky is such a bane to your existence. And I'm sorry that you are missing out on such a wonderful experience. Mostly, though, I'm sorry that you feel the need to go around and publicly chastise and berate others. I'm sorry that, to ensure your own validity, you need to make others feel invalid. I'm sorry that your self-worth is so infinitesimally miniscule that you have to make others feel less-than-human, at least in your own denatured mind, just to feel whole. I am truly sorry that day-in and day-out you have to put up with your worthless, meaningless, Shakespearean tragedy of a life.
I ask you politely to cease your unnecessary cries for attention, and instead invite you to join our ranks. Uninstall Call of Duty, start up No Man's Sky, and breathe in the splendour and the amazement of your first planet, and then, maybe, just maybe, you'll see what you've been so hopelessly searching for this whole time.
3 months afte rthe last update we get...
I crack up every time while reading this.
Wonder if he's still playing it. Alone.
>BIG content update!!! OMG HOLD ON TO YOUR PANTS!!11!
>it's a jeep
*instrumental of David Bowie's 'Black Star' plays in the background*
I wonder how the original poster is doing.
He saw a mountain and climbed it.
Then he hung himself
Right, so, we know they lied a bit. A lot, actually.
The game was just above phone tier. That much is true. But why did these guys ghost as hard as they did? Naturally, there are those who have done worse and still make games.
What made their lies worse than others? Did they have to hide? Was it that they were new? Too much hype? Why was anyone hyped about it, anyway?
This game should be a case study for something, though I'm not sure what.
I will unironically buy the game if they actually add Ansel support like they said they would.
>someone paid $1000 to play the game a few days early
I'm surprised they actually updated the game, how little content it might be.
If I were Sean I'd change my name, shave my beard, start wearing shoes and start a new company.
Its like sony was holding a gun to Sean's head, silently caressing his ear, whispering "lie, like you've never lied before"
that is big for no mans lie
>pay over a thousand bucks to get NMS early
>"hee hee this will boost my subscriber count what an investment this is ho ho"
>gets banned from youtube in sean's desperate attempt to hide how shit the game was
It will never not put a smile on my face.
>get paid
>slowly make a half-arsed game afterwards
must be nice
I figure it may be several things. His situation is very reminiscent of Molyneux's. Moly's rep and habitual "lying" (at the end of the day, that's how it's interpreted anyway) was due to the developmental process he'd adopt with his games. He'd have ideas and he'd go with the development- it was a very "oh, I have an idea, let's go with it" type deal- but as in any development of any project, things get cut and he didn't compensate his descriptions for it. At the same time, he'd run his mouth in public without ever telling his dev team about the picture he was painting of the game. This started to create friction between him and his team.
I can imagine it's part of any development effort- but obviously restraint was lacking in both individuals. Murray isn't done, not by a longshot, as he and his studio still have friends in the industry. Unfortunately, he has damaged his rep as a PR person and I would also imagine his reputation as a lead designer/manager is very damaged. Those who left his studio no doubt are talking mad shit about him.
Those who got burned by him, you're probably going to get burned by the next Moly or Murray. It's a pattern and the people who fall for this shit sometimes never learn. I get the disdain for murray but I think the vindictive blame also comes from a place where people don't want to acknowledge how stupid they were in falling for this garbage.
Don't forget the part where you avoid any and all confrontations about your bullshit too.
>tell pope dewritos you'd love to have a 1on1 to explain everything
>"we agreed to "sometime in october" but i've been completely unable to get a hold of sean since, which is a shame because i'm sure everyone was looking forward to what he had to say for everything"
I recall a very awkward livestream of Shawn and an employee playing the game before launch. They were so quiet and I swear they might have been high as well.
From this livestream, I have no idea how someone could have seen it and thought, "yep- this was the quality of the game they said they were developing!" but it happened anyway.
this is the second big update to the game user
and they are free. game is legitimately ok now
unless they completely overhauled the game it's still shit
stop lying on the internet
Not only are people stupid for falling for this shit, they will defend it to death. Even now, people still defend NMS and even deny that Sean lied in the first place. I agree, the cycle will continue as long as these stupid people exist.
fuck you I like it
>Being this autistic about other people's mannerisms
>post yfw you're not Sean Murray OR Anthony Burch
Must be hard having people after people tell you youve wasted your money
Does anyone have the username of the guy who originally wrote this?
I really wanna see if he's still shilling the game on reddit
>Not being a sperg autist online where it doesn't matter and never bites you in the ass no matter what while collecting delicious (you)'s
This is why Sup Forums was made right?
I didnt pay for it lol
Are they really this fucking out of touch of what people are complaining about or what the fuck is this shit?
Nah it wasn't "innocent" as it was with Molyneux. Sean knew what he was doing, you can see it by how he's acting during any interview.
Whatever helps you cope
we'll find out in about 2 hours
Besides >noms it looks like a pretty standard break room for a modern office.
>lost a lot of early work on the game in a flood
Why were your computers and the backups on the floor, Sean?
well you're clearly mentally ill
>TFW saw the outcome of NMS coming a mile away
>Knew exactly how it would go
>Bought the game anyway
>Still managed to be disappointed
The pace at which you move was one of the big complaints at launch iirc, what's wrong with addressing one of them
If you actually expect them to fix everything wrong with the game post release, you're falling for the internet hype machine
>pretty standard break room
It looks like a playroom for toddlers in a medium-sized mall.
when did software development revert to nursery school?
some people like dragon age inquisition
or bioshock or any batman after the first one
go yell at them, smalltime
I was actually embarrassed on behalf of everyone that bought it.
It was just so blatant
>So sean is there multiplayers
>Yep, oh yeah
>So sean any footage of the multiplayer, people playing together?
>My mind is just blown right now I can't believe whats happening!
>Sean, the multiplayer?
>We're so close to launch guys i'm shaking!
>Sean? Where's the multiplayer? you said there was multiplayer.
The first two Bioshock games were pretty good and even Infinite has some decent parts.
I knew there wouldn't be multiplayer and I knew there would be limits to the procedural generation.
I did not expect there to only be three different planet types and zero variance in the procedural generation.
>mfw people still defend this game
It leaked.
The majority of the games' problems stem from it's core mechanics. Adding vehicles and base building, I would imagine, is great for players seeking new content. However, it does not address or fix the problems plaguing it. The core of the game is still inventory management. You are effectively still doing the same thing as you were on day 1 of the game's release.
You can like it. That in itself is not an argument though. Share what the game does for you instead.
In some sense, I do agree that it's a bit of buyer's remorse/post-purchase rationalization. On the other hand, I think some people genuinely feel in-touch with the game and the studio's ambition. See Star Citizen for the same element- some of these people are cult-level dedicated to this game, some are enamored by the whole "indie" narrative, especially when they're creating something that seems extraordinary to them.
To be fair, I don't think it was innocent with Molyneaux. Perhaps well intentioned, but it screwed people and fans. He, at times, through his own crew to the wolves to add features he spontaneously made up during an interview prior. I only agree that Sean knew he was up shit creek without a paddle in many of these interviews- at the end of the day, though, it was hard to see these interviews as anything but lies and intentional misleading.
The first two bioshock games have been sitting in my steam library for years. I only like Infinite because of Elizabeth porn - in my eyes that is the only contribution to the hobby it made. It also exposed a lot of folks for being fake-deep.
Most people with a frontal lobe knew there wouldn't be multiplayer
Unfortunately people who were excited for this game didn't, in fairness it's understandable when the dev himself said there would be.
>Why was anyone hyped about it, anyway?
Because Murray went on like: "You'll be able to do this and that and when you go there this can happen! Also currently this is working like that but were working hard on it so it works more like that!"
People even legitimately asked straight forward questions to which he either blatantly lied or dodged it completely.
This only reason I can think of why he did what he did was that he was basing his knowledge off of developer concept notes. But even then he should've stated this.
The fact that he nor the entire Hello Games team didn't bother to explain what the fuck happened is unforgivable.
And to top it off
Seriously, fuck these people.
How did we let these hipster, art school drop out faggots hijack the gaming industry?
never thought i'd use this again
Well i'm more of a benefit of the doubt kind of person.
He could have been under a lot of pressure to upsell his game and make it sound as good as he could.
It's not an excuse for lying of course, but it could be why he smudged the truth and generally said deceptive things; because he wanted his game to do well.
Then again; he could just be an impulsive liar and everyone else at hello games is afraid of speaking up.
>Uh, wow, hey guys, there's a problem with the box you sent us
>It was printed to specification, Mr Murray
>Yeah, about that, see, there's no multiplayer
>But you told us to put that on the box
>Ha ha well see I lied so if you could, I don't know, make some stickers to cover that bit up
>thanks for the money NEETs!!
nobody gives half a shit about developing games so it's a easy job grab to them insert they 'art' shit into it.
What I meant is, Molyneux honestly believed what he was saying.
Sean knew nothing of what he was saying would ever be in the game.
>you now realize that's been taken in the tea & noms room
They actually don't. Average players is hovering at slightly above battleborn players.
this will never nom be funny
Is there a reason why most modern office spaces look like children daycares nowadays?
Because people go from another daycare (college) and don't want to go into anything non-threatening.
because interior designers are scam artists and tech companies are more prone to getting scammed
I spent like an hour before trying to find all those posts again but couldn't. They must've deleted them.
This is very prevalent within computer science and most other heavy "office" styled jobs. They fill their offices with "neat" and "cool" perks and shit like cafeterias, beanbag chairs, stylistic designs. Companies like Google/Microsoft make their offices look and feel like 2nd homes. Offering locations for workers to take naps, walk around, play videogames etc. They do it so then it doesn't feel like you're at a job. The whole reason they do this is so when they tell you "Hey we're going to need to you to work an extra 10-20 hours this week" people don't get upset. And then they don't pay them overtime or anything, because the company perks make up for it or some shit. It's dumb.
>Why was anyone hyped about it, anyway?
Literally every tech and gaming news sites hyped the fuck out of it ever since it was only a few concept arts and described vaguely as an exploration game.
>Buggy is coming
No thanks, I already got a buggy mess.
>Well i'm more of a benefit of the doubt kind of person.
Oh I'm with you there, friendo
And I understand your point with him wanting his game to do well.
But there's a difference between buttering up the game and just making up features (on the spot seemingly) in order to scam people into buying your game.
I'm no nitpicking 60fpsmustardfag but I have to draw the line somewhere.
i fucking hate brits
I cannot actually believe they put a sticker on the box, as if people wouldn't question it.
I laughed
>Employers make your workplace extremely comfortable so you won't mind working longer
>This is bad somehow
You don't have a job, do you user?
Why are they still bothering?