Next Splinter Cell when?
Next Splinter Cell when?
After the previous two abortions?
Hopefully never, not by Ubishit at least.
We can only prey they get a hostile takeover and their IPs get sold off to better devs.
Not gonna happen. Ubisoft panders to normies more than EA/Activision combined.
Doesn't stop Vivendi from buying their shares until they gain full control.
I hope these bastards get their fair punishment soon.
EA E3 2018
>Splinter Cell like you've never seen it before
>Sam is sent to Moscow to defeat the communist terror cell called FOURTH ECHELON FREEDOM BOYS
>In a series first utilise a fully open world environment to help you take down your enemies
>climb towers to gain intel on your adversaries
>complete side quests to upgrade your tactical gear and use perks to get an advantage
>in Splinter Cell Patriot Freedom Protocol
>They will never make another Stealthy Splinter Cell game again
I miss the days of Chaos Theory, where a single fuckup could ruin the mission, where the AI were fun to fuck around with.
>No more Spies vs Mercs where you could taunt the Merc over mic before snapping his neck
>defending Shitlist
Neck yourself.
It was better than conviction at least
>Posting this old slow bastard with his bad back.
>no more Michael Ironside
why bother
Never even though Hitman and MGS are my 2 favorite series I could never get into splinter cell they just aren't that good outside some of chaos theory
Wow, even non fans are sucking chaos theory's dick, WTF? That's the second worst one after Double Agent 360.
Why is there a suppressor on that five-seven? It was integrated on that gun
how old is sam fisher?
The new guy is alright.
Blacklist was good dickhead.
I wish we had more games (not talking of SC franchise) like that. It was literally Operator: The Game.
Just imagine if Alpha Protocol had this gameplay...
Technically, nearly sixty. Seems like Blacklist silently retconned his age since he looks about 40 years old.
kill yourself
Alongside RS: Siege it's one of the few legitimately great things Ubisoft has put out in the last five years.
But I can kinda understand total Splinter Cell purists not liking it.
Here's a strange gripe I have with Splinter Cell, I'd much prefer the series if Sam wore a balaclava, it just looks cooler. I loved conviction coop for this reason.
There's something about stealth games that just feels wrong when your face is exposed at all times. Does anyone else know this feel?
I do now FUCK
Can anyone even explain why Blacklist is bad? The closest legitimate criticism I've ever heard was how linear it was, but even CT wasn't that nonlinear when you think about it.
They removed 90% of mechanics from previous games and replaced them with Far Cry 3 and Assassin's Creed ones. It feels like a soulles cash-in without even a hint of what made this series great.
Carries over the things that vets didn't like about conviction, executions etc
The main gripe is that it's REALLLLY fucking linear though, you're basically clearing rooms with set solutions instead of exploring a level
>hiding this devilishly handsome silver fox
I agree that there's more or less a set path through the level, but you still have a lot of freedom on how you proceed.
Tfw no Russian espionage spy boyfriend
>They removed 90% of mechanics from previous games
You can turn off mark and execute.
It's not nearly as bad as Conviction though, I remember that it had a lot of hallways you were basically meant to clear with mark and execute. At least in Blacklist there were lots of relatively big areas where you can operate how you like.
E3 2017
>Guards reacting to you turning off lights
>sound masking
>surfaces creating different amount of noise depending on material and your movement speed
>several light states inbetween christmas tree and invisible shadow
>ability to thow things
>ability to interrogare guards for funny bantz
>ability to bash open or push open doors
That's just from the top off my head, there's more.
>Blacklist was good
It should be legal to off Blacklist apologists.
tfw got Black Flag and Blacklist with Nvidia promo off Ebay - £20 for two games
Enjoyed and played through Blacklist like 4 or 5 times before getting bored. Last year 2 of my friends bought the game and played through all the coop without telling me.
>tfw i will never dual breach
>Guards reacting to you turning off lights
But they do.
>sound masking
>surfaces creating different amount of noise depending on material and your movement speed
No, this is still in.
>several light states inbetween christmas tree and invisible shadow
This is still in as well. You can easily tell by the detection indicator going up faster if you are barely in shadows.
>ability to interrogare guards for funny bantz
True, but not vital to gameplay.
I didn't miss it to desu. Just pointless minigames like Mass Effect hacking.
>ability to bash open or push open doors
My memory is fuzzy but I'm pretty sure you can kick open and open doors slowly.
>Guards reacting to you turning off lights
I'm pretty sure guards react to any change in environment in Blacklist.
>sound masking
>surfaces creating different amount of noise depending on material and your movement speed
Is in Blacklist.
>several light states inbetween christmas tree and invisible shadow
Agreed there.
>ability to thow things
Agreed, but you do have noise makers.
>ability to interrogare guards for funny bantz
Agreed, probably the thing I missed the most.
>ability to bash open or push open doors
You can do that in Blacklist.
it was not bad, but those seriours cinematics were so shit holy fuck
I'm sure everyone who likes Blacklist despises the parts you play as Briggs in first person.
Name a more useless character, I'll wait.
Kind of unrelated, but I really like the idea behind this. They have you play as Briggs and his missions are Cowadoody shit, but then in the last mission which is arguably the hardest stealth mission in the game it turns out you were playing as Briggs all along showing he grew from a soldier to an operator like Sam.
>tfw last mission
Keep that shit in CoD please. I don't want to play a SC game that prioritizes storytelling over stealth gameplay. This is why the 7th gen SC game lost their ways.
I've never been so disgusted by a game I know nothing about this much from just one picture.
Kobin sells you blackmarket weapons tho.
He's still a lil bitch though and fucks up numerous times in blacklist AND conviction
I'm not defending it, but I'm also saying it's two short missions and getting so buttblasted over it is silly.
Pick apart legitimate flaws like the binary lighting system.
>game franchise isn't first person
Hopefully never.
An FN Five-SeveN doesn't have an integral suppressor.
>waifu tier
>reluctant bros tier
>okay sidekick tier
>get this bazinga out of here tier
I'm not going to call Blacklist great, because it's only great compared to Conviction. But it isn't the affront to Splinter Cell that people sometimes make it out to be.
The bad about Blacklist is obvious, the forced action segments, the non-Ironside Same, a lot of the story elements, upgrades, the dumb-ass walking around the plane. The total lack of difficulty outside of a no-upgrades Realistic run.
But it has good points too. The core stealth is still good IMO, the multiple approaches to some segments rewards ingenuity and curiosity. A lot of the enemy layout incentivizes you to be patient and decisive at the same time. Sam's expanded movement is a great way to increase environmental interactivity. And as bad as they are, the forced action segments underline something good about the game, the shooting. Shooting in old SC, having just replayed them, is not good. I felt it was bad on purpose to make stealth more of an incentive, but bad is bad. Don't forget, there were parts of SC when you couldn't do it stealthily (Kalinatech specifically) and those parts suck dick. At least when you're made to be shooty in Blacklist, the shooting part isn't aggressively awful.
The extra mission are also a major plus. The survival ones were awful, there's no denying that, but Kobin and Grimm missions make good return to stealth. Even outside of just those, the game still incentivizes you to ghost the entire game, and passing an area without even knocking people out gets you the most points.
If Blacklist didn't have the forced combat sections and the shooting was plain better, if it didn't have those fucked up action sequences with the drone strikes, if the upgrade system didn't exist, and mark and execute was cut from the game it would be a top-tier SC game.
I thought the last-level switch was pretty well done. Especially their use of the "full-mask=shit's getting heavy" thing they've done in past games and the bait-and-switch with the FPS segment with him before.
But the last mission didn't, it was hard as fuck compared to the rest of the game and appropriately so.
Not to mention you must be high if you don't this SC always had a heavy emphasis on story.
What's wrong with the Paladin? I thought it was a pretty interesting take on a main menu.
Splinter Cell 1-3 were so good. Sad how so many great series just seem to go downhill. No stealth series compares to it as far as gameplay goes.
An actual Five-SeveN doesn't have an integrated suppresor. That was only the (fictional) 4E custom version.
Why do these games suck off FN so much anyway?
I'm going to go and say it straight up:
Blacklist is the second best Splinter Cell game.
Debate me.
>Ubishit in 2017
>MGSV sold gangbusters
It's going to fall for the open world meme in the absolute shittiest way possible
>the "stealth" game that drops you into a firefight every other level is good
If you like it for being an action shooter, that's fine. But don't argue with others who hate it for not being a proper Splinter Cell game.
That means absolutely nothing
My problem was having to talk to the crew to get missions. It was a neat idea, but at it's core it was wholly unnecessary. Things like popup alerts of new missions could do most of the work.
I agree it was novel, but once you start stripping away the contextual bloat they needed to add to make it worthwhile, it becomes annoying. Optionally it would have been fine. But making it mandatory isn't.
>integrated suppressor
>five seven
Are you high?
Ok, I think that Pandora Tomorrow hold that distinction.
Chaos>Pandora>Old Double>Blacklist>SC>New Double>Conviction
Maybe switch Blacklist and Old Double
double agent was pretty good
Maybe it could be big seperate levels like Ground Zeroes.
>implying Ubisoft is going to be inspired by MGSV
>not by its own continuous homogenization of its distinct series into the Ubisoft openworld collectathon shitfest formula
They even turned Ghost Recon into a shitty Ubisoft openworld game.
PT is a very weak and limited game with tiny levels and next to no challenge. SC whups PT all day. The main reason this is the case is that PT was rushed and was a multiplat between GC, PS2 and Xbox. And while it has some nice segments it is frighteningly tiny and probably not what you remember. I recently platinumed these games and PT is easily the worst of the original 3.
>every bad guy is a dog lover
Really makes you think.
The one thing that's sorely missing from conviction and Blacklist is a memorable soundtrack. Kind of disappointing considering all 3 of the original games had amazing atmospheric tracks that set the mood perfectly. Hell even double agent was pretty good.
>ywn get choked out by Fisher
Also, you can play as a panther.
Cat bros = patriotic operators defending freedom
Dog fags = filthy terrorists
It's funny how obviously the president is supposed to be Hillary Clinton.
>yfw we going to Gitmo
>climb towers
Every fucking time.
Should I emulate the first few Splinter Cell games on PC or should I play them on Xbox Hueg?
Fisher turns 60 this year
The PC ports for all of em minus DA and Pandora Tomorrow
>Wanting any game company to die by the hands of people like vivendi
Look out you don't cut yourself on that edge kiddo
unfortunately, pure stealth games don't sell enough these days to justify production costs
>got detected
>break out of a door to take cover in a room
>run while crouching to avoid bullets from the windows
I don't see the heresy here. Especially because you could do the same thing in CT, just with less flashy animations. And in the hardest difficulty setting It's either that or get killed.
>getting detected, ever
Fucking nu-Splinter Cell babbies, I bet you play with mark and execute on, too.
so it's bad because you can choose to play it as an action game if you wish? The criteria you guys place on what is an acceptable splinter cell or stealth game literally rules out every possible aaa game for the foreseeable future.
That option is disabled in the highest difficulty :^)
>so it's bad because you can choose to play it as an action game if you wish?
Yes, exactly, glad you caught on after 85 posts, user. Games that attempt jack-of-all-trades are always shittier than sticking to one genre.
That's the point, friendo. xD
hope you like indie games
>caring about how people play your shitty dying series
Wew lad
With how much they changed about Sam in Blacklist, they might as well have just called him a new character.
Non-Ironside voice that makes him sound like he's fresh out of high school, doesn't look remotely like Sam does, has none of Sam's personality. I fucking despise when sequels do shit like that.
Gameplay was pretty fun, though.
Unironically, they have created the best stealth games in recent memory with Mark of the Ninja and Styx.
FN makes high quality firearms, maybe you would know if you weren't a shitbag and could afford them.
That's retarded. Bad action doesn't make stealth good.
Good stealth makes stealth good.
F2000 seems perfect for what he does
>shorter overall rifle length but still has 16" barrel because of bullpup memes
>ambidextrous firing because F2000 vomits cases forward
>targeting computer optic
>multipurpose underbarrel launcher
Also he seems open-minded and trained enough to use it and ""overcome"" the ""bad"" bullpup trigger and the ""awkward"" reload. Most people his age will just stick to AR15 memes and .45 acp memes
i heard they were bringing back ironside for another game, this was a looong time ago so who knows if it was even true
Never ever
I think this is why the stealth genre is pretty much dead as well, as pure stealth is seen as boring as fuck, get over it stealth purists, you lost, not many want your hide and seek or not seek bullshit.
My favorite part, should have been longer and more interactive, some sinks and urinals should have spawned in that scene just for the greatness, a piano too.
Kept you waiting huh.