Actual Horizon: Zero Dawn thread?




Can we just talk about it without a bunch of shit flinging please?

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wow no shadows

I love it. 32h and 53% completed. First time I saw it I actually thought that it would be lame and boring but the good reviews got me to buy it. And I'm glad I did

What's your opinion on these hacks frauds' review?

I think you are on the wrong site.
I love actual discussion, whether loving or hating a game.

There is a review on Metacritic that shows how reviewers don't play or just lie in broad day light.

The game is the opposite of what he said. He didn't play the game, period. Matriarchs are shown as evil and men help the protagonist many times, plus the white guy who she is attached is kind and nice.

This game is not even subtle SJW. It shows a future where men worship women. And this future is horrible and women use that power to manipulate others.

>Can we just talk about it without a bunch of shit flinging please?

No, never. Shit people with shit opinions and shit taste peddling their shit games need to be shamed, ridiculed and bullied. Otherwise they can never improve.
Bring back bullying.

>shit opinions

Anyone else getting their ass kicked? I'm actually shocked at how hard this game can be.

I just started this side quest where you have to fight the burrowing Dino in the arena like space right next to a small town and its too fucking hard. I'm above the recommended level too.

>Z-zelda is shit too
Not an argument.

I'm just showing how qualified you are to point other's people opinions

Probably you are in that print. If I missed you, sorry, give me your metacritic nickname that I'll make sure keep the picture updated


Alright, sure.

What's the appeal? Seriously, everything I've seen from this game looks like general Ubisoft nonsense. Hunt this creature, climb this tower, do this forced stealth stuff, etc. Outside of the somewhat unique setting, I don't get the hype/appeal. I haven't played it and was honestly surprised to see so much hype/hate for the game. I thought it'd be another triple-A game that just kinda comes and goes, yet people are going insane with it. Is it really the setting? Because the world seems bland. Post-apocalyptic world but with robot dinosaurs and shit. That doesn't inherently grab me at least.

Is it a decent game? If so, what about it is good? Just seems kinda bland to me. Is the story any good?

>only nintenbrors could possible dislike this piss game
The delusion is impressive.

I don't have a PS4, but from what I've seen it looks like it delivered quite well on it's E3 promises... really good looking game too

>t. brazilian
>pre-order Horizon for $34,50 dollars
>receive $7 voucher to use on PSN Store

Why is sony treating my people so nice lately?

Next time use stealth.

Kinda wish I could buy it but Persona 5 comes out in less than a month so no point in spending 100 Canuck Bucks on this.
Probably pick it up when it's $40 on Kijiji in a few months, same as I'm doing for RE7.

Serious question here

How did a single woman wielding a bow is capable of defeating these robots that doomed the entirely of mankind, which had actual weapons and shit

the robots didn't doomed manking because they are dangerous
first, these robots are few centuries old, they're not in their best shape
second, they consume biomass as a fuel and one of these robot (wich you only see carcasses) can reproduce other, creating a swarm that try to kill humans while eating the ecosystem to fuel itself

Why even reply to the brainwashed morons, I don't get it. Do you think you will win that argument? Just talk about the game and let the retards talk to themselves. Post some screenshots mate.

Different robots.
The humans they killed didn't have any real working experience taking them out, while Aloy and the other tribes have had a thousand years or so of doing it.
There's a lot less of them now too, I'd wager. They've only really become so much a problem very recently.

Also it's a fucking video game with only a passable story, just enjoy killing your robot animals man.

>you can't ride the saw tooth

Well that's fucking disappointing, I thought I was gonna be tearing through niggas on my fucking sabertooth mount

Is this the thread for saying Zelda is better?

Why does the Zelda thread have so many more replies?

can't ride the damn T-rex or the fukink bird
i hope for a DLC adding that
no, you nee to go in the zelda thread for that

How does a man with a sword kills thousands of goblins, defeat 4 antics machines and a legendary calamity ?

How does a woman with two guns beats the crap out of dinosaurs and hundred of soldiers ?

How does a random knight beats so many legendary creatures ?

How does any fiction character kills so many things ?

>bullying guy from every other HZD thread
Do you nothing else to do but shitpost?

fuck off sonybro

I'm sperging over the photo mode. It's like having a GF I can take photos of.

I don't care what anyone says, Aloy is a cute

did you meant sonybro?

what the fuck?

>he doesn't know about the new filters for console war retards

lmao the shilling is TOO obvious,and its NOT helping your game in here

If I like the witcher 3 will I enjoy this?

Love everything so far. Only wish I could do more in towns. Maybe some mini games, gambling, selling robots? Towns just feel like MMO quest hubs.

if you could create a design for a new machine, what would it be?
>bird version of the watchers
>bear with chainsaw claws and grenade launchers on its back
>tortoise with a lot of armor and the behemoth force gravity thing

I would say it's the opposite of witcher in what their strengths are. You want nothing todo with the story but the gameplay is fun when you fight robots. Imagine a mishmash of ubi open world's but actually good and monster hunter

ya even the guy who voiced geralt does a few voices for npc's

No. One is an RPG with good graphics. The other is a mess with 'good' graphics.

I just came here to say that I'm absolutely impressed with the visuals, it puts Uncharted 4 to shame and that IS saying something.

Fuck the haters, it's my GOTY so far, and probably my 2nd best PS4 game (after Bloodborne).

I found the game to be a slight challenge. But i find most comes to be rather easy. I know qht fight you are talking about, thats without a doubt the hardest one. Not being able to immobilze them and plus they go underground to avoid damage

Best looking gear?

I'm having more fun with horizon then I did with witcher.

-its controls better
-the gameplay is more fun and strategic
-the world is more interesting

the only thing witcher does better is side quests

I've been playing on very hard mode after i got the hang of the combat, and it's challenging but fair.

Except for this one area where you fight two currpupted mole things, it's fucking insane.

Great game. Me and my wife's son played it all weekend. My good friend Rob Shecklberg has also been really enjoying it.

Man, what armor is that?
I use the Carja Silks stuff, I just love the colors of it.

Was stuck on that fight for a bit on very hard then said fuck it and ripped 2-3 guns from the ravagers and went to town, felt amazing. It's the only hard corrupted zone really

I like the Banuk Ice armor, but where do you get the Shadow armor from?

Genuine shilling and/or actual retard.

Lol no.

Are you retarded or just pretending to be? You know other games where you take down elaborate robot dinosaurs because idk how you missed the "draw" of the game because ill give you a hint bruh: its fighting the robot dinosaurs

>you can set a sidequest (errand) to get the items to buy something you want

Holy shit this is so simple yet so based.

Also, don't forget to do the weapon tutorials, they give a lot of XP.

>Also, don't forget to do the weapon tutorials, they give a lot of XP.

Honestly? You get so much xp in this game you don't even need to do them.

The game is awful, there's nothing to discuss

Which difficulty should I play on? I want to be kept on my toes but not annoying artificial difficulty.

Is there any real reward for the collectibles?
I appreciate the flavor text way more than a box full of mod boxes with 6% mods.

Max difficulty. It's the best one, there's no artificial bullshit and being one or two shotted by everything really makes you tense during battles.

The game is still kind of easy anyway.

The vault suit looks nothing like how it is displayed on the rack... I was ready to go full crysis but nope.

For anyone looking to buy this the game play is fun but they fucked up the mocap and a lot of the voice acting is static and or horrible

Each of the collectibles have flavor text on them, and sometimes you get nice mods. Other than that, nothing really

Shit taste

>find second power cell
>Aw yeah time for crysis armor
>Go plug it in and solve puzzle
>It needs 3 god damn more power cells

I mad.

Sony99ers goin all out folks

I didn't play HZD, but it wouldn't suprised me, considering how shit TW3's gameplay was.

Oh shit, what set is that? It looks great. I'm using the Heavy Nora melee defense one cause melee defense seems the most useful.

>you will never play a Fallout game with these graphics and detailed world

Why live?


But there's only like fucking 8 different varieties. I don't know how you expect me to spend 65 dollars on a game with 8 different enemies, 1 single weapon type and 30fps with drops.

>le bait xddd
Kill yourself cdrone.

just had my first crash after completing Cauldron XI. Didn't even get a chance to save before it happened. Probably won't play the game again for a few days.

Ok so you are actually retarded. Sorry many cant help you try a diffrent website that caters to dib shits

>Dib shits
>calling others retarded
>enjoys a game that would have been mediocre even in 2010

How about posting some games you like then faggot you wont you pathetic contrarian virgins never do.

You are allowed to not like something. But cmon at least do some research before you post we are not here to spoonfeed you

Hey guys not being a sterotypical shit flinging Sup Forums autist but I have to ask honestly.
How do you still play this open world stuff are you not fucking burnt out?
I mean this just seems like another piece of shit in the pile for me why even bother ?

>the game is kicking my ass

Just get the R1 sneak attack and the whistle distraction perk then sit in a bush.

As for bosses, get all the slow time skills and triple arrow. Put mods in your weapon slots and armor. Find a rock and it becomes Gears of Duty.

As someone who hates open world games, Horizon's isn't bad. You don't get bombarded with 700 repetitive tasks to do each time you open the map and the open world largely functions as more of a place to go farm parts to make gear.

What do you play that's good?

use freeze on it, freeze makes everything take a lot more damage. After that aim for it's feet to stop it from burrowing, or it's stomach to deal some major damage

That's the thing I've been burned by open world games the best one I have played recently was FF 15. FUCK useless fetch quests man and fuck quests with no personality. Only red dead did open world right(not counting ranching missions.)

I'm considering buying a playstation 4. Should I go with the Pro or the slim? Everywhere I google, all it does is compare specs and obviously the pro is better. But everywhere I've read, the Pro suffers from disappointing or even lower-than-nomal fps so I wanted some non-technical opinions


If you have money go for pro. There is stuff in the pipes to make old games better but as of now it doesn't increase frame rate. Games like NIoh and Horizon allow you to have a higher fidelity of graphics but you're still locked at 30 fps

That shit probably gets ironed out once developers start to work for the system from the beginning and not make some sort of last minute port to take "advantage" of the additonal power. Personally, I don't care, I'm happy with my normal PS4.

>did they really have to make every white men either evil or weak?
you forgot about Rost, the strong father figure full of virtue

You might get slightly better load times but I seriously doubt the pro will ever give you a significant increase in frames. The devs have to build around the worst version of the console so as not to exclude anyone. Get the 500gb one over the 1TB version for less power consumption.

This game is pretty decent. Not BOTW level but worth playing.

2 for pro, 2 for not pro

Gonna flip a coin for a tie breaker

Pro has boost mode for Bloodborne.

>Get the 500gb one over the 1TB version for less power consumption.
>less power consumption

You're joking, right?

This game is too hard. I did ok in the beginning, but now the desert is just full of bullshit. There are these flying birds that never un-aggro no matter how far you run. Everything on the ground comes at you three at a time for stunlock bullshit, and everything has over thirty shots worth of health. Seriously thirty fucking arrows to kill the saber tooth robots.

Bullshit diffuculty for a bullshit game.

Most unsatisfying bow combat ever? Who thought it was a good idea to make the bow a low-tech sniper?

>mfw being chased by a giant robo bird

Shit gameplay
Shit story
Shit writing
Shit Animations
Shit and ugly Open World
Shit draw distances

I'll go ahead and bite. It's got about 10-14 different machine animals. Probably more. Then corrupted versions of them which is tougher versions basically. And human enemies, they differ depending on tribe too. So far that's what I've found anyway.
Weapon wise there's machine weapons, rifles, bows slingshots and some others I can't remember the name of. Not including the spear that you unlock different combat moves for.
Game is good. Has some nice variety and many different ways to approach situations and combat. So far obly thing I hate the goddamn camera that keeps shifting shoulder views. But the graphics alone make everything better.

Is the gameplay ACTUALLY good? Any gameplay I've seen I want to believe is just bad players. Like how Dragon's Dogma only gives you 6 skills (except for Warrior) per class, and watching a bad player just spam the same skills over and over makes the game look boring as fuck - and yet you could train your Ranger pawn to shoot airborne targets and use Tusk Toss to throw fuckers into the air, then watch your buddy let loose on them, with you following up with a burst strike just before they hit the ground.

Does Horizon actually have depth, nuance and style to the gameplay, or is it just

>Hide in bush and throw rocks/whistle to get stealth kills
>Spam arrows and dodge until they fall over and then critical hit
>Occassionally just shoot the fuck with the shotgun thing or the ropes while standing still, then critical hit again when they fall over
>Collect parts

>lol muh power consumption
Smaller drives require less power and therefore produce less heat, so your fan may need to be engaged less frequently. And electricity actually costs money user. Adults have these things called utility bills and they suck.