Breath of the Wild has no music

>Breath of the Wild has no music
>fans need to add their own

Unbelievable what a bit of music can do to a game.

Other urls found in this thread:

If they wanted to be atmospheric and unintrusive and all that stuff, why didn't they go the Banjo routhe? with dynamic themes.

Does it really have no music? I fucking despise overworld music for open world games. Seems like an interesting pirate.

stop shilling your video

objectively 10x worse like this, fuck off

>using music from nu-fire emblem garbage

Just kill yourself OP.

Its a tragedy that the trailer theme does not appear to be in game

make it awful and annoying? damn...

Yeah I definitely won't get sick of this 5 minute loop for 50 hours.
Not that the music is shit, but just save it for moments like cutscenes and boss fights, not the over world where the whole point is to capture atmosphere.

Fucking really? I wanted a clean rip of that song so bad.

This is complete shite, maybe if it was comfy low key music. Morrowind did it right with the exception of the main theme playing every 15 minutes.

>console is a cheaply made piece of shit that makes chinese knockoff tablets look like quality products
>game has constant framerate problems and graphical glitches
>so lazy they don't even hire anyone to do music for the game

How can Nintendo be this lazy and think they can get away with it? You just can't make this shit up.

>music changes when an enemy gets nearby

When did this ever happen in any Zelda game? Fucking newfags. Literally retarded shill.

Minimalistic ambiental music according to the time of day and climate.

There is music during combat and in towns. It's pretty cool to hear the song slowly getting louder and louder as you get closer to the town.

Wind Waker? Have you played Zelda?

Can I get a quick rundown on this Princess?

>There is music during combat
>retard slamming keys on piano

>Fire Emblem music will never be in Zelda
>BotW will never have music

feels bad

Use your own music if you want it so bad.
Sorry they didn't rehash zelda over world theme for the 6th time.

the complaints over the music is the most retarded bullshit point shitposters have on the game. it fits the tone of the game perfectly and you barely even notice the lack of music because the ambient audio is so atmospheric.

I remember Skyward Sword doing this too.
Not changing, of course, but just heavily changing tempo and instruments.

Is this shitty video ever going to stop being shilled?

well i don't think anyone found it in the files yet. it will probably be part of some kind of special ost cd or some shit. annoying

surely it would be clearly better for the game to be in music

but, OP's music select is just bad and not fitting with atmosphere

they should have made the game has some music inserted in the filed, but it is good to just have piano based music, not minimalist approach

I like it but at points like when Zelda spoke to Link didn't fit well.

>You just can't make this shit up.
>his entire post is made up

I like it that the music is easy to ignore. I always get tired of hearing the music in long games like this one and always end up turning it off.

Oblivion is the one exception.

What if we are all just made up

This is complete bullshit. As said, there is a reason there is only very minimalistic music. Youre literally out in the wild, music would just ruin this mood of exploring. Also youre running around and explore shit for so long that any kind of music would get annoying and repeated very fucking fast.

Not enough tree climbing music

>mfw free jazz is my favorite genre
MOTW's music rocks

musics a bit too loud

speak for yourself I loved that shit in xenoblade




The aiment themes are okay but the game is missing out so much from having actual themes.

>retard slamming keys on piano
You sound like a huge pleb

This is worse.

It's one of my favorite Zelda OSTs. I don't get the hate for it here at all.

I don't know I like some but there is a lot I don't like what decides the ost for me is how good it sounds in game and out. I though I liked the battle theme but hearing it naked was just awful IMO.

Only game that can get away with a battle theme like this. Good thing I don't hear it much since I stealth most of my encounters.

>so lazy they don't even hire anyone to do music for the game
Funny thing is that the music and general audio design is actually one of the game's biggest strengths, but retards don't know how to appreciate it

>Ain't No Fortunate Son by CRC starts playing

It's such an amazing piece. I makes no sense for them not to include it.

>tfw noticed this when playing with mates
>decided to add my own music in the background
>kept blasting songs from MGS3 and spookyscaryskeletons

if your mates weren't aware of your autism before that they are now.

>playing breath of the wild
>find small village full of brown natives picking rice
>it aint me starts playing
>set fire to the rice fields and burn the natives out

>H-hey guys, I 'fixed!' this multi-million dollar project that took more than one hundred employees, some of them being among the most talented people on the planet in their field!

Fucking autist

The Shiekah Slate should have radio stations like in GTA.

They thought it was funny because everything was just so bland. Plus we really liked metal gear anyway

Also who's autistic enough to buy the broken shit day one.

>spooky scary skeletons

I didn't know what that was, so I went and looked it up and listened to it.

And now, I've come back to say: You're a fucking retard

it's called ambiance your tard

It seems to be a mix of multiple tracks, since I heard the first part of the E3 trailer music in the great plateau peak

It's definitely in the game. There are chunks of the game where musical themes feature prominently.

I think the only times the music being bad/nonexistent is apparent is the overworld exploring, and horse riding.

Ocarina of time, majora's mask. All of the 3d zeldas.

Shit man Sup Forums really doesn't play any video games

>I didn't know what that was
enjoy your stay

>I need music constantly blasting in my ears or else I cant enjoy the music.

you deserve every one of those dislikes you mong.

>multi million dollar company couldnt afford to hire a music producer
>"retro" indie games have better soundtracks even if they sound like fake 8bit/16bit shit

explain this nintendrowne.

*game, point still stands

This right here is literally why no one takes Nintendo defence force seriously.

You guys have never played any Zelda game. BOTW is Sup Forumss first Zelda game and this post alone makes it apparent.

Music is required in every Zelda Overworld. Its not Zelda without it.

to add when the music is good its fucking great

>mfw this fight and this music with the slo-mo arrowshots
>mfw swinging my gamepad like a retard smashing ice hazards
>mfw best prince comes to save me after that crazy shot

You should know by now that Nintendo fans absolutely HATE seeing their gods undermined, they won't even listen to anything you have to say now.
4/10 effort to make the blind sheep see again.

>Sup Forums praised MGS5 for its music despite it being open world
>blast music while killin sandniggers and riding a horse through "nature"
>its a problem if Zelda has music

I haven't played it but does it have the zelda song in it? Like the original one?

>Its not Zelda without it.
Yeah, and it wouldn't be Zelda if you didn't have to get the Master Sword and anywhere between 3 and 8 magic McGuffins to go beat down Ganon, but here we are.

It's a really fucking shit Zelda game if people are adding their own music.

Sure you can circular logic and denial your way to defending stamina bar and equipment durability but you just cant defend this near non existent soundtrack.

>5 enemies + reskins
>30 seconds of music total found in game
>4 types of weapons with about 20 reskins

5/10. I like the TECHNOLOGY but other than that this isnt Zelda.

The soundtrack is actually quite rich, it's just not what everyone was expecting and not a style that everyone can appreciate.

Im stupid


t. Nintendronie.

I would love to see all the armchair designers here collaborate to make a new zelda game. It would be so fucking terrible

Just like BotW.

No music in BoTW is what gets me. Often the music in Zelda titles is one of the best parts in the game, you only need to play a song from one of the titles to fill you up with memories and the urge to play the game again. BoTW is fun, but it lacks impactful music which is why I give it an 8 or 9 rather than a perfect score.



>People try to fix BOTW
>Nintendo Defence Force says nothing is wrong

Say it with me


>all the audio funding was spent on American people doing fake British accents

really joggin my noggin

>implying it's broken to begin with

Someone send the video to """gaming journalists""" to see how they defend Nintendo this time.

>Dead pixels are a feature
>screen scratching is a feature
>no music is a feature

no music is a feature you fucking idiot

>someone unironically, literally thought that a cat walking across a piano every 30 minutes for 3 seconds was good enough to be a soundtrack

and it was!

>fans need to add their own

You did this. Please stop spamming your video.

I still don't understand how xcx's soundtrack managed to be so shit at some parts and so good at others

How do you know the person that made the video isnt a zelda fan?

>all those dislikes
Breath of the Cocksuckers

this is way better than the silence and random doots actually in the game.

Why does it seem like this game had like no budget and Nintendo just tried to market it as "different" to handwave over the reality it's just unfinished?

>Listening to Coontunes in a high fantasy game

I play these games to escape the reality niggers exist, not to revel in their existence.

>Unbelievable what CONSTANT music can do to a game.

So glad they took the minimalist approach on this. That video was awful.

>MGSV gives you a radio to listen to its songs as well as other MGS songs, and on PC you can even throw on your own tunes
>Breath of the Wild gives you ambience, the occasional 30-second cacophony and that's literally it

>people are unironically disliking/liking the video

i bet you people have facebook and like statuses too.

you probably even comment on womens photos.

Because the game actually had no budget and had to be marketed differently to handwave over the reality it's just unfinished.

It is in the game, it's Kass' song.

Think the first few hours on the Plateau should stay minimalist.
When you jump off for the first time should be when the Hyrule Field equivilant kicks in. It would have a big impact you want music to have.

It's in the game though

The fact that you thought that post was good enough to screencap speaks volumes.

the post is right though.

t. Switch and Zelda BOTW owner.

>thinks i screencapped it and didn't find it in another thread
>"98 out of 100 omg only trolls and ps4 owners would say otherwise"

>Sup Forums always goes on about atmosphere being super important for comfy games
>Breath of the Wild has subdued music to emphasis the explorative nature of the game when out in the field and not from fighting
(Towns, shrines, bosses, divine beasts, and enemies have different themes

No wonder we were stuck with OoT cookie cutter games for 20 years, this is the fanbase Nintendo catered too

No it's not.

t. President of the Bank

You're not exactly helping your case.

Music makes atmosphere you mongoloid. You think Undertale would have been even a fraction as popular if not for it's soundtrack?
christ its like this is literally your first Zelda game. Welcome to a 30 year old franchise i guess, all the games had good music up til now. Submit all shitty suggestions to your mommy and maybe you'll get some tendies to ease your nerves and calm your deafening tinnitus so you can actually appreciate music.

You're not exactly making a point.

Yes it is.

t. Your mother

Mom? Y... you're alive?