One of these threads

one of these threads


new Doom was shit

Kek, so wrong that it's not even worth refuting.

nah man, it was good.

That's the spirit


dont bother, Sup Forums is beyond saving.



Fuck I kek'd

>valve invents cosmetics
>valve invents crates
>makes mad money
>everyone else starts doing it too
This is the future we chose etc.

You made me laugh for a good minute





am i missing something
how do you go fast in this game?







fuck yeah i mained HH in MHFU. So much fun, esp on group hunts

the eternal goat


the guy with the squished face is an obvious doubt



but San Andreas was way way better than Far Cry 3
FC3 is more like retarded AssCreed's cousin in fps form


Try harder.

what's the difference

there is none





disliking a game is not always bait

Another sleepless night, you British NEET fuck up?

doom was always shit






New parts WHEN? I am in dire need of some mechanical parts. Instead it's all flying machines, I hate it.



Eh. The arena battles did suck, as did most of the soundtrack, but I wouldn't say they were bad enough to drag it into "shit" territory.

Then again, I'm far from a hardcore Doom fan, so perhaps I'm not in any position to make a fair assessment.

Fuck off, icy.

calm down it's just a 2d platformer

>as did most of the soundtrack
How about a nice big glass of go fuck yourself





Fresh off the presses.




Such a fucking blast

>using the word "toxic"


so good that i've saved a second one

goty 2016

What it actually was:



>valve invents none of those things

Nah, it has flaws but it's one of the best movement based FPS games to release in a while. Crying that the maps are different from the first two games is dumb.

>This is the future we chose etc.

only if you keep supporting this shit
everyone complains about microtransacions but still buys them
do people really think developers are just gonna wake up one day and be like "hey, those microtransactions are making us a lot of money because some materialistic cunts keep buying it, but people are saying then don't like it. we should stop releasing those things and focus on the game instead"

if they don't make a profit they'll stop doing it

It's the only way it's going to stop

Who did crates prior to Valve?

Sup Forums is a irrelevant portion in the gaming population. Next to no one here talks about CSGO or the new CoD but those games have millions of players anyways.

Really, as long as people support these methods of DLC they'll stick around.

They were all over the place in China and Korea.





Most of these are terrible.

Reminder that you should only have more than one image per panel if they all follow the same theme.

I do remember F2P games adding cash only weapons and cosmetics, but I don't remember them having crates specifically. Granted, all of them are pretty cunty methods of DLC and I'm kind of splitting hairs by bringing the whole crate system up to begin with. Still, most new shooters seem to use a crate system now.

I heard a lot of good things about Doom, but ignored it until yesterday until finding NakeyJakey's rap review.
Holy shit the execution feels great. Reminds me of classic pc shooters, yet still modern.
I like how they handled the glory kills. It incentives them with hp recovery, but unlike something like 40K Space Marine where it takes too much time out of the game watching the same 2-3 lengthy executions that you get sick of after the first chapter to recover hp. In Doom, the glory kill is different from where you initiate it at and from, and they take half up to maybe 2 seconds each.

needs more Colemans


this is literally how children think.


More pictures illustrates how different it is.
These would be great fucking threads if it was just one picture each. Played: call of duty. Expected: call of duty. Got: call of duty.

I bet you're fun at parties.



this would need so much more
>no gay
>no lift
>no nipplerip
>no crying
>no rando
>no trying to resist joy
>no trumpet
>no your wife

I don't get it.

I think it's just that it's difficult to eloquently convey your joke/impressions down into one image, so more images is an easy fix than hunting down or editing images.

Ministry's only good album was TLORAH

Somewhere along the way people decided that panels should be used literally, as in include an image to represent every thing you expected and got. This makes them less funny than the original purpose, which was highlighting particular expectations and experiences that contrast in interesting ways.

second biggest disappointment of the year

See Having too many images makes the PEG meaningless. And I guarantee you that your joke is funnier with fewer images.

>99% of the thread is reposts
why do you people bother ruining everything

>jumping, platforming, exploring, collectathoning

If you didn't know what you were in for then I have no idea what you expected.