Is Final Fantasy VII still worth playing nowadays?
Is Final Fantasy VII still worth playing nowadays?
yeah it's pretty good
also very cheap.
Definitely yes, as long as you use the retranslation which also fixes many bugs and adds 60 FPS support.
Use these components for PROPER names:
- Incorrect character names
- Incorrect place names
- Series canon
Also better quality music as a bonus (install before retranslation).
Yes. Now leave this thread and go play it.
Oh look, the shill is back, fuck off
I'd play the pictured Japanese PS1 version in Mednafen.
That works too, since PS1 version is 60 FPS by default and since you're playing in Japanese the translation won't need fixing.
God forbid I tell people how to play a game properly rather than with LITERALLY 15 FPS lock, bugs that remove various cutscenes and dialogues and translation that is Google Translate tier.
>for japan only
which is it?
FF7 looks shitty with more fps, it's a fact, and not an improvement
And the dialogue isn't even translated from Japanese, it's a "what I think it should be"
I played this game last year and now it's my 2nd fav game after dark souls 1. No nostalgia bias here. :)
>FF7 looks shitty with more fps, it's a fact, and not an improvement
You are the cancer killing videogames if you think broken PC port's 15 FPS is acceptable, when every single FF game up to PS2 was always 60 FPS, that includes the PS1 version of FF7.
>And the dialogue isn't even translated from Japanese, it's a "what I think it should be"
This shitpost again, please get cancer and die if you don't understand what localization means.
Literally translating stuff is what google translate does you dense fucking moron.
You can't literally translate from Japanese to English because the languages are completely fucking different.
Hahaha, I bet /r/games would love to know about your experience.
Nobdy cares about your shitty translation, go shill your utter shit to reddit
You shitpost in every thread XV-kun, I hope you get executed.
>The International Version is a recurring Japan-only edition of several games in the Final Fantasy series. These versions reflect the changes made in the international adaptations of the games' original versions, including the new story elements and gameplay changes.
>More recent International versions include completely new features in the games with optional tweaks in gameplay, new superbosses, and bonus dungeons; in addition, the audio is in English, with Japanese text and subtitles. They often come with extra information like design art, interviews with the creators, maps, and other features.
I don't own or ever played that game, try again
And more proof that XV-kun is a boogeyman.
Sure thing Bazztek.
look at the angry manchild.
everybody laugh.
Not really, just wait for the remake
>guy didn't even say anything about ffxv
>Links to some twitter with nier automata and ffxv retweets
The remake won't be the same game though, besides the graphic update, there will be story/gameplay changes and whatnot
Are we just calling anyone XV-kun now?
That's exactly why they should wait. Literally no PSX JRPG aged well, and VII certainly isn't an exception.
>Literally no PSX JRPG aged well, and VII certainly isn't an exception.
Neck yourself you underage fuck
>Tfw download this translation
>Barett is completely neutered
>Everyone speaks so formally
It's so bad.
Right after you let go of your nostalgia
>>Barett is completely neutered
>>Everyone speaks so formally
God forbid you get accurate translation and not made up shit.
Did you know Japanese language has no swearing at all in it? Worst you can get is stuff like Kisama, Yaro or Onore all of which are just generic "rude" connotations that essetnially translate to Bastard, You Bad and Hostile Oneself.
Welcome to accurate translation.
I bet you also think that Chrono Trigger DS has bad translation, huh? You literal fucking shitter.
It's just not the same if Barret isn't Mr T
Fuck off already, you were never welcome here
Fuckheads like you are even worse than XV-kun.
I just played through it last year, and I enjoyed it. A casual playthrough can take you about 30-35 hours, so it's not much of a commitment.
>Did you know Japanese language has no swearing at all in it? Worst you can get is stuff like Kisama, Yaro or Onore all of which are just generic "rude" connotations that essetnially translate to Bastard, You Bad and Hostile Oneself.
Typical EOP cluelessness. If there's no swearing in Japanese, what does クソ mean? Or insults like ちしょう or はくち?
>in some years there will be people who will have played the remake but not the original
Square Enix was a mistake
Yes. It is a really good game. Some stuff has aged poorly and all that but it's still a classic.
>FF Games I've played though: FF3, FF4, FF7, FF10, FF13, FF14, FF15
Out of the ones I've played, I enjoyed the story of 7 the most. it was extremely close to 4 however. 7 also has one of the better battle systems, though I am very partial to the Job System of 3 (and what I've played of 5).
You honestly can't go wrong with 7, I think it still holds up today... it's definitely a hundred times better that 10 or 13, thats for sure though.
Things that Barret doesn't say, good job moving that goalposts you nigger.
They've been doing remakes since squaresoft and enix.
What goalposts? I'm OP, I've yet to play FF7. I only laugh at your clueless EOPness.
Which ones?
obligatory "7 is shit 6/8/9/10 is better stop liking what I don't like reee" post
My nig, my favs are 7 and 4.
10, 10-2 and 9 are bretty good too
FF1, FF2 on PS1. Then the wonderswam remakes. DQ1, 2, 3 and 4 were remade for SNES. FF1, FF2, FF3, FF4, DQ4, DQ5, DQ6, DQ7 have all gotten remakes during SE too. FF4 even got 2 remakes in the same gen.
Honestly what's so great about 9 that warrants it being the measuring stick we must judge all Final Fantasies - nay, all JRPGs by? Because it sure as fuck ain't the torturously slow gameplay.
And lol @ 8.
>and translation that is Google Translate tier.
The game's script in Japanese is already of that grade of quality. Have you played the fucking original? The English version is epitome of professionalism compared to that crap.
I think the scenario of the game is one of the best personally.
Obviously there is the main events that occur in the game to consider (often just referred to as the story), but characters and their individual development through the progression of the game, the dynamic of the world and how NPCs help flesh it out, as well as other world building aspects like side-quests and supplementary reading in-game.
Yes, the main quest isn't the best, but FF7 has some of the most memorable characters and some really great development through the course of the game. And I think that world is one of the better ones out of all the FF worlds. It sincerely creates a great setting.
How different are the remakes?
Certainly not on the level of nu-FF7?
Don't try and reason with the "my fan-translation is better" fags, you can never win them over
Yeah, it's truly horrible that people won't play the worst versions of games out there
Let me supply you with terminology.
Worldbuilding and the fabula are great, but the plot is god-awful.
FF7 remake is more like the tales of hearts remake compared to the original
>instead of translating Barrets lines have him cuss all the time
We knew that already but the world has moved. You've been living on a world where SE is a terrible cancer that milks IPs with sequels, prequels and whatnot for years now...
>Modding classic games that are completely playable.
Got it on my phone. Works fine.
And yet people actually insist that tripe is actually better than the original game. I've raged every time I see morons praising Crisis Core as "what FF7 should have been"
FF7 had 15 FPS animations in battle as it was. It looks like shit, but then again, the game always kind of did.
FF7 is still an awesome game worth playing if you're into JRPGs. However, it's not quite as impressive to play nowadays as it was back in the 90s. The pre-rendered backgrounds, FMVs, and cinematic battles with different camera angles was super groundbreaking shit in 1997, but today you probably won't even care.
And no, unlike what some other fags are saying, you don't need mods to enjoy the game.
Absolutely yes
The English version is notoriously bad which even the people who translated it said
It's not bad. It just has some "woolsie-isms" which only angry purists have a problem with.
>the audio is in English,
Why would they do this? No Jap wants to have to sit through Burgerdubs just so they can fight the Dark Aeons.
>It's not bad.
not even google translate would get this wrong
I'm not supporting the fan translation here, but come on. The original is a pretty bad translation. There were so many points where I had no idea what the fuck people were saying when random NPCs were having conversations or how it should be read. Character reactions seem off too, then theres the classic "tail up" line and whatnot. It doesn't ruin the game by any means but there's no way you're not going to notice it.
You don't know what you're talking about, he says that and even worse
t. playing it in japanese
> Japanese language has no swearing at all in it?
What did you mean by this so?
you mean the remake with FFXV tier spells (3 of them in other words), the most painfully simplistic combat ever imagined, AC level emo character designs...
yeah, i'll take the original any day.
Kisama doesn't mean 'bastard' you kisama. Bastard has the very specific meaning of being born out of wedlock. Kisama, being nothing but a foul pronoun, is essentially a generic insult and should be translated differently depending on setting and the character speaking. Protip: a samurai isn't going to be casting aspirations on parentage in the middle of a fight, nor is a cockney punk ever gonna choose 'bastard' over 'wanker'. Kisama always being translated as 'bastard' is the worst bloody thing in burger translation.
I beat it last year again after 15 years of beating it, it's still a great game, with a great story and characters.
so you're telling me that FFXV, with it's literal "hold circle to win" combat, 3 whole spells, and everything else that game did wrong is better than the best PS1 RPG? a game that in it's first 3 hours has more gameplay than FFXV in it's entirety.
face it, the FFVII remake will be FFXV tier, and that's not a good thing.
turn based combat may feel old, but those old games are just better than modern FF. just from a gameplay options and complexity standpoint.
no what?
are you pretending that the FFVII remake will be anything other than an over simplified arpg? or just stupid in general?
please stop I don't want this thread to get ruined by that autist
ok. at least i'm not the autist this time (well, not entirely)
Nothing is worth playing. I'm too good for everything.
Everything that exists is shit. That's just how awesome I am.
I am a kissless virgin because I am too good for girls, not the other way around.
>AC level emo character designs
did you forget who designed them to begin with
>so you're telling me that FFXV, with it's literal "hold circle to win" combat, 3 whole spells, and everything else that game did wrong is better than the best PS1 RPG?
I'm saying PSX JRPGs are dated. Can you not read?
>face it, the FFVII remake will be FFXV tier, and that's not a good thing.
If you don't like XV, sure. Also, it'll largely be a lot more consistent and less turbulent since there won't be any staff or story shake-ups midway, if you haven't already forgotten why XV is the way it is (not like VII's original story can be comprehended if you played it in English).
>turn based combat may feel old, but those old games are just better than modern FF. just from a gameplay options and complexity standpoint.
VII isn't turn-based. Also, cool opinion you got there.
Are you legitimately mental? How exactly have PS1 RPGs not aged well?
Currently doing it. Very worthwhile, noticing a lot of details I forgot about and the gameplay holds up very well.