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Final Fantasy VII Remake battles are action-based, cover optional
posted on 03.07.17 at 07:06 AM EST by Sal Romano (@salromano)
A tidbit from Tetsuya Nomura in Weekly Famitsu.

The latest issue of Weekly Famitsu has an interview with Final Fantasy VII Remake director Tetsuya Nomura, who provides a few new details on the RPG.

Here’s the quote from Nomura:

>“Because there was an imperfection in the interpretation of an interview we did at the site [of MAGIC 2017], I will explain here.

>“Battles are not command-based, they’re action-based. Regarding cover actions, there are places where they can be done on the map, but they are not required. Because it’s seamless, I showed that there can be actions in response to various scenes.

>“The Guard Scorpion battle has map destruction and a great number of attacks that weren’t in the original, so it has become a significantly flashy battle. If you look closely, I think that you can see that there are a number of missiles are coming down.”

Final Fantasy VII Remake is in development for PlayStation 4.

Thanks, Hachima Kikou.

>Sephiroth summons Supernova
>Supernova nukes everything on her path
> !!!
>let's use that pillar for cover!
>Earth is completely destroyed
>cept for that pillar


I would agree, but they're completely overhauling the combat (the weakest part of FF7) so it has a purpose. I just hope they don't have that Kingdom Hearts thing where every time you press the attack button, you do homing attacks like you're Sonic. One button combat can work, but not when you don't have to think about positioning and movement.

I found it odd that the whole game they never say "Earth" they just say "the planet" but when Supernova happens, it's in our Solar System.


Fuck off

i liked when Hitman did it. I'll like this as well.

Episodic is the wrong word and I wish they never used it. It's going to be a multipart game, meaning it's going to be told across multiple full games

I want to see how the summons are handled

>action game with cover system

Fuck off Square Enix

Bad: Pauses the battle to go through the whole animation, zzzzz
Okay: They appear, pretty snappy, and cast their spell and disappear.
Cool: They appear as allies on the field who last fifteen seconds or so and have their own AI.
Awesome: Your moveset gets lightly augmented, like Nero's Devil Trigger, as they attack side-by-side with you with various moves. (If you have "Added Effect", you have a random chance of one of these augmented attacks popping up).

Remember that Barret, Vincent, and Yuffie have long range weapons.

We probably won't be able to even play as other characters.
>but the trailer shows...
I too remember character switching in earlier versions of FFXV

>this other game changed so then this will too

This is old news. We already knew it was action-based, and that cover actions were available.

I don't know how your brain works for you to end up with that conclusion.

Character switching has been confirmed multiple times. We'll move in a party of three. Stop shitposting.

I think it's a big deal that Nomura described it as "seamless". I think this bodes well for things like platforming and the minigames, if he truly means it. But now the big question is, if it's action-based then what does the ATB meter do?

Watch the gameplay trailer again and find out retard

You probably fill it by doing combos and then do a finisher by using one or multipl atb bars

>>action game with cover system
Well, to be fair it's an Action RPG...gotta hate that approach though.

Wow rude. It's just a super meter. That's cool. Dunno why they'd call it an ATB meter though.

I assume the ATB charges are necessary to use abilities/spells.

As in, only auto-attacks are free.
Crisis Core had similar system, and while there was no ATB, each attack had a preconfigured pause between it (a delay), but auto-attacks didn't until you input a full combo.

So say you want Firaga, it will probably cost 3 ATB bars like in FF13.

That's it?

>It's going to be a multipart game

This is the equivalent of charging you 60 dollars for each disc from the original game.

Only they will add content so that it is a full-sized game so your analogy is shit.

They said it's a multi-part series themselves

series being the keyword

The game is no longer 3d models walking on 2D images at bird's eye view.

I want to play this game so fucking badly. Don't even care about the episodic shit anymore. I've been waiting for a remake for two fucking decades.

As far as monkey paws go, we could have gotten a lot worse.

>announced in E3 2015
>will still take till somewhere in 2018 to do JUST Midgar
>just talking about the armored scoprion fight still
Jesus christ


How long before they reveal Tifa? I say we'll see her at E3

I honestly just want to see the world and monsters in HD.

For Square "announcement" basicly means, "we're starting development soon"

>yfw dating barret in HD

I'd rather date Cloud.

Not interested.

>earth is completely destroyed
>but you all just take 2,000 damage each and completely no-sell the thing.

honestly this isn't anything new.

what's up with all the shill-like posts? like, you fuckers haven't played it

>high tech robot with targeting systems and all
>wastes ammo by shooting at the sky for no reason

>“The Guard Scorpion battle has map destruction and a great number of attacks that weren’t in the original, so it has become a significantly flashy battle. If you look closely, I think that you can see that there are a number of missiles are coming down.”

I mean, that sounds like great fun, and honestly I'm looking forward to the remake because yes, I'm one of those tools that always wanted it. But I have to wonder how unique each boss fight will actually end up being? I mean, will they even try make the bosses have some unique mechanics that make them different, or will they all just be along the lines of "get in cover, dodge attacks, pew-pew-pew"? And if they are planning to make every boss fight unique with unique maps, then how the hell is this ever going to be made on the PS4? I mean, surely that would take an immense amount of work to pull off?

Of all the memes to become reality, this was the most unnecessary.

It's still on a normal FF development cycle. If Part I isn't out by 2019 then you can start complaining & meme-ing.

Either only the first few bosses will be unique or all boss battles will get a field/stage where you can destroy (generic) stuff.

like this
>With regards to the current HD capacity and volume, the idea is that we wouldn’t be able to encompass it all in just one installment. So, if we’re just looking at each of these parts, one part should be on par with the scale of one Final Fantasy XIII game.

Good, all of the timer/turn-based FF games were trash.



Oh yeah they're doing the whole episodic thing. It'll be interesting to see how/where they make the episode cuts, but I guess that depends on the scale of it all. I mean, if it's going to be anything like XIII then I guess we can say goodbye to the world map and all that exploration, because otherwise the game is going to be ridiculously big.

They could use the open world design from XV as the base for a new world map.

J-jesus, Barret looks like THAT?

>not command-based
Cancelled my pre-order.

There won't be a world map. They've already mentioned that.

World Maps don't really work in the modern age. We're more likely to get something like FFXII's setup. Medium sized areas interconnected with one another.

Shit have they? I actually enjoyed exploring on the world map in the Highwind, finding the materia caves and doing the side quests.

Ditch the glasses. This ain't the silly niggy with ptsd that I know and love.

Like Ocarina of Time? I haven't played FF13

I have a feeling he'll take them off after the first bombing run

Yeah, they nixed the idea of a world map for this in an interview.

FFXII had large cities and settlements along with medium sized areas linked to other mediums size areas rather than being a continuous world or world map.

Shame. So how long do we think the first "Part" will be? Or have they already said? I reckon it'd be up to escaping Midgar, going by the amount of info/footage we've seen so far. Unless there's been a shit ton of development that we're just not getting shown before E3

So are we still mad about the direction the game is going or do we actually want this?

The only reason to be mad is if some blatant crisis core/advent children shit takes over the story.

Also I dont give a fuck about zack. I hate the name zack. Hope they don't too much with him

Most of Sup Forums are teens to early 20's. Most of these kids also don't want to go back to play older "aged like milk" games. Of course they haven't played it.

What's with the bashing posts?

>World Maps don't really work in the modern age.

Except yes it can. The only reason it can't "work" according to these fags is simply because they don't want to do it. Although with this game there is another reason I can think of. They not only don't want to do it but the whole it doesn't work excuse is also because they would argue it doesn't look realistic enough to see this giant character going across a world to click on tiny towns that eventually load into a bigger town.

This worked on the PS1 (the SNES and NES) and would clearly work for any fucking era in gaming. It is simply excuses and expectations is all. Too many people want too much realism in their games.

Look at how half-assed FF15 was, even after 10 years in development.

Every single boss is going to be the exact same. There isn't going to be a single ounce of interactivity save for some random "talk in the middle of battle" cutscenes. Get ready for the Jenova fights to get turned into nonsensical anime shitfests.

Anyone thinking SE can make anything good I'd a fool. Do not get "hype" for this trash. The combat will be just as bad as xv's.

Considering that Nomura had full command over Crisis Core, I'm not expecting much from him. Crisis Core was literally just 20 hours of
>run behind enemy
>mash attack
>sometimes use magic if they have an elemental weakness and it takes less effort than spamming back-attacks
>steal if you're autistic

Which is pretty much what the mainline Kingdom Hearts games are like. There's going to be some minor strategy in the beginning while they push you to learn whatever "style" you picked, and then it's going to devolve into a skydancing shitfest for the entirety of the game until you get to the first gimmick boss.

Why the hate against Crisis Core? It's a good game with a good story.

I'm sick of games being hyped/praised to the high heavens when they're Japan-only (FFVII:CC, FFType-0, Bravely Default) and when they get released in English suddenly they're "shit". So availability determines quality on Sup Forums? Nice.

Fuck off poor man.
I haven't bought a new game since 20XX and Im preordering this shit. I've waited 20 years

I'm not into slot machine simulators

Into the trash it goes.

>Hope they don't do too much with him

I mean, he's pretty god damn important to the story dude. I don't see how they'd do Cloud in the lifestream without him. But I get what you mean about the Crisis Core thing, I don't want them bringing Genesis and that shit into it. Zack was cool, but Genesis and Angeal were fucking boring. My only major gripe is Barret, he looks so damn weird. At least in Advent Children he looked how I imagined him.


I liked Crisis Core too, though getting Sucker Punch or whatever it was and doing 99,999 damage in one hit was ridiculous.


This is literally the worst "argument" for something that costs double digits.

You're just a fucking tool.

>good game
Decent concepts that go woefully underutilized because it's braindead easy to just min/max with materia blending and do what mentioned.
>good story
Objectively wrong. Zack is the only character that matters and he has zero backstory. Other characters exist solely to push Zack through the plot. Shittons of backstory from FF7 gets outright retconned for flashy over-the-top battles that make no sense in areas that make no sense at times that are completely infeasible. Character motivations are either retarded or non-existent, plot pacing is thrown into the garbage for Genesis scenes. Angeal is quite possibly the most blatantly forced character in the entire series.

>It's a good game


Because Gaia isn't Earth and it's nit in our system.
The system being destroyed by Supernova is the Sol system, not the one the game takes place in. That's why the game can even continue after Supernova.
The party only gets hit by the shockwave from a supernova that happened lughtyears away.

Nomura doesn't like Crisis Core


Fucking why? Who asked for this? ADD Kingdom Hearts kiddies?

[citation needed]

>he made a bad game once
>and he keeps making bad games since
>so clearly this one's going to be good

I will never understand the sudden infestation of people defending the actual, unironic father of "BELTAN ZIPPER."

they should just go turn based, they tried action type combat for 3 13 games and 15. all of these games suffer from terrible gameplay. I feel like they can't get it to work anymore like it did with x-2.

xenoblade chronicles does that much better

You're doing a lot of rationalization over an animation that was literally just meant to look cool and had no consideration put into making sense. It's a Japanese video game.

The "one-winged angel" thing triggers me so fucking hard. It appeared once in FF7 purely as a stylistic thing for a final boss, and for some reason that's the big motif they're pulling away from 7. Nomura goes out of his way to cram it into everything now, and I'll never understand why.

The literally ingame names of the planets, you cock gobbler.

It's literally how it is in the international version.

If going by the jap original, Supernova is something else entirely.

As in for
>The party only gets hit by the shockwave from a supernova that happened lughtyears away.

As said, and others online, it's basically a fancy animation for the Demi spell, considering it can't even kill you. Plus it's meant to be the strongest attack by the final enemy, so it has to look ridiculously flashy and not taken in any way literally.

Sephiroth has the power to create illusions. Supernova is an illusion.

How bad will the combat be since it uses unreal engine instead of ff15 luminous engine

At least 15 times better I'd say

What would the engine have anything to do with it?

It's alarming that they are talking so much about the fucking Guard Scorpion, an enemy that is seen once and is not even referred to in game. I am predicting this turd will only make it's way to Shinra HQ or Aeris' house.

Maybe the Midgard Serpent battle will look impressive. This would be the chance to make it truly massive and looking awesome with todays graphics.

>climb the snake SOTC style to stab its head

Combat should be great if it's KH-style and not repetitive like XV.
It's the episodic shit that kills it.

>outrunning the serpent on chocobo
>chase sequence while you fire off fire and jump over logs and shit
fuck, but FFXV doesn't even have car fights though. pls nomura

not even Zelda does boss climbing, it's sickening. whack the big toe a million times/shoot the eyeball until they die, woo, boring.

It only gets mentioned like twice or thrice in the entire story. Genesis' poems were more repetitive, and even then it's part of his character. The characters themselves are aware he's a repetitive Loveless-obsessed fuck, so it's not a fault of the writing if the other characters can recognize the character's flaws.

Zack doesn't need a backstory. In fact the entirety of Crisis Core is Zack's backstory, if you define backstory as the history behind a character before they got first introduced (FFVII). And that's not true, the new characters Angeal/Genesis had distinct characters with their own motives and goals, separate from Zack. Then you had Cissnei (initially introduced in Before Crisis as a mook) who actually got characterized in CC. Lazard was kinda there but side-characters are in every story.

>Character motivations
>Plot pacing

High Jenova contamination has a symptom which gives you one wing, and it happens to three individuals. But hey, keep overreacting.

>High Jenova contamination has a symptom which gives you one wing, and it happens to three individuals.
That is the stupidest fucking thing in fiction and you know it. I shouldn't even dignify this with a response.

I'm fucking disappointed Dragon's Dogma and SotC didn't cause boss climbing and attacks to become a standard in action games. Hacking at ankles is fucking annoying.

>High Jenova contamination has a symptom which gives you one wing, and it happens to three individuals. But hey, keep overreacting.
Made me laugh, thanks.

Some of the boss battles have potential to be pretty spectaular, like the Motor Ball could be interesting. Or Demon's Gate. Running up to a wall and stabbing at it.

It's not stupid. It's fiction. You can make them grow a horn or a tail. That's what breaks your immersion? Not that they're using an ancient alien to imbue humans with super strength? Not that the planet has its own will with giant super creatures defending it? You're merely hating just because.

Can you give me a quick rundown.

>I just hope they don't have that Kingdom Hearts thing where every time you press the attack button

That something that I find weird about KH, they're usually great at the start when you're limited to three hit combos, but they get more mashy as they go on.