Cinematic 20fps on Switch(tm)

>Switch getting lower FPS than Vita


>pee pee 4
>45 fps
>vita game

>has better graphics
>has lower framerate
yeah that makes sense.

>>has better graphics
>>has lower framerate
than an ancient device with mobile hardware. lmao

B-b-but the Switch is supposed to be the greatest console in the history of all human creation, you fucking fuck-pasted Sonybro swine! It had the best console launch ever with the greatest game of all time, so clearly, you're a fucking inbred mongoloid piece of shit!


They just made ir run on switch without any means of really having a good port. They just wanted the game there, it runs ok then they dropped. Im sure they could get much more performance there but its tecmo. The PS3 graphics Warriors Orochi 3 runs at less than 60 FPS on the PS4.

>Caring about any version that's not PS4 and PC

All the other versions may as well not exist. Nintendo was fucking stupid to ask for this.

Reported for shitposting

You sound like a desperate Sonygro.
The Switch version will be the best regardless because it'll sell more and it's on the best Nintendo console of all time, so fuck you.

>this salty
I bet your preordered the switch huh?

This is a massacre, Nintendo is nut, i hope this is their last console, i liked them when i was young i dont want to see them going more retarded than that.

>Nintendo was fucking stupid to ask for this.
>Stupid for asking for a DQ game at launch
Yeah no even running poorly Japanese people will gladly play more DQ games no matter what.

It probability would have been better if they turn down some of the effects more for a more stable 30FPS. But this is Koei we are talking about.

just fucking imagine new dragon quest

>switch is clearly a tablet
>people honestly expected 8th gen console performance

Can't say anything bad about the Switch senpai. Sup Forums.


a 2016 real tablet has better performance

Vita is the best handheld of all time

A $300 tablet has much more utility than a Switch.

and 0 games

Jesus fuck, the Switch's 3rd Party support is gonna drop by next year. The only area it'll do reasonably well is Japan, but this shit is disgusting.

Yet again, more definite proof that the Switch was rushed out to market. I don't give a damn about launch sales. This console's longevity is royally fucked.

>a 2016 real tablet has better performance
Than a Tegra X1?
Not many, and the ones that do are much more expensive.

Fire Emblem Warriors looks way better than DQHeroes. So I'm assuming that is a bad port.

It's all musou shit in the end so who cares.

so as much as the Switch, unless you count bomberman and 1-2 switch. as BotW is not a switch exclusive.

??? Ever heard of emulators. You can play plenty of Nintendo games on Android.

How do the on-screen enemy counts compare?

>trying to get people to ignore that the PS4 runs a fucking vita game at less than 60 fps

>Than a Tegra X1?
switch does not use a full powered Tegra X1 lmao.

look it up.

running a completely different version of the game

The Switch is a Pokémon machine. It's going to replace the 3DS.

Did anyone expect non Japanese 3rd party support? For real?


Seriously, how does Nintendo fuck up this badly?

I suspect they're lower binned tegras that nintendo got cheaply

nintendo always goes for the cheapest garbage hardware.

Oh my god, that video was painful. Especially this part and one other. The PS4 is a stuttery disaster. Who the fuck would play that version of the game?

looks like a fairly solid 60 fps to me chief

That portable perforamnce was fucking shameful. They really should've sacrificed fidelity, gone with Vita visuals but flawless 60 fps.

I remember this. People were boasting about it too, saying the Switch will be more powerful than the PS4.

>Careing about graphics or fps on consoles

When will ANY of you console faggots learn your place is at the feet of the pc gaming master race where the real graphics and high fps are found?

This is Japanese support, and its hardly substantial. It just means the Switch wont get many third party exclusives, if at all.

>portable mode has no direct capture solution yet
i get it, its a pretty low resolution, but get some credibility with your shitposting you bafoons

>3.6 tflops!
>it's barely 1/10th that

>i get it, its a pretty low resolution
and the FPS is still horrendous

I honestly believe the Switch's version of DQXI will be a greatly enhanced version of the 3DS' chibi style. Some nice anti aliasing, higher res textures + rendering at 720p will make that look pretty good.

As we've seen from this video, trying to ape many of the PS4's visual effects results in an uglier, poorly running experience on the Switch.

>People actually believe this

Retards at nintendo shoud have gone with snapdragon 835. It's literally leagues ahead of the tegra without the need of active cooling. Nvidia probably sold them their chips for much less than 35$ a pop.

Sorry to break it to you, but Japanese support today is just that. Mobile did a killing there too.

third party exclusives are already a dying breed

This, although I expect it to not get bigger games like Resident Evil and Final fantasy. But people saying it's not getting any 3rd party especially from japan are fucking stupid. This is Nintendo's next handheld. Japanese devs are going to be making a ton of money with this.