>liberal white guilt: the company
why do we support these jagoffs again?
>liberal white guilt: the company
why do we support these jagoffs again?
>liberal white guilt: the company
more like jewish forced white guilt: the company
I'm considering applying for a job at blizzard tho I haven't played a Blizz game since Warcraft 3 and expansions. How do I bullshit them about my Blizzard knowledge?
everything they make is lame 2bh
There is literally no reason for Overwatch to ever get a new white character. There are plenty already.
Just make shit up.
That's how they handle Blizzard knowledge now, they don't give a fuck about lore or continuity. See diablo 3 or SC2
haven't played since wings, lotv looks ok, least there's more units. I'm starved for RTS, is it ok to come back for casual laddering and customs?
Customs? Yes.
Actual laddering? Hell now, shit's a mess and the new units are horseshit
>Thinks Blizz is SJW due to one game
>Bacon of Light came from a joke CM made about jews
>Saurfang makes jew related jokes in WotLK
>Forgets nagas in the slave pens
>Naga stole my rocket
>burn the brownies out of their huts
>turned the first black man to goto space in an ape in OW.
I mean, their games have really declined in quality but you are confused. Blizz is racist as fuck.
White guilt is for pussies, Catholic guilt is where it's at.
i hate them and i dont support them at all. i did get overwatch on sale though because its a decent fun game with free updates. would never buy a lootbox to support these cock suckers though.
just say that you're jewish and they'll give you a job
heebs practice nepotism more than any other race/religion in the world.
>>Naga stole my rocket
I forgot that, that's pretty funny.
There's been some pretty racist jokes in their games but all these anti-sjws forget that cause they decided to appeal with one game. Whatever I guess lol, I dislike them for different reasons these days.
>I hate em
>I wont support em
>Bought their game
>I wont support em
What did he mean by this?
we dont
only tumblr and 8 year olds that think overwatch is a good fps play that trash
remind me how it's "liberal white guilt" to have characters that aren't black in your videogames?
>ruin africa, asia, australia, both americas, and countless other smaller landmasses
>constantly frame immigration as white genocide, despite no evidence of the kind of demographic takeover whites did onto others
>enslave blacks for nearly 3 centuries, collapsing their subsistence systems and causing tons of civil conflict due to indirect rule
>complain about india and china industrializing despite using 5 times as many resources as other countries
The most surprising thing is that whites only just started feeling guilty for their abhorrent behavior.
people support blizzard because of brand recognition despite the fact that everyone who put the company on the map left to do something else long ago.
why should I feel guilty for something I didn't do? lmao.
Jaina Proudmoore is doomed.
Diablo 2 HD remake when?
Because you benefitted from it, either directly or indirectly.
Isn't literally every Western game developer "liberal white guilt: the company" these days?
>actually believing any of this
All of those places were shitholes before and after white rule. The only time they were remotely stable was when Euros were in charge. Slavery was around for thousands of years, the African slaves were sold to the whites by African slave owners, and Americans are the ones who ENDED slavery. And those poor slave descendants are doing far better than their ilk back in Africa.
>no evidence of demographic takeover
Except every single fucking census projection in existence. Are you pretending to be retarded?
>you should feel guilty because your ancestors were better than us
>horrible person: the OP
There is no reason to be so mad OP also
>why do we support
Who are you referring to?
> But...but...muh feeeewlinggs!
Why do YOU support them? I shut off my bnet launcher in the face of WoD and haven't turned it on since. I never tried Overwatch but it looks like a diversified TF2, old shit in an old genre - nothing that wouldn't grow stale immediately.
What else is there besides that? WoW is dead, D3 is dead, "Heroes" never had a soul to begin with, and Hearthstone is literally a phone app. They are a mediocre company that only remains relevant because we live in mediocre times. Get your head out of your ass and stop playing their horseshit. If everyone collectively decided to stop treating vidya with such disgrace by buying bullshit such as Activision Blizzard's "games", the industry might recover the grace it once had. All you have to do is let it go.
you are acting on feelings.
but the jews were the ones who did slavery in the first place
Don't get assmad because our ancestors were superior to yours.
Also how did we ruin Africa, Asia, and all the other land masses? Africa and the middle east where always shit holes and we pretty much never touched mainland Asia except for the shithole south eastern territories.
You are so lost you belive every bullshit someone tells you.
During the span between destroying Mesoamerica and the Scramble for Africa, Europe exported approximately 60 million people. Please tell me, how this is remotely similar to white countries accepting a small number of refugees escaping strife from their homelands?
Are these refugees practicing the kind of extraction techniques that Europeans did to Africa or the New World? Are these refugees inserting themselves into white government members through forced marriage like how whites did to South Americans? Are these refugees forcing Americans to buy large amounts of harmful drugs like the British did to the Chinese? No, they're simply seeking a better future for themselves and their family and racist shits like you use isolated incidents to generalize the entire population.
You fucks are the same as the kind of people who look at a few incidents of welfare fraud and use it as evidence for why we need to get rid of welfare.
Ya I think so as well, that's why I'm enlightening you. The jews have always been at the heart of every lucrative profession. Slavery is no different.
((((They)))) ruin everything good in the world.
I'm not really sure. I don't even care about their lazy forced diversity but I bought Overwatch after not giving a shit about anything they released in the last 10 years just because everyone else was playing it. Buying a Blizzard game is not a mistake I'll ever make again. That company died with Blizzard North.
>White guilt
>From the company that literally turned the tables on the 'noble savage' shtick people thought Orcs were getting for 90% of their race
>From the company where the blond haired blue eyed boy is the most sane person on the planet
>From the company that makes the strongest magical mortal a white memester uncle (Or, possibly, a blond haired blue eyed crazy dragon-riding woman)
>Who made the most reliable, most believable, and all around coolest Warlord the whitest one
>Who made Genn 'Biggest Knot' Greymane give the newly appointed female Warchief an almost literal bareback ass fucking for the stupid shit she tried to pull
I admit they made Purple a bit better than White but come on now.
tfw all the natives, blacks, asians, and spics living in the USA also benefitted from it, either directly or indirectly.
Do you even realize how many Jews are behind typical politically correct bullshit?
speak for yourself fagtron blizzard died for me after lord of destruction dlc
I only buy R* games or japanese games desu
>Ruin australia
Abboriginals are the reason why a fucktonne of our country is a desert, they would burn down forest to eat the burnt shit on the floor. They do not deserve anything.
do you even realize that he made you look like a hive mind moron who just regurgitates what they read on a taiwanese basket weaving board.
Daily reminder that Mike Morhaime voted Trump.
(((You))) seem rather fiddled.
No (((((((((((((((((You)))))))))))))))))
I did more I win.
Whatever helps (((((((((((((((((((((((((you)))))))))))))))))))))))))) sleep at night.
Of course Blizzard is all jews. That's why they sold out by merging with Activision and all of their games have been normie-pandering utter shite ever since.
So what?
>game has non-white characters so it must be white guilt/sjw
>So many weebs are alt-right yet if they had their way, they'd be shunned by society
t. smelly shitskin
remember when blizzard wasnt run by kikes?
>Three (3) characters from America
>At most 2 from any other country
>More white people than any other color
White people win again, why you bitching OP?
Ironic, is it not? I've never supported such BS because it's against my self interest to do so.
I'm not fucking ''alt'' right you dumb american and japanese are honorable aryans
get your facts straight before you post out your ass
no go back playing your shitty tranny fps gayme
great argument
tfw the amount of whites is still disproportionately large