Comfy overwatch thread

Comfy overwatch thread

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Gremlin thred?



This is a shitty forced meme and I love it



>be Reinhardt
>be in Temple of Anubis
>team behind me
>charge in
>tank the entire team, everyone focused on me
>die after 10 seconds
>my entire team is either dead behind me or standing at the entrance trying to snipe

Just. Fucking. Shoot. Them.

I, too, genuinely enjoy gremlin D.Va and failing-to-be-evil reaper.



i dont like overwatch


hahahahaha, they live in india.

I unironically enjoy Paladins more.


Neither do these guys they just enjoy the memes. Great crowd.


>mfw Ana mains getting BLOWN THE FUCK OUT on ptr

user I'm gonna have to ask you for some sauce


>I AM SILLY!!!!!!

He's actually right though

Forcing people to do shit isn't the way to do volunteer work

I like crops more then reading the actual dojiin.


Have fun fag


But I was actually serious.



The Day I became a Girl

Pretending to be a girl

Nyan Nyan dai sasuken


Geiger Counter



Teacher getting caught

First time Couple

Datsuryoku kenkoyukai

Girl fucking Dog wtf

pedo shit

Drugging boys lmaoo

Wang Er Xi

Relieve Him maymay

Moth lady

All DVA maymay posters need to be shot


Yeah I dont even read them, I just collect them, weird.

Guess we have something common.

I play on PS4 so I'm extra fucked

>tfw no time to add all 3,000 anime girls in their respective folders


I want weebs to leave

I would enjoy having those folders.

>just got good with Ana
>she gets nerfed

Why blizzard why


A lot of them arent very full. I have to add another 1,400 images into their respective folders, baka


What hentai is this?

A lot of the images came from my phone which has 4 gbs of anime images on it, so I really dont feel like organizing the monstrosity. Anytime Im on my PC I add images I collect in folders, so they add up overtime.


Ah. I can understand then.

>Thinking I have sauce of a pig fucking an anime girl

Tch I wish



I found a girl x boar thing though kek

why is comp KOTH best 3 out of 5? This makes matches last way too long for everyone except "pro gamerz" and kids. Why not just make it best 6 of 10?

i have the source but it's ntr garbage, you don't want it, and if you do, you're not the kind of person i want to help anyway

Is there a happy ending? Do they fall in love? :3

>Getting cucked by a pig
Kek, I dont want it

Yes, they fall in love, and have 3 mutated anime girl boars

Your reasoning is sound.

original ilya is the bestest
why did prisma have to ruin everything

I bet you jack off to this, faggot


Dude, what? You're in an overwatch thread.

Sorry user, but posting shitty memes of an anime-esque character doesnt count as a thread, or a videogame discussion.

Oh wow they really did fall in love. I wasn't expecting that.

what the fuck does this thread have to do with overwatch?

>are there video games in here?
>nope, no video games in here

It literally does. Moderation allows it. This is inarguable. You're only way to prove otherwise is to report the thread and it be deleted.


>pic related
Shame the threads being deleted soon anyways

Since you are so booty flustered about people posting video game stuff on a video game board, take this. You may need it.



Take the shift key off your keyboard. You are fundamentally misunderstanding your job as a Reinhardt.

does anyone have the sources one user posted earlier?

unless that shit had some illegal stuff, then only the legal shit



>mfw this game will never be as popular as CS or LOL
>mfw they refuse to disclose how many people are playing it


This thread is providing so many goodies and I don't even know how to get past sad panda, thanks chums

Care to explain??

Pay it forward

Your job as a Rein is to walk forward with your shield up so your team can attack from behind you.

You are not there to charge into the point and die to a full team, you use the charge to capitalize on momentum created by your teammates. When you charge to initiate a push you AND your team are vulnerable, making it one of the worst decisions you can make when the other team is covering the objective. You aren't distracting the enemy team and opening them for your team to pick them off, you're dying uselessly and leaving your team without cover to attack the objective from.


Saved, I will be someone else's guardian angel when and if the time comes sensei.

You're only partially correct.
The fundamental job of Reinhardt is to keep your shield up, but shifting in when the opportunity comes up is very important, otherwise if the enemy gains advantage, you can end up with a dead team and nothing to do but hold shield until you just die.
You just need to understand the difference of only a charge kill popping up, vs your team being in the position and ability to follow up for a team wipe. It's not worth charging for a kill and only trading as a Reinhardt.

Haha dont worry user I'm back, I got a 15 minute temp ban, but I guess they said I was a-okay! It's pretty easy, install the sadpanda extension for chrome, make an account on the ehentai forums, and make sure to not delete any cookies.

You're trying to play him like a Winston. He isn't meant to disrupt, he's there to lead the deathball. If you charge, you're completely open to being focused down and your team no longer has a shield while you're charging. You get 300 damage off a charge, but if your team is doing its job (say you have 1-2 flank on your team but 3-4 behind Rein), they can focus that amount of damage safely in the same amount of time. Keep your shield up, use voice chat to direct where you're going and how you want them to position/focus, and support your team properly. Play Winston if you want to jump ahead and distract so people can deal damage.

>mandatory volunteer work

ignoring the obvious stupidity in that semantically I have to question who would think that'd be a good idea. presumably the idea behind forcing people to do volunteer work would be to make them want to do more in the future but if there's anything AR taught me in elementary school it's that the absolute worst thing you can do to make someone want to do something in the future is force them to do it from a young age and insist that it's good for them when they have no interest.

Is what's said in for true? I'm following the first step and it seems to have worked for me.

why aren't australian scanlations a more common thing

I legitimetly cannot understand what's so hard about shooting pharah.
>zen main
>healing, discording, pixel hunting turret all day, 60% kill participation
>pharah on enemy team
>now cannot exit spawn even with a widow, soldier, and mCree all at once on my team

She's JUST fast enough to avoid a lot of leads with zen to the point I can't out damage her. I can discord all day but no one shoots her. No one. Why does no one shoot pharah?

As I point out .

Point is the charge is a trap option for most players. Too many people opt to charge when there is no benefit or it actively hurts their team's push, and their intuition for why it's a bad decision hasn't formed. Better to crumple and retreat with your team than be the reason they crumple by dying by charging into a stacked objective.

Not trying to be snotty, but in gold and below, nobody focuses the Pharah down. It's why she's a top tier pick in those ranks.

Last 3 games I had trolls on my team, Not comfy in the slightest.

Is Orisa good? Will she challenge the reign of Reinhardt?

Most play mercy in gold too. If golds can't kill the mercy fast enough and/or the pharah has some skill...RIP.

Similar experience. One of my games had a guy spamming "im genji master :vvvv" or "genji pro", he kept dying like a retard because he was too busy typing, letting the enemy charge their ults faster.

I only do quick play these days, I don't have a dedicated friend base to really put effort into comp. I usually get my 10 and just play with a friend or two. I was killing the comp scene as zen when it first came out, and genuinely think I'm a decent player, but avoid comp.

But even so, it's just the ducking fundamentals of the game that a lot of the player base just does not fucking grasp. I want to get back into comp, but I feel it wI'll just be as cancerous because bad players are the loudest complainers.

Mercy is genuinely a top tier pick if your tanks aren't retarded.


that skin would be pretty cool

Zen was a more necessary earlier in the game, but you can't carry with him now. Ana has more survivability and more utility than Zen and carry.

But yeah, most people can't grasp the team play elements. Bronze is much, MUCH harder to climb than Silver because the entirety of your team doesn't understand basic grouping mechanics and team play.

Didn't they change it so you have to wait 7 days for it to work? Its somewhere on /h/.

At this point, just stick with nhentai.

You think casual Millennials would understand that
After all their parents force them to go to church and now they're all a bunch of whiny atheists

on the other hand you could have googled it and expanded your computer literacy

Just get a fucking browser extension.