When will this game launch?

When will this game launch?

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Next week paper launch

As soon as they're done putting the Cyberpunk skin on TW3.

i'd say late 2018 to mid 2020

i know how you feel OP, i also can't wait
especially now that cyberpunk is making a big comeback i mean imagine just having seen the new blade runner and then playing this game but oh well

never. by the time they almost get done the current consoles will be dead and they will have to port it to the next consoles... but europe will be engulfed in another wave of refugees and poland is like no we dont want any but german need poland to take them in and then draft them and then attack russia so germany isnt wiped out when they go for the ukraine so germany has to attack poland and the company is destroyed absolutely and todd can sleep easy knowing they wont fuck with his bread and butter ever again

2077, it even says in the image, idiot

u wot m9 u made almost no sense

>trailer is 4 years old
>wont be at E3 this year
Its dead, jim

does todd secretly want to create the next world war between russia and europe?

>thinks the reboot blade runner will be good
>too tasteless to enjoy the original

the trailer was testing the water. theyve already said this.

>germany has to attack poland and the company is destroyed absolutely
Poland has better army than Germany nowadays.

>trailer is a recruitment video
>they said they would focus their development on it after Blood and Wine released

right after bannerlord

>tfw didn't launch next to Andromeda so we could shitpost bioware into oblivion

doubt it, even each witcher game feels distinctly different from themselves

It just has to release in 2017...

I think Bioware's gonna be defunct by the time CP77 releases, to be honest.


But they said cyberpunk was no longer a genre because it's just actual real life now.

Is there any evidence to actually think this?

CDPRdrone wishful thinking.

they're still hiring, so take a guess

Never. They're all retiring off the witcher games. Sometime in 2018 they'll announce their sad and sudden news tha the studio is broken up.

it will be good trust me. villeneuve said it's by far his best work yet, it has deakins, gooseling, it's rated R. it's not capeshit, it's got a big budget

there is more cyberpunk shit coming though, i think the new ghost in the shell movie actually looks pretty cool, i'll definitely enjoy it even if it's just for the visuals

then there is MUTE of course which looks so much like blade runner it's crazy and of course altered carbon is becoming a netflix series and altered carbon is my favourite cyberpunk novel with neuromancer

in terms of cyberpunk vidya, even if it's some time until cyberpunk 2077 we are getting RUINER this year and that's good enough for me


sorry for sperging out but i love cyberpunk

When it is ready

Andromeda footage pretty much proves it.

Let's hope Iwinski survives.

Doing too much meth can't be good


they will have a civil war soon enough and based muslims will win

He looks exactly the same in the 3 pictures tho, only hair gets messy.

Wishful thinking from everywhere since bioware is legitimately garbage.


After Mekton Zero

second photo is an unfair representation that was taken during a company summer retreat or something so all he's all tanned and shit. I don't even know what he really DOES at the company anymore so I can't say, but he looks like he hasn't seen sunlight for couple of months in the third picture as he's crunching away or something.

i enjoyed this.

LOL at the screenshot. Has anyone ever been so far as to go do look more like?

After bannerlord and before star citizen

when its ready

>wont be at E3 this year
doesnt need to be cdpr is big enough to just release trailer and the preorders will come rolling in from the goys

When it's ready™

God it only feels like yesterday when we got the trailer on here, yet so much time has passed so very quickly. I was saying the same thing back then, and yet it continues to be true even now.

Where the fuck is my life going? Why is everything so monotonous? I just want some good video games to come out.

It's like when you stop looking forward to something everything becomes a light-speed blur.

Like Valve, they're afraid to release anything new because it will reveal them as the hacks they are and they're content with that GOG money.

dont care, if bioware drons can spend money on garbage like mass effect or dragon age i can spend money on cyberpunk 2077 or anything cdpr shits out

phone posting. pls shop MarvGetsElectrocutedinHomeAlone2.jpg as panel 4.

Life is just passing by while we waste it away on Sup Forums bro :)

When its ready. ;)

>Doing too much meth can't be good
He's polish. Chances are he's working hard not taking drugs, like the western game developers.

Yeah, I know a guy who showed his portfolio to some CDPR guys on a design conference a while back and they told him they were looking for more cyberpunk stuff.

Deus Ex is in hiatus and you think cyberpunk is making a comeback?

Blood & Wine ain't even that old m8. When has Valve released anything worth shit?

It is

no, it probably means he's drinking hard


When it's ready ___:^)__

Same year as HL3.

Kurwas only do vodka and depression.
t. Kurwa