Pre Rec Horizon

>Amazing world
>Satisfying combat
>Great crafting
>Fleshed out world and lore

I think we know what the GOTY is gonna be boys.

Other urls found in this thread:

>RLM content without Mike
Hah. Nah, I'm good.

>pre rec being right about anything

The retards couldn't even play sonic right.

Only Mike and maybe Susan matter, everyone else is just riding the popularity, even if Rich Evans SW reviews are their most known videos


These guys don't know shit about games. They should stick to Half in the Bag and Best of the Worst.

>not cultural relevant after one week
>not even rule34

I have bad news for you

Rich Evans isn't the one reviewing Star Wars. Mike is Plinkett when it matters.

Mike writes and voices the Mr. Plinkett bits, Rich only acts as him

well shit, I guess I'm buying the game then. once again Sup Forums lied to me.

But Jay's opinions on movies are way better, especially since he's able to recognize when he likes somethign but other people won't or vice versa.

Mike gave praise to Jurassic World man tried to call Jay pedantic when Jay kept pointing out how nothing in the movie made any sense.

RLM are complete plebs about video games.
They are good with movies.

>Their opinion about games mattering

Rich is autistic and constantly slams new games that are just interactive movies and touts how much better old games are (or more accurately Xcom) all the while calling any new game that's remotely hard besides Dark Souls poorly designed.

Jack's a retarded normie who thinks Overwatch is one of the best shooters ever made and constantly fellates indie garbage because it's "a cute little game".

It'z amazing but between the two of them they manage to give every stupid opinion about agame possible when reviewing it. I actually find it astounding how wrong they frequently are and the moments where they have a slight realization about everything I'm talking about somehow never teach them anything. Example: Rich slams games for having a story going so far as to be openly hostile that it has one and refusing to try and follow it. Then he complains when he can't understand it and calls it bad. Then No Man's Sky comes out and Rich admits one reason it doesn't feel fulfilling is there is no sense of progress like from a story. Despite having that realization a few months ago he continues to slam every story in every game just for existing.

Jay > Mike > Jack > Rich >>> Josh

Sony just keeps on winning

Even then, Jack's a pleb when it comes to movies and Rich is half and half. Sometimes Rich makes insightful comments about movies but most of the time he's wrong or trying to hard. Watch the new Ghostbusters one and there's plenty of that. Mike and Jay try to be professional and list the things they actually liked and Rich is trying so hard to argue that none of the things they like are good and his arguments boil down to "No I was bored during that part".

Mike and Jay have good opinions and even then I don't think Mike is all that insightful either. He has plenty of comments like his street lights one that just make no sense.

Why the Josh hate? He's not as funny as the other but I liked him on Re:view with Jay.
I don't like Aids moby at all, though.
Anyway, Mike and Jay are the only ones I actually care.

another great game on the PS4. Sup Forums's salt just proves it further.

>movie critics like cinematic experience

Completely agree. I feel like the modicum of success they've had making twitch dollars has completely gone to their heads. Before, they talked like they were the authority on 'good game design', now they seem to think they actually are an authority. Rich has good taste in old games, xcom and thief are great games, but his attitude seems to be that anything that's not xcom or thief automatically sucks. Jack is just a normie pleb like you said. They're tiring as fuck to listen to, completely predictable with their opinions (with how often they repeat them) and just a fucking bore.

>a bunch of random plebs who are famous because one of their friends did a funny SW review say it's good

Let's all give a fuck actually let's not

Definitely do it user. Sup Forums's just salty because MUH SJWs. Game's fucking amazing.

wow this absolute fucking newb lmao, he actually thinks SW review plinkett and HITB Plinkett are the same guy lmfao

I bet I can make you all hate aids moby in under a minute.

Man, putting vidya up against film like this really makes me really how juvenile this hobby is...

Well I definitely respect these guys a lot more after that. It's a damn good game and I'm glad they realize that.

>I respect them because they agree with me

Telling the truth deserves respect.

need a version of this pic where she's also eating out 2B who has 90 around her neck or w/e.

But he literally changes his mind at the end of the video and say's "you've opened my mind". What's to hate about that?
>has a shit opinion
>calmly listens to and considers criticism
>rationally changes his mind
That shows more maturity than 95% of Sup Forums. You just made me like the guy a bit more.

>I feel like the modicum of success they've had making twitch dollars has completely gone to their heads.
Definitely. For every person telling them they are wrong there's a twitch retard who tips them just to tell them they are right and validate their opinions. I'm sure anyone's ego would be affected by it frankly.

> now they seem to think they actually are an authority

As someone who actually makes games, both tabletop and video games, it drives me crazy. They never have any clue what they are talking about.

Is this supposed to be a surprise? The game's selling bettee than Zelda and has great polish, story and gameplay. No shit it's goty.

>An autistic manchild idiot and a grown man too dumb to figure out a 2 button NES controller

Highest of praise.

If anything I have more respect for him now since he was able to realize why he was wrong once presented with good examples. By the end he even admits it can be nice and freeing for those who may not be as comfortable in their skin as he is.

If anything it made me realize Jack is both a reasonable guy and very secure with who he is.

On point video. The game's nearly perfect, hopefully they'll do a LP stream of it.

sjws like sjw game

no suprise there


>They say Nioh is bad

>They say Horizon is good

>rape joke aficionados are sjws
Anyone is an sjw if they are even slightly progressive in your mind right?

I wonder if it's Pcbros or Nintendodlers. Or both maybe?

>dislike fucking dragons dogma
>like this teleporting bullshit

jesus christ

i see why they watch bad movies, because if they watched good ones they would hate it

Don't lump us with those autists

hold on a second, is this an eceleb thread?

Lol nice try nigger