America sleeps in the Divide - giants, beneath the earth. You saw one locked in the Fallout Thread beneath you...

America sleeps in the Divide - giants, beneath the earth. You saw one locked in the Fallout Thread beneath you...There's more.

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what's the F:NV equivalent of The Glow

I'd really like my New Vegas Thread back, please.

Vault 34 probably

I fucked up and didn't take the chance to be led to the death claw lair in fo1. Now I can't talk to the guy about it. Is there anyway to fix this?

how the fuck can this one ghoul can have more HP than a LEGENDARY DEATHCLAW?
Fucking raged when I first met this cunt

Fuck Ulysses and his creepy shiny eyes

Classic Fallout thread?
Classic Fallout thread.

>we'll never know how Goris ended up because everyone thinks talking deathclaws were a mistake and just wants to pretend they didn't exist
Feels bad, man.

>He keeps getting hyped up as some mirror image of the courier
>Turns out to be a butthurt manchild
Fucking awful DLC

>mirror image of the courier
>butthurt manchild
sounds about right

I love these threads, haha. I love how clever they are, and how they use an epic or badass quote from the game, but instead of using the actual code they put New Vegas in spoilers instead so when you put your mouse over it you expect to see the actual quote but it actually says go back to where you came from you fucking cunts lol

Fucking epic man

Wew lad.

You must be a real old timer

best character

that's not Fantastic

>I'm the god damn dam god

This and the albino radscorpions were garbage. Thank god for the dart gun and entomologist perk.


Just finished Dead Money
I am now depressed.

What was his problem?

I wish Fallout 4 never came out



The only place that can actually kill you with radiation is Courier's Mile, which isn't like The Glow at all

I think he strongly disliked particular kinds of animals

The game itself is alright as a shooter but I fucking hate the cretinous fanbase its spawned who genuinely think its an improvement in any way beyond the bare minumum of what you'd expect of a newer game (graphics, gunplay) compared to the rest of the franchise, even 3.

i got the white glove society to revert to cannibalism so I could kill both Heck and Ted for Walter, but now I'm going to use the caravan shotguns and flamers I acquired during the quest and stored in the closet to kill all of them at the 7:00 pm banquet :^)

dude lmao heart of darkness lmfao

Is Trigger Discipline a worthwhile trait?

>tfw I lost all my mods and save progress and I dont remember which mods I had.

Does anyone recognize which mod this helmet is from? I had my perfect Courier

this is a new vegas thread, not a spec ops thread


For the love of fuck at least enable ambient occlusion so it doesn't look THIS flat.

I never seen that on New vegas. Gask mask mod?

Spice of Life

bear bull bear bull bear bull bear bull bear bull bear bull bear bull bear bull bear bull bear bull bear bull bear bull bear bull bear bull bear bull bear bull bear bull bear bull bear bull bear bull bear bull bear bull bear bull bear bull bear bull bear bull bear bull bear bull bear bull bear bull bear bull

No, ammo is errywhere and if you're playing hardcore you actually want to spend it ASAP.

jesus christ the vanilla faces look like butter

Ha ha I love not talking about video games too my fellow memer!

Kill yourself.


Ulysses is such a fucking retarded faggot.

>Can't install mods on Laser Pistol
>Can install them on Laser Pistol (GRA) :^)
What do I download to fix this shit?

What does Trigger Discipline have to do with ammo?

The coolest character in 3D Fallouts. Fuck the haters.


You shoot slower but more accurate with it, therefore your ammo spending rate is lower.

Worst thing is you can't even call him out on his bullshit since he's Avellone's mouth piece.

Do you think Boone finds offensive the fact that I like to dress him in Ranger Armor?
With a legionary helmet?

You can literally tell him he's a delusional faggot.
Not that it changes anything.


thx bro
now to figure out how to make it compatible with JSU and YUP

At least you can sneak crit him for massive damage while he poses in front of his missiles

Gun Runners Arsenal Disabled or GRA Merged.

How many did you kill before leaving?
>Get along with everyone
>Be on good terms with God/Dog
>Confronting Dog in the kitchen
>Disabling the gas leaks
>Confront Dog
>Lack speech to convince him to fuse
>Forced to fight him
>"Why is human hurting Dog? Dog thought human was his friend"

Truly depressing

Nuka grenades or bottlecap mines nigga.

did not want to kill that ghoul, always forget about the damm dialogue in the chair.

cmon dean

Which DLC had the hardest enemies?
>DM: Ghosts, holograms
>HH: White Legs, Giant Geckos, Giant Cazadores, Yao Guais
>OWB: Lobotomites, roboscorpions, nightstalkers, cazadores, robodogs, securitrons
>LS: Marked Men, Tunnelers, Leveled up deathclaws

sneak headshot with terrible shotgun (no vats) = one hit kill


Fuck Dean. He's charming and it hurts to have him considering you a friend at the end, so I try to piss him off so I can kill him without remorse.

Heavily depends on your level, half of that list is static while others scale from 100hp to 800hp

How do you stave off the restartitis, Sup Forums? I have trouble deciding on what kind of character to play.

Lonesome Road, but only because of tunneler gamebryo limitations making them have a shitload of HP and damage instead of being a weak enemy that swarms you. Thank Bethesda.

I don't know why everyone seems to have problems with those, I played DM unmodded on very hard last time and they were dying in a couple of headshots like everything else.


It's good for a VATS build, but kinda not worth it for a non-VATS build.

play zelda

OWB was always the most obnoxious
>Lobotomites doing retarded damage with their revolvers
>Legendary bloatfly

Everything else is easy as fuck compared to this.

The flow ends. So does your life.

Post couriers

What's your favorite ENB for New Vegas?
What about Weather mod?

I've been using Enhanced Shaders but it's kinda bland and I wanna try something cool.

Legendary bloatfly is a parody though.

Also, you can cheese literally everything in the game with stealth and chems

I had been playing as a melee character the entire game and when I got to the cave I was luckily holding a K-9 weapon with no improvements and plenty of ammo. I went to high ground and spent 5 minutes playing peekaboo with that thing shooting and hiding.

i need recommendations on ENBs
help a brother out

on a mission to collect every single unique weapon and armor in the game. I know I can't get them all since Wild Wasteland is required for them and shit, so I opted to ignore those

What's the best way to make an interesting boss fight in an RPG like New Vegas in a way that doesn't turn them into damage sponges?

FCO couriers look dank as fuck.


Could someone help me out with installing Weapons of the New Millennia using FOMM?
Namely am I supposed to overwrite the meshes for the better animations mod?

OWB by far. Never could bring enough ammo to that place. On my last playthrough I went with 3500 12.7mm rounds and still depleted them all.

FOnline revival when

What is having ED-E like for a robotic Courier? Is he a kid, a pet, what?

unique weapons is the only way

Corporate advisor. Step outta line, get the zap

I love spice of life, good taste

Unironically just make it so you can avoid one using your skills.

Is it bad I haven't played Lonesome Road yet I've put at least a thousand hours into NV and the other dlcs?

what's with the xbox hueg gui, it even puts vanilla to shame


LS is not that bad; I'd suggest you give it at least a try. I personally really enjoyed the desolation of the setting and I have a weak spot for flowery language, so Ulysses speeches weren't such a chore for me to listen to.

I don't use ENBs
and I guess Nevada Skies, haven't found any better weather mod. NS sucks without MCM support as well.

Yes, yes it is.


They really do. I saved this one from a thread a couple of days ago.
I'm trying to replicate this look for my character.

Recently reinstalled NV and modded it back up again haven't had time to add a new UI, if you have a good one link me up senpai

What's the strangest Courier you've ever conceived?
For me its a tie between
>Samurai sent to the future by unknown forces who's been living in post apocalyptic America for 13 years by the time he's shot in the head by Benny
>Mexican ex-raider whose gang was killed by NCR, has the hots for power and joins Legion hoping to give Caesar children to conquer America

Tried RPing as Xavier once.

Reminder that generals go on /vg/

It's funny because Hildern has opinions on Vault 22 despite being ignorant and not caring when you tell him that it's full of dangerous spore plants.

>Literally Revolver Ocelot who has a hard on for getting as far down each side's path then double crossing them all at roughly the same time
>Pool Shark 50's greaser who works for House in order to get even more money