Rate my ranking of the Zelda games

What do you agree/disagree with?

Pretty great, mate.
Though, I'd drop Ocarina to Mid and raise LBW to God.

>four sword adventure
>low tier
Explain yourself, loser

disagree with most, but most notably tingle, original tloz and hyrule warriors

Hmm, yeah Link between worlds and A Link to the Past were almost neck and neck for me.
Maybe now that I thought about it a little harder about the pros and cons ALBW would be God tier and ALTTP High Tier, especially by today's standards.
I think back in the 90s OOT would be God Tier, but now by today's standard Zelda it's High Tier

>low tier
It's like nobody on Sup Forums has ever played it

Tingle was fun for the first five minutes, but then I stopped after the first dungeon/cave. I also didn't like how everything (chances of winning a battle, currency, negotiating) was dealt in rupees.

Replace BotW with OoT and that's a nice list.

Swap Majora with Wind Waker and our opinions are perfectly aligned

tingle is pretty good you fag

But Majora' Mask is so good. It's a more surreal OOT that has the time limit mechanic which no other Zelda has. Wind Waker is excellent and I found it's combat to be more refined than OOT/MM, but it has cons such as the large empty ocean.

Majora's mask is shit.

Swap TP and Warriors and I'll agree 100%.

>WW that high
>LA that low
>Original and AoL that low
>DS games not in low
Also I doubt you played Tingle.

I agree with what you would agree with.

>All four of the GBA games
>Not Super Kami Guru Tier

go fuck yourself OP.

Post the template homie so I can make one

MM should be mid-low tier, ALBW should be in god tier, WW should be low tier, HW shouldn't be on there at all since it isn't technically a Zelda game, TP and SS should be high tier, All GB/GBC games should be low tier, Minish Cap and Four Swords games should be High tier.



Swap HWL with Twilight Princess, move Skyward Sword down to shit tier.

Tri Firce Heroes was way more fun than any of the DS games

Twilight Princess deserves to be knocked down a notch too.

Switch WW and TP, then swap Zelda 2 and SS.

>having taste this terrible

I agree with OP's list

Also wtf
>there are people that played every Zelda game imaginable

I've never heard of some of those titles

all the GBC games and Minish Cap should be at least one level higher from wherever Skyward Sword and the DS games are I can tell you that much

id probably swap hyrule warriors and twilight princess, other than that nice to see someone else that knows that majoras mask is way better than ocarina

There are plenty of people who liked MM more than OOT.

Bring BOTW down two tiers

Why? BoTW to me was a Breath of Fresh Air.

Cause it's not as good?

>LBW and TP that high
Drop them both a tier. Drop PT a tier as well and raise 4Swords DSi, since it was free, had wifi connectivity and was fun as fuck unless you were a friendless scrublord.

>Ocarina not god-tier

Fucking dropped!

>Ranking the 3DS remakes
>Not including them with the originals
Even Pokeshitters don't do this retarded stuff.

MM3D was fucking terrible compared to the original, unlike OOT 3D which was faithful to the original creation.



Change tingle to mid tier and the list is correct.

>God Tier
The Legend of Zelda
A Link to the Past
Ocarina of Time

>High Tier
Majora's Mask
Breath of the Wild
Link's Awakening
A Link Between Worlds

>Mid Tier
Zelda II
Wind Waker
Twilight Princess
Oracle of Ages and Seasons

>Low Tier
Phantom Hourglass
Spirit Tracks

>Shit Tier
Skyward Sword
Triforce Heroes

Has to be underage. Ranks the 3DS remake but not the N64 version (with the REAL water temple).

If you were around for the release of that game, nothing will ever top it. It did things people didn't even think were possible. A lot of stuff in that game never existed before it but became the standard after it.

It's literally THE god tier vidya. Not sure if it will ever be surpassed and that's not just nostalgia. Nothing has changed the landscape of gaming immediately upon release like that game did.

this is fine

This is the correct tiers.

>Original Zelda game is low tier

>skyward sword being superior to anything except CD-I
>DS games and HW being superior to NES games
>Link's Awakening not at least on High

There are some seriously questionable placements there, user, BUT

I've been playing BotW since release and so far it's only been solidifying itself among the greatest, so we agree on that point.

And a year or so ago I would've agreed with you on MM, but replaying it on 3DS made me lose a LITTLE BIT of my love for it, simply because it's so criminally short. In hindsight I simply have to recognize that OOT is the better game, as much as I love Termina and everything about it.
Maybe I feel this way because I've played Majora's so many times, but still. It deserved more development time alongside Wind Waker.

>The Legend of Zelda
>God tier

>Link's Crossbow Training that low
Irrefutable proof of the bias aganist the Wii and everything associated with it. That game is the better light gun style shooter in fucking years.

>adventure of link that low
>Oracle games that low
>botw that high
>phantom hourglass that high

>people putting games with objectively less content, and worse visuals, audio, and mechanically simplier gameplay over others just because they are older or "classics"

Except it's not the same year it was when it came out.

Saying that it only matters how good it was when it came out is like saying a club is better then a gun becuase it was "revolutionary" back in the day when we just punched each other before we invented weapons

That's because nobody HAS played it. It's flown completely under the radar and most people just think of the mediocre DSIware 4swords and assume FSA is just as bad.

a.k.a The older games are better because muh nostalgia

BotW is mid-tier at best. It doesn't even stand in the shadow of stuff like MM or LttP.

Fine with everything other than the BOTW complaint. Absolute "Zelda cycle" complaint on your part.

Oracle games kicked ass though, and should be in "high" (At least Ages).

>Hyrule Warriors is high tier
>Adventures of Link and the Legend of Zelda are low tier

Kill yourself.

>putting crossbow training in the same category as tingle.

Look, seriously? LCBT is a fucking joke.
But you have GOT to put that tingle game a whole grade lower.

This guy gets it

Look Im just glad that the Oracle games are even on there, so many people don't even remember them..

I would argue for them to be the bridge/gatekeepers to high tier, especially if they are considered one experience due to how you could link them.

>Zelda 1 below Oracle and phantom hourglass spirit tracks

Other than that pretty fantastic

Put all remakes in shit tier, SS/lbw/hyrulewarriors in lowtier, the nes/gb games in high tier.

Spot the Nostalgia fag

I think putting the newest game in a series in a god ranking is hasty.
Besides, the Zelda cycle would imply I dislike Skyward Sword and love Twilight Princess. Which I'd rather play Balloon Fighter than Twilight Princess again.