I played Resident Evil 7 using a trainer with god mode and unlimited ammo activated from the beginning because I was too scared to play it without cheats.

I also stopped at the part where you play as the girl (think it was on a boat) and watched the endings on youtube.

Now you.

Other urls found in this thread:

I never played Crash Bandicoot as a kid because I thought he looked ugly as fuck and I completely hated him.
I still do think he's ugly as fuck and still hate him.

I can't play horror games.

Shadow the hedgehog is my favorite video game character

I really liked his game and the edge doesn't bug me in the least

I think the Genesis games are garbage

Sunshine and 64 > Galaxy and 3D shit

I hated Red Dead Redemption

I liked Super Monkey Ball Adventure even though it was a buggy piece of shit

When I was younger and my dad was using the computer, I'd fap to the GTAIV strippers.

>stopped at the part where you play as the girl (think it was on a boat)

That's pretty much where it went to shit anyways.

I hate Majora's Mask
I've tried to play Banjo Kazooie countless times and I never get into it, don't understand the hype
Never played Crash Bandicoot
Secret of Mana isn't better than other Square RPGs just because you play in real time.

i bought those fumco figures coz internet was so mad about them

got myself halo wars, battleborn and le tour de france bicycling game and instead of gaming i just shitpost online and listen to music

i deleted steam from my pc this week


Played Xcom 2 with mods to extent doomsday timer and eliminate timed missions.

I have spent over $4000 USD on cosmetics for a game that is Free to Play.

I genuinely enjoyed Gone Home. I'm finding out that I'm a sucker for story-centric games like that and Firewatch, so... I guess it's a good thing someone gave it to me for free as a joke?

I never finished a single Zelda game, the closest I've gotten is TP.

I honestly like seeing LGBT characters in video games. It makes me feel nice.

i like watching those videos on youtube where they attempt to make a console killer pc with barely enough specs to match console settings
also any video where its a budget pc fight like scrapyard wars
or greenhamgaming because of his obsession with low specs
any video where the creator of video is like "29fps, we made it guys"
i guess its just nostalgia of being a teen and playing 360 games with vaseline graphics and having an amd $500 toshiba for a gaming laptop
i still care about those budget builds even though i have an i7 and a 1070, althought i do game at 120hz so it limits the graphics i can push in that sense

I enjoyed borderlands 2

I bitch about microtransactions but have spent $40 on Overwatch boxes. I don't even really play the game any more.


I spent just over $1000 on D3's RMAH because I got onto the hype train and legitimately thought I would be playing that game for the rest of my life.

No one is as pathetic as me.

Depending on the game and your annual income, that sounds patrician as fuck.

I cheated in CS:GO for about 20 games in Silver/GN. This was interesting experience and gave me more insight on cheaters and how game works. My individual skill improved after this little experiment, but I feel ashamed nonetheless. I am sorry.

I make female characters in Saints Row 2's character creator, take screenshots at various different weights, and fap to them.

I am a Halo/CoD kiddie grown up, the perfect stereotype of an Xbox shitter. I mostly play multiplat FPS games and Halo on my Xbone, the same shit I was doing when the original Xbox was around. Once a month I'll play something single player.

I liked Anthony Burch back in the day when I wasn't so redpilled about feminism and managed to play a few games of payday and doto with him and Ashley, cuckoldry aside I think they're ok, especially Ash

Majora's Mask was one of the most boring games i ever played.

WindWaker had many problems but i enjoyed it far more than MM.

I downloaded a public aimbot after standalone pirate multiplayer for MW2 was released, managed to play for a good week before I was banned, good shit. I'm still VAC b&, it's been ~2500 days

Sometimes I post in threads about games I never played just so I can be in the discussion and get (you)s

I used to follow Retsupurae almost religiously, and used to agree to what they said. The MN9 fiasco opened my eyes to them.

I like the Western Silent Hill games that I've played (Downpour, Origins and Shattered Memories) more than the original trilogy (haven't played 4). Meanwhile I've beaten all the Western ones that I've tried. I can't even finish any of the original trilogy and I've started them multiple times but get bored very quickly. They just aren't fun or scary.

I have also never finished a Zelda game. Then again, I grew up with a PlayStation and mostly played Final Fantasy 9.

I enjoyed Final Fantasy 9 way more than I did Final Fantasy 7.

If I play a game a second time, I often cheat, especially in RPGs.
All the ability scores of my second PoE character were around 16-17.
In New Vegas, I just cheat myself the crafting materials when I need them.
In Planescape: Torment, I set all my mental attributes to 17 at the start of the game.

>I enjoyed Final Fantasy 9 way more than I did Final Fantasy 7.

I don't think anyone will be so mad at that. I also enjoyed it way more.

for u

Unusual hats am I right?

I hated borderlands Pre-sequel because of the Australian overload. I cannot deal with space Australia. I hate Australians so damn much

I don't care how good Nintendo can get, I still think they're a shit company that openly ignores franchises and I want them to die just so these franchises can get a chance.

>not absent-mindedly hoarding enough items in NV
>not crafting items in bulk after accumulating 200+ pounds of literal garbage
You're doing it wrong, kiddo

You have low iq.


I've never played a zelda game and the only nintendo system I owned was the SNES and I thought it sucked

I haven't played any of the classic PS1/2 games except Sly.

I've never played any GTA game. My parents banned them when I was a kid and now that I've been on my own for a few years I just don't see a point in playing them. I'm considering getting one this weekend - which one's good for a newcomer to the series? Preferably on steam.

I always post in threads of games I haven't played and discuss them solely with the information the haters of the game Sup Forums have said

Any of the PS2 era games are worth picking up. IV is good too if you like a more serious story.

Never finished majora's mask despite being fascinated with the concept and imagery. I wish it Wasn't a game aimed at kids because the gameplay is Fucking boring (goes for all Zelda games.)

I can't get into any non-vidya hobbies seriously

Since i started browsing Sup Forums I'm too jaded to have lots of fun playing games

I can't remember the last game other than maybe the souls games I actually enjoyed all the way through

I spend most of my time just playing norms on league because nothing else sounds appealing

I'm not even good

I actually bought separate steam account with CS:GO for 15$ and iNIURIA Full for additional 15$

Oh, forgot to add, it never got banned.

Dispite [spoilers]call of duty turning into the shit it is today[/spoiler] I still find it one of the most fun arena shooter around

I hate Melee because its way too fucking fast for me


>fucking up spoiler tag
yeah no doubt about that


clash royale is overrated anyway

I use literally every NPC summon in the Souls games

I was so pissed when I realised MGS5 was released unfinished that I took a day off just to get drunk and eat pizza all day long.

It still hurts.

>arena shooter

I enjoy Destiny

I haven't beaten over half the games I own, and I own a fuckton of games.
Also the only game I've ever gotten 100% completion on is the first spyro the dragon on the ps1.

I never had an N64 and tell all my friends I did and loved Banjo 1&2 because I know they would force me to play it if I haven't. And I'm not about to play a colectathon.

I used Sloth on almost every boss during my first Nioh playthrough.

I enjoy handheld games more than console and pc because it relaxes me. Which means I bought a Switch.

I honestly don't enjoy many western games. There's usually a couple each year that catch my interest.

Hello m00t

They're all pretty standalone so you don't need to have played any others.

If you want sillier story and lots of map variety and don't mind PS2 era grafics, get San Andreas. If you want a more serious story and better graphics but less map variety, get IV.
If you want something in between for the story, better graphics and lots of map variety, get V. V also has the most lively online but the series isn't really loved for it's multiplayer for the most part.

League or TF2?

I kept a save file for the express purpose of fapping to this scene.

How do you like Switch so far? How's the battery life in handheld mode?

I'd rather play Skyrim over Morrowind. A game can be the most immersive experience ever, but if it plays and feels like dogshit, I just can't do it
I liked Borderlands 2
I liked Diablo 3
I liked Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate
The above three are my first games in their respective series
I want to see that new MH movie that's being made by the guys who did the RE movies
I like fighting games but I can barely play them. It just feels like button mashing.
I used to be a regular on /utg/ even though I have never played Undertale. I just liked the silly comics and the cute fanart.

Dark souls 1>Bloodborne=Demon Souls>Dark souls 2>Dark souls 3

Disgaea> Fire Emblem


I never could get into the Souls series
so I used a trainer for infinite health and I finished 1 and 2.
I still liked it, the atmosphere was excellent and I was totally absorbed by it. Could never do it without a trainer, since I don't have much free time.

I seriously dislike the Souls series. I tried Demon's Souls way back when it was the only one out and just couldn't get into it. I can't stand such slow, "methodical" combat, I only like 3rd person combat if it's fast. I also really disliked how the game didn't have any sort of proper mage/wizard classes, just some classes where you had a few spells but were still expected to do half the work in melee combat, at least in the earlier parts of the game (since I didn't play beyond a few hours).

I'm actually kind of pissed that I can't enjoy the combat style in DeS/DaS/BB, because the settings and lore of each game seems quite fascinating and I'd very likely enjoy it.

I buy pretty much everything on release but never play more than 2 hours of each game. Many are still in their plastic wrap, stuff like Yakuza 0 and Gravity Rush 2. It's not a primary console for me or anything, but out of all the games I own for PS4 I've only beaten one (Infamous Second Son).

holy shit user i thought i was the only one

i have several games unopened on my shelf i just never got around to or just play a few hours and lose interest despite how much i enjoy them

I've gotten about halfway through every notable JRPG ever released, including the old Phantasy Stars and obscure 16 bit stuff. I class it as one of my favorite genres but I've only ever finished two (FFVII/FFIX).

>gf of two and a half years broke up with me two days before I started playing TPP
>TPP still made me more upset

I bought a switch for zelda alone
I also bought a ps4 for Yakuza 0 alone

KH fan here, your list is objectively correct

95% of weeb games are fucking garbage and those that are not try their best to be western games

I 100% most Ubioft-style sandbox games. I'm fully aware that they're exploiting my on a psychological level and I don't care.

95% of everything is fucking garbage and the constant shitflinging about east vs west game devs on Sup Forums is the cringiest shit imaginable.

>those that are not try their best to be western games
Give me an example.

>I honestly like seeing LGBT characters in video games. It makes me feel nice.

"Weeb game" is a meaningless term and what people mean by it varies massively and is arbitrary.

Is Valkyria Chronicles weeb? Is Disgaea? Or does it only refer to "bottom of the barrel" stuff like Neptunia? Or if it's just anything Japanese, then that includes FF XV?

Stop using the term and articulate your point properly. This applies to so many things here. Stop throwing words around when criticising things that have such loose meanings because it means -nothing-.

Play Obduction and Myst.

Yeah, you and the rest of Sup Forums these days.

I paid some scalper $450 for a Switch. In the picture he provided on Letgo it looked like a copy of Zelda was included. Turns out it was just the poster. I was too much of a beta to get out of the deal in fear that he was going to stab me or some shit, so I handed over the extra $150 and still went to GameStop to purchase Zelda.

Though I regret my actions, me and my buddies came up with a drinking game for Fast RMX and we've been having a blast

Exact same thing happened to me.

>"At least MGSV will make me feel better"

>Sunshine and 64 > Galaxy and 3D shit
>I hated Red Dead Redemption
objectively great opinions

I've cheated in quite a few video games because I know others do the same (or worse).

Never aimbot, but I do use some things to make the game easier and less repetitive.

You should leave this site. It doesn't sound like its good for you.

I cheat in single player games because I'm usually tired and annoyed. I also spent 100$ on Grand Order and lost my account which made me more depressed. I also bought a Wii U but that was during Black Friday 2015 so I thought it's worth it.

Hopes and Dreams is my favorite piece of video game music of all time.

I haven't particularly cared for Nintendo since Metroid Prime.

I was a Nintendo kid back on the SNES, but as I get older I think Sega was the more interesting company.

I like my XBone.

The battery life seems fine to me but I always play at half brightness. I really enjoy the concept of the console but I'm afraid to put it in the dock because of the scratch complaints.


Disgaea> Fire Emblem

Actually, that's 100% correct.

>For years I've been saying Peace Walker is the best MGS
>Beat MGS1 when I was 16
>Only touched GZ /TPP for about 20 hours
>Just beat 3 last night
>Played maybe 10 minutes of PW before passing out

I get excited at the idea of low poly 3D games making a resurgence.

I've had New Leaf for 3 years and have been putting off playing it.
I still want to play it.

Jesus Christ.

Just give it back and wall back to your car without a word.
There's nothing more you need to say or do with a scraper, they're pond scum.

I try sometimes, like recently with the increase of console wars shitposting from switch, new dawn, and neir, but I always end up coming back because i can't find any better alternatives.

Everywhere else moves too slow, doesn't have any interesting content, or is full of even bigger spergs than this place.

The Last of Us is my favorite game followed by Half-Life 2 and Ocarina of Time.
I've played through Human Revolution five or six times but have no intention of even touching the original.
I love Ocarina of Time and Majora’s Mask, but can’t stand any other game in the Zelda series. Twilight Princess is alright, though.
I played through DMC1 once and disliked it despite playing through 3 and 4 countless times.
I'm a PCc u c k but would happily pay for the hundred dollar version of Injustice.
I bought LMAOBox about a month before the big ban because I thought doing exceptionally well would help me get online friends. I have about 3.3k hours in the game overall.
I pretty much exclusively play Mercy/Lucio and mute team/voice chat in Overwatch because it's the only role I'm good at and getting berated by my teammates when I fuck up damages my ego. I managed to make it to Master rank, so I guess I'm doing something right.
The only RE games I've played are 4 and 7. Tank controls are pure shit but at least in 4 you could juke enemies
I used cheat engine to get bunch of achievements in Metal Gear Rising to make my friends think I was really good at the game..
I played through FEAR 2 twice but gave on the first one after 2 hours.
The only fighting games I play are Injustice and Marvel Capcom games because I like the characters even though I'm shit at fighting and can't play online because my anxiety goes through the roof.
Never played a Final Fantasy, Witcher, Hitman, Tomb Raider, Crash, Spyro, or Diablo game. I'm sure there's a ton more I can't think of at the moment.
I watch Oney Plays and Super Mega. Also sometimes GG, but only for Danny, Brian, and Barry.
I write shipping fanfiction
I’m really looking forward to the new Power Rangers movie.
I unironically think Whiplash is the worst movie ever made.

I did the same for RE7 because I'm shit at horror games and can't play them without the lights on.

low poly games are my addiction. i dont get why but i cant get enough.

I went from being a genwunner to genthurder. Now I shitpost in Pokemon threads, saying things like "gen 5, 6 and 7 are trash" having never played the games.