>The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild is so good it actually made me tear up, and I'm not an emotional kind of guy
What did he mean by this?
The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild is so good it actually made me tear up, and I'm not an emotional kind of guy
Other urls found in this thread:
that he is a manchild
>Breath of the Wild/Skyrim/[New game that was hyped up by Neogaf crowd] is amazing, there's just so much to do everywhere, I can't wait to talk about how excellent it is and strong arm it into the GOTY spot while pretending it has no flaws whatsoever, so that I can then proceed to never think about it again when a new shinier toy comes out
What did Brad Shoemaker mean by this?
Fire Dan already. And Alex too, while you're at it.
He's actually retarded and not in the meme way and has awful taste in games
>it actually made me tear up, and I'm not an emotional kind of guy
Faggots always use this line. Same shit Alex said about Firewatch.
Durr Durr Im getting married in a taco bell!
This, holy fuck, I can handle Dan the ninten year old but Brad has no excuse.
Plus, they are probably going to hire a bunch of 20 year old Minecraft kids who love the new Zelda, so it's a lock for goty now.
It means he is probably a mental midget
What a bunch of no-fun-allowed pussies
>I looked around and went exploring and I didn't find anything on my way other than useless encounters that served to waste my time
yall realize that bitch is more fat than brad right? looks like a tumblr queen, esp when she's sitting next to a man in a fucking wig pretending to be a woman
He teared up after seeing all the money Nintendo gave him
Id still fuck her milk filled mommy tits into oblivion.
When is Jeff going to snap and kill Dan?
pls link to video
the giantbomb community is the very definition of a hugbox, every time someone on the comments criticize one of them it will be swiftly met with a very passive aggresive faggy comment and then it will be dogpilled
How is it not already the goty though? It's pretty clear it's easily the best game that releases this year.
Definitely, user. Nintendo should just close up shop, it's all downhill from here.
dan is a fucking manchild
>go to Sup Forums - Video Games, an image board for Video Games
>every thread is about what some retard on the internet said
Don't be so hard on your posts user
>we donated money to meme
how fucking gullible are you retards
Do not trust the Ryckert.
>Donating to help sick kids while trolling faggots
It means he's the only one of GB left that experiences emotions at all.
the motherfucker also has never eaten a radish so his bar for personal discovery is pretty fucking low
>he tried cooking eggshells in a pan because he thought thats the egg whites, so after the shells didnt get soft he called his mom and asked for advice
what did he mean by this?
haha, i was in that thread
Dudes asmitted to crying while watching Raw on a regular basis.