Why don't games ever have good spritework anymore?

Why don't games ever have good spritework anymore?

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Spritework requires effort and we all know indie des are lazy faggots

I don't like Futo that much, but holy shit, those legs.

Don't lewd little Futo's legs.

>Why don't games ever have good spritework anymore?
Good sprite work is a lot of work.

The newest momodora game had great spritework imo

Doesn't this sprite artist also do porn sprites?

Futo is not for sexual.

You can't tell me what to do.

Why don't non-indie devs do it then?

>Gettings turned on
>By fucking Futo
You faggots have no standards

>Good sprite work
Can't say the same about the animations


post moar



I said. Not for sexual.


I wish I could hate this person to death. This is why we can't have good sprite games anymore.

>I don't like Futo that much
Please redeem yourself and at least tell me you like the booby ghost then.

Basically wishing for a future where technology would fill the gaps of high production cost and high artistical/technical skill was a cruel monkey paw wish and instead companies realized they could just use it to cut costs and produce more mediocre quality shit with the same resources instead.
It's not different from what happened to the animation industry, even more so in the west than in Japan.

We now have more variety and quantity, but it doesn't necessarily means we get better art and more well designed stuff.
People complain about pixelart, but I find procedural generation to be a far bigger offender.

Post the alt palette one where she's wearing thigh-highs.


Why not?

Lo! Thou mistaken art!


If Futo is for sexual, how comes it she has no good doujins?

I said NOT.

Good lord, the thread went 100% kuso with

Is the Prince for sexual?

Nice soles.
Would eat off of.

>You faggots have no standards
What's wrong by getting turned on by some healthy thighs user?



>le thicc meme


soku thread when?

>He thinks it's a meme

this is now a mamizou thread

>Not posting the teasing one
>You are a virgin, aren't you?

Just for you

>simple 2D sprites
>Comparing mediocre shit like Uncharted and AC to the art direction of DC
>Comparing DC to McDonalds
>Actually thinks 3D is always more expensive to produce than 2D
I don't even know what to say. What site is that?

Would you hate fuck her?


>OP posts Futo saying she has good spritework
>Automatically becomes Futo thread, with 20 unique posters all joining in


/jp/ OUT

This person should be flayed to be honest familia

>Hm? What's wrong? What...? You want to see my boobs..?
>What the? Don't make that face. Yeesh...So be it then...
>Here you go. You can look at them as much as you like.

It's an old Polygon article, iirc

3D being more expensive/harder to produce than 2D is a meme from normies who don't know better. 3D is much cheaper and easier to produce than high-quality sprites.

Oh, makes sense now. I couldn't believe my eyes when I watched the Doom video, so that display of ignorance is expected.

let me guess
this was written by a woman

Teasing pics like this is not good for my heart.

Don't stick your dick into light sockets, user.

only if she looks me in the eye with a smug expression the entire time

French Bread is keeping it up though



I didn't say anything about penis you know.

I can't get enough of this guy's style.

>Be devoted wife of emperor from ages past
>One of many wives, mind you, but still very devoted
>You end up being the one he chooses to follow him into eternal life
>He comes out as a girl instead
>But he still wants to sexually abuse you whenever he gets the chance

being tojiko is suffering

Eyebrows though

What about... eyebrows?

That's part of the appeal.

this game looks nice but the gameplay is absolute trash
I will never understand why the stupid weebs here defend it to the death

Abuse the electric ghost.

Dragon's Crown is legitimately one of the best beat em ups in a decade and has the best gameplay of any Vanillaware game to date.

I'm sorry you have bad taste.

Stop this
My prostate can't take it anymore.

>Dragon's Crown is legitimately one of the best beat em ups in a decade

Not that hard, considering the number of beat em ups that was released last decade.

It should be commended for keeping the genre alive.

Lots of indie devs are getting into Unity and Unreal Engine, both of which are terrible for importing spriteart assets. Even if you're able to find a way to keep the graphics from looking distorted, there's the matter of framing those graphics in the correct resolution. It's the kind of weird, huge hassle that can easily be avoided with an editor like Game Maker, but a lot of consoles just aren't compatible with builds made in GM.

TL;DR it's just easier to use hand/digital-drawn assets.

There were few other notable releases, too. Scott Pilgrim, Double Dragon NEO, Turtles in Time Re-Shelled, the new River City Ransom games recently.

DC stands head and shoulders above them all.

Feel free to name them.


Fantasizing to Tojiko's lightning rod, and plasma globes, clearly.



>I don't like Futo that much

I never thought that pixelated legs could look so good. Anyone know the name of the spriter? I need to know for research purposes and stuff

Migel Futoshi.

Reimu's legs in that game are even more sexual.

>thread devolves into Touhou porn and shitposting
>it's not even pixel porn
Why is this allowed

This is how she moves when she's being fucked against the wall

Post proof

3d model base painted over. That's cheating.

That's one big, fluffy tail.

Gee, OP, it's not like we've discussed this before or anything.

>Girl with best legs in the series doesn't have legs

Fuck off ZUN.

Is it though? That's how KoF XIII's sprites were made and they said it took like six months each to produce sprites for individual characters.

What does Sup Forums think of this?


Do you make pixel art user? If you don't then how can someone autistic as yourself can claim that it's cheating?

Thanks, user. Didn't realize it but I already had a bunch of his work saved

>go to pixel art thread on /h/ or /gif/
>see obvious rotoscoped sprites

Sprite work is better than most games but I think the game is kinda boring.

Okay but why are you sexualizing the Miku

What's so sexual about navel licking?

Is this a pixel art sprite only thread?

Great spritework as always from that artist. Paul D or somesuch.

Game itself is repetitive as shit with garbage level design.

You know he's not wrong if there was a game that was $50 and had the best pixel art you've had ever seen, Sup Forums would have gone full jew mode and went "oh good goi I'll wait for a price drop"

Prove me wrong pro tip:
You can't

Skull Girls have such gigantic and chunky looking sprites. Too bad i suck at fighting games.

Yes, because these nostalgiafags can't appreciate good animation or characters unless they're in muh precious pixelz.