Wtf I hate the Thing now

wtf I hate the Thing now

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Even the masters ain't perfect. Everyone has a little bit of the old shit taste.

what the hell why is everyone shilling Horizon? From what Ive seen its one of these generic AAA semi open world TPS games with lame story. Am I wrong?

SONY has a huge grasp on Hollywood influences. They do of course publish a lot of films.
The Japanese are doing what they're best at: being sneaky and using diplomacy to win favors.

It has the Sony hype machine behind it, so of course everybody is riding its dick as hard as they. These are people who generally don't play open-world games, so they haven't gotten bored of the tower climbing and crafting that is usually contained in genre.
All the big cinematic Sony games strike a different gameplay niche. The new God of War will get similar reaction, if Sony has any sense, and told Santa Monica to do a different kind of open world, so people won't feel that releases are getting formulaic.

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Already had this thread today.

Why tweet something that's such transparent shilling? Are we to believe that this 70 year old man plays video games?

Carpenter sucks now, hes gotten old & comfortable, like They Live is obviously about Jews, he was pissed at the meddling kike producers back when he was young & angry, now he claims it's about yuppies

Why wouldn't there be?
Especially a man who self claims to love all forms of media?

Fucking hell Sup Forums you guys are STILL seething that you were wrong about Horizon

Can't you just admit you were wrong, hold that L you earned and just move on? Because this whole “everybody else is wrong and we're right” mentality is making you all look stupid

i still ain't waisting 60 gigs on a meh game.

best game ive played since mass effect 2. only 30% complete and i've been playing all week

He just seems like an old man that loves every AAA video game

Is is really so unthinkable that journos would lose their shit over a game that doesn't deserve all the praise?

From the experience I've had with it.
It's story isn't bad the but dislike the main character.

Game looks really pretty, nice rain and weather effects. I haven't seen any glitches yet.

Gameplay is pretty shit. Terrible AI, terrible stealth mechanic. Generic and mediocre at best as best, immersion breaking at worst.

It's basically just another (insert generic AAA title here), not bad just bland.

>Not bad, just bland
>Gameplay is pretty shit
I mean, graphics are graphics. They don't do anything but add to immersion. But any game's gameplay being even "sorta" shit should not be overlooked.

It's 43gb


His soundtrack for Sentinel Returns was breddy gud

It's like assassin's creed. Press X to stealth kill, stealth mechanics that you can use to 'outwit' comically inept AI.

It's like chewing soggy paper, not painful or disgusting but no flavour.
But you're right I suppose, I've just come not to expect much from AAA titles.

Based as fuck.

Love his movies and this just adds to my respect. Regardless of what he claims "They Live" might be about now. He may just be covering himself because of SJ Insanity.

>tfw Zelda is not that good as the media makes us to believe
>tfw Horizon was the good guy all along

>I mean, graphics are graphics. They don't do anything but add to immersion. But any game's gameplay being even "sorta" shit should not be overlooked.

I wish more people thought like this, but sadly there are a lot of mongs who want to see video games turned into non-interactive movies.

Those people should just watch movies and stop polluting our side of the pond.

>epic vision of the future

is this, dare I say, the future that liberals want

You Americans really can't go 5 mins without bringing up politics huh?

No you insipid fuck.

>Movie directors like Sony games

really makes you think


is this a They Live situation ? You can only see the real message if you got the Glasses ™ on ?


Just because you don't like a game doesn't mean you have to go on some illuminati conspiracy investigation on why other people do and how it somehow ruins your day

There are plenty of games that I've played through the years that I didn't like that most other people did, but I didn't bitch about it. I just played something else

Long story short, just let everyone have their fun and stop being a bitter cunt

Does John Carpenter into vidya?
If so, how come no Ayy Lmao: Isolation style The Thing vidya?

He's pretty much retired nowadays.

He probably doesn't have the money to fund one and he probably doesn't own the copyright.

He seems to like playing videogames and making albums that aren't movie soundtracks these days.

yes he is, and he got pretty shit taste, he liked far cry primeval or what the fuck that caveman 60 dollar dlc was. His old movies are great though.

I honestly think that graphics don't really matter as long as it's ps2 level.

As long as you can clearly make out what it's supposed to be the graphics are good, making them pretty is just a bonus.

>tfw unironically enjoying HZD

Do I have shit taste? I mean, it's no masterpiece, but it's certainly entertaining.

That's you, my man. If everyone was okay with PS2 graphics imagine the fucking capabilities games would have now in terms of technicality and variations in gameplay?

But unfortunately the more realistic truth would be graphics stay shit and gameplay doesn't evolve because graphics are the selling point competition anyway.

You never really hear about X game that allows me to do 100 things over Y game that has 100 grafics.

literally unironically SONY paid review

give the man a break. he's just a casual.

>Do I have shit taste for enjoying a video game that seems to be very well liked amongst most people?

I think you spend way too much time on Sup Forums friend. Just play your vidya and don't worry about what a bunch of anonymous people on the internet you'll never meet think

He's actually into vidya.

>shilling is a conspiracy
>it's now a contrarian position to be a non-contrarian
newfags need to go and stay go

SJWs. The game's plot is literally about how white men killed the world, then a bunch of multicultural scientists almost saved it, but were stopped by an evil white man. Due to that and the stronk independent female protagonist, you get a lot of SJW brownie points for praising it.

Carpenter isn't SJW as far as I know, but he tends to like typical AAA experiences as far as I can tell. He probably just liked the game because he hasn't played the dozens of other games it apes.

Why are you guys so mad? He loves playing video games. Just because he tweeted out liking a game it's automatically paid shilling? I don't get this place anymore.

Well I'm pretty sure if he said BotW you guys would have been over the moon right now.

Wrong, Breath of the Wild is also shit

>animefag doesn't know anything about John Carpenter
Not surprised.

>He probably just liked the game because he hasn't played the dozens of other games it apes.

That's the unfortunate part of casuals, is that their interface-point to video games (or any other potentially deep experience, doesn't matter) is the most commercialized, marketed, astroturfed shit that has probably ripped off more creative people.

On one hand he's a 70 year old man, so bless him, but on the other hand he's retired and probably has as much time as an average retarded Sup Forums NEET. The good thing about casuals is that they clearly have an interest and all it takes is a maven to steer them in the right direction. Marketing in contrast doesn't steer people toward quality, it steers them toward whoever has the biggest pile of money at the time.

John Carpenter has always had shit taste in vidya. His favourite game is Dead Space IIRC.

>Regardless of what he claims "They Live" might be about now.
Carpenter was always lefty as fuck so I don't understand where this "the aliens are jews" thing comes from.

Dead space isn't that bad.

>Dead Space

If you can actually prove he's shilling I'm all open. Until then it just seems like you're triggered over him liking a game you don't like

They Live is and always was about Reaganist consumerism. Sup Forums's DE JEWZ is as obnoxious as tumblr's MUH PATRIARCHY now.

>hating Dead Space

fuck you

dead space has style the gameplay is nothing special.

he is clearly looking at the games from the perspective of a movie director

>tfw this causes him to fund a GTA style RPG game set in manhattan during Escape from New York
>he does the soundtrack

Why should I care? He hasn't produced anything worthwhile in 2 decades and his collaboration with FEAR 3 team only makes my opinion of his current tastes even more questionable.

Do you think being like this makes you seem mature? People shill their shit here all the time. People shill it on Youtube. Shill it on game journo sites. The game being good doesn't change that fact even though it's complete garbage

Guess why we haven't had any decent horror movies in decades. John Carpenter has been entirely distracted by Vidya, and that's no joke either.

Sounds like you just described Zelda.

I don't blame him for not wanting to return. At his age it's too stressful to put up with producers and actors.

>so I don't understand where this "the aliens are jews" thing comes from.

It lines up too closely to reality. I don't want to spend too much time on it nor do I want to draw the attention of mouthbreathing Sup Forumstards, so here's the crash course

1. Christianity spread to Europe
2. Christianity banned usury, which is the act of lending money and charging interest on it
3. European businesses and governments still needed giant heaps of money, so Jews moved in to fill the void
4. Jews could do interest-based banking and moneylending in places Christians couldn't, which got them very rich
5. This also drew ire toward them because of the natural boom-bust cycle of capitalism. And also, naturally, some Jews were actually cheapskate thieves (ex. USA's Wall Street in 2008)
6. The bubonic plague also drew ire toward Jews because they were so insular that they didn't proportionally suffer as much due to it, which spread the superstition that Jews were plaguebearers
7. Jews still maintained a distinct culture from their "host" countries, speaking a different language, worshiping a different religion, holding different values
7. Imagine endless Occupy Wall Streets, but instead of smelly hippies pooping on Goldman Sachs' lawns, you had lynchings, pogroms, and more extreme measures
8. Despite all this, Jews like the Rothschilds gained a lot of power and influence, taking their money with them as they were expelled from country to country, from Austria to the UK to the USA, etc. At every point, Jews invested their money into the finance and entertainment industries, no matter which country, which era.

Simply put, They Live is way too close to reality to be comfortable. A parallel society of rich individuals who exploit others by blending in where necessary and standing out (to each other) to cooperate. It's identity politics+.

Funny, I would imagine John Carpenter not liking where the industry is going considering They Live. He probably just plays them on a very casual level and doesn't read too much into the politics. In any case his OSTs are GOAT

fug, dubs 7 because I can't fucking number a list

>He hasn't produced anything worthwhile in 2 decades
Have you heard his two Lost Themes albums? They're fucking great.

I would agree the gameplay is nothing new, but I would argue that it is the best horror action shooter ever made, including Resident Evil 4. On top of that the aesthetics are 10/10.

>The game being good doesn't change that fact even though it's complete garbage

Only on Sup Forums would somebody actually say something this fucking stupid. I'm done with (You)

Fuck off you retard. It's not my fault you have no reading comprehension. I didn't say the game was good, I said even if it was it wouldn't change the fact that there are shills on Sup Forums. Now don't come back

The dude has good tastes. Honestly, the game is fun and it's very impressive on a technical level